Managing Incidents and Health Data as Administrators Using Fluid

This topic lists the pages that Health and Safety administrators can access from a single location on the Workforce Administrator home page to manage incidents and incident-related information, such as injuries, claims, people connected to incidents, and exam results.

Component or Page Name

Definition Name


Incident and Health Data Tile


Access a collection of administrative components for incident management.

Incident Details (component)

HS_INCIDENT (definition name of the first component page)

Enter health and safety incident details.

See Entering Health and Safety Incident Details.

Vehicles/Equipment Involved Page


Enter the specifics of incidents involving vehicle or equipment accidents.

Injury Details (component)

HS_INJ_NOTIFY (definition name of the first component page)

Enter injury details.

See Entering Injury Details.

Open Claim (component)

HS_CLAIM_MGMT1 (definition name of the first component page)

Enter and manage claims.

See Managing Claims.

Create Employee Rehab Plan (component)

HS_INJ_REHAB1 (definition name of the first component page)

Track rehabilitation plans for employees.

See Tracking Rehabilitation Plans.

Create Non-Employee Rehab Plan (component)

HS_INJ_REHAB1 (definition name of the first component page)

Track rehabilitation plans for non-employees.

See Tracking Rehabilitation Plans.

Corrective/Preventive Actions (component)

HS_INC_ACTION_CRCT (definition name of the first component page)

Enter corrective and preventive actions.

See Tracking Consequent Actions of Incidents.

Review Employee Injury Summary Page


View a summary of all the injuries that an employee has experienced and related incident data.

Incident Details BRA (component)

HS_INCIDENT (definition name of the first component page)

Enter health and safety incident details.

See Entering Health and Safety Incident Details.

Injury Details BRA (component)

HS_INJ_NOTIFY (definition name of the first component page)

See Entering Injury Details.

Review Injury Summary BRA Page


View a summary of all the injuries that an employee has experienced and related incident data for Brazil.

See Tracking Incident, Injury, and Illness Data by Individual.

Vehicles/Equipment Involv MEX Page


Enter the specifics of incidents involving vehicles or equipment.

Additional Employee Details Page


Enter extra address information for employees who are involved in health and safety incidents.

Employment Page


Enter additional employment details for employees in Canadian and United Kingdom operations who are involved in health and safety incidents.

Family Information Page


Enter additional family information for employees or for non-employees who are involved in a health and safety incident.

Non-Employee (component)

HS_NON_EMPL1 (definition name of the first component page)

Maintain name information for non-employees involved in incidents.

See Entering Non-Employee Data.

Employee Health Card (component)

GVT_HEALTH_CARD_1 (definition name of the first component page)

Record the employee's physician contact information.

See Maintaining and Reviewing Employee Health Card Information.

Health Card Page


Review and update the employee's health information regarding vaccinations, test results, allergies, medications, and illnesses.

Vaccine Attachments Page


Add, view, or remove attachments for vaccinations.

Test Attachments Page


Add, view, or remove attachments for test results.

Audiometric Exam (component)

HS_EXAM_AUDIO1 (definition name of the first component page)

Maintain basic appointment and physician contact information, and results for audio exams.

See Tracking Employee Medical Exam Results.

Eye Exam (component)

HS_EXAM_EYE1 (definition name of the first component page)

Maintain basic appointment and physician contact information, and results for eye exams.

See Tracking Employee Medical Exam Results.

Physical Exam (component)

HS_EXAM_PHYSICAL1 (definition name of the first component page)

Maintain basic appointment and physician contact information, and results for physical exams.

See Tracking Employee Medical Exam Results.

Respiratory Exam (component)

HS_EXAM_RESPIRE1 (definition name of the first component page)

Maintain basic appointment and physician contact information, and results for respiratory exams.

See Tracking Employee Medical Exam Results.

Drug Test (component)

GVT_DRUG_TEST1 (definition name of the first component page)

Set up physician and test information for a drug test.

See Tracking Employee Medical Exam Results.

Review Health Card Info (component)

GVT_HEALTH_RVW_1 (definition name of the first component page)

View employee personal data.

See Maintaining and Reviewing Employee Health Card Information.

Medical Exam Results BRA Page


Review medical exam results.

ASO Exam Results BRA (component)

ASO_EXAM_RSLT_BRA (definition name of the first component page)

Maintain basic ASO exam and physician information.

See Tracking Employee Medical Exam Results.

Drug Test BRA Page


Enter worker’s drug test information.

Coop Society Data Page


Associate an insurer's industrial hazard code with an employee.

Employee Checklist Page


View and update medical examination dates and status.

Illness Tracking (component)

HS_ILLNESS1_GER (definition name of the first component page)

See Tracking Illnesses for German Employees.

Case Officer Assignment Page


Assign case officers from a particular setID and location that are responsible for an injured or ill employee's case.

Use the Incident and Health Data tile (HC_HS_INCIDENTS_FL_GBL) to access a collection of administrative components for incident management.

This example illustrates the Incident and Health Data tile.

Incidents and Health Data tile

Click the Incident and Health Data tile to access the Incident and Health Data application start page.

This example illustrates the Incident and Health Data application start page.

Incident and Health Data application start page

This Incident and Health Data application start page is a navigation collection that enables administrators to access components to create and maintain incidents, claims and rehabilitation plans, verify people that can be involved in incidents, record exam results, and track related details.

The application start page lists the components collected under these categories:

  • Obtain Incident Information

  • Verify Persons Involved

  • Record Medical Exam Results

  • Track Details DEU

Rows that display a downward facing arrow are category headers. Select a category row to expand and view the component collection associated with that category.

Use the Health Card page (HS_HEALTH_CARD) to review and update the employee's health information regarding vaccinations, test results, allergies, medications, and illnesses.


  • Workforce Monitoring > Health and Safety > Record Medical Exam Results > Health Card > Health Card

  • Select Record Medical Exam Results, then Health Card from the left panel of the Incident and Health Data application start page.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Health Card page (1 of 3).

Health Card page (1 of 3)

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Health Card page (2 of 3).

Health Card page (2 of 3)

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Health Card page (3 of 3).

Health Card page (3 of 3)

After employees report their vaccination, allergy, or test result information using fluid tiles in Self Service, the administrator can review the approved or recorded information on the Health Card page.

The administrator can add, update or delete employees’ health information from this page as well. Changes will be visible to the employees when they access their health information from the Vaccinations Tile, Test Results Tile, and Allergies Tile in Self Service.

Note: The Health Card page is modeled after the Health Card 2 Page and is used to store the health information of employees. Both pages share the same records for immunizations (vaccinations), allergies, medications and diseases (illnesses). Therefore, when you report any of this information for an employee, the same information is available on both pages.


Record any vaccinations the employee has received. Any vaccination information reported by the employee using the Vaccinations tile appears in this section as well, organized in tabs.

Field or Control


Vaccine and Date

Specify the vaccine that the employee received and the vaccination date. These are required fields. Do not enter duplicate values.

When you select a different vaccine, the system clears any existing vaccination, manufacturer and location information for the old vaccine from the row.

Vaccines are defined on the Immunization page (IMMUN_TBL).

Vaccination Complete

Select to indicate that the employee is fully vaccinated with the specified vaccine, for example, the row is for a single-dose vaccine, or for the last dose of a multi-dose vaccine.

This check box is selected automatically when the condition applies, or can be updated manually.

Next Vaccination Due

Specify when the next vaccination (single dose) or vaccination series (multi-dose) is due. The system calculates this date automatically if the vaccination schedule is specified in the vaccine setup.


Select to indicate that the employee declined to take the vaccine. This check box is not editable when the Vaccination Complete check box is selected.

When the Declined check box is selected, the system populates the Date field with today's date, makes the Decline Reason field editable, and hides the fields from the Manufacturer and Location tabs.

Decline Reason

Select the reason the employee declined the vaccine. This field become editable when the Declined check box is selected.

Add Attachments or View Attachments

Click to add, view or remove attachments on the Vaccine Attachments Page.

Note: Refer to Vaccine Details Page for the descriptions of other fields that appear in this section.

Test Results

Record any test results for the employee. Any test result information reported by the employee using the Test Results tile appears in this section as well, organized in tabs.

Field or Control


Test and Date

Specify the test that the employee took and the date of the test. These are required fields. Do not enter duplicate values.

Tests are defined on the Test page (HS_TEST_TBL).


Click to add, view or remove attachments on the Test Attachments Page.

Note: Refer to Test Details Page for the descriptions of other fields that appear in this section.


Record any allergies (for example, food, chemicals, and hay fever) that the employee has. Any allergy information reported by the employee using the Allergies tile appears in this section as well.

Field or Control


Allergy and Date

Specify the allergy that the employee has and the date you entered this information. These are required fields. Do not enter duplicate values.

Allergies are defined on the Allergy page (ALLERGY_TBL).

See Also Add Allergy Page.


Record any medications that the employee takes.

Medications are defined on the Medication page (MEDCATN_TBL).


Record any illnesses that the employee has.

Illnesses are defined on the Occupational Illnesses or Occupational Illnesses page (HS_OCC_ILLNESS).

Use the Vaccine Attachments page (HS_IMMUN_ATTACH_FL) to add, view, or remove attachments for vaccinations.


Click the Add Attachments or View Attachments link of a vaccination row on the Health Card page.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Vaccine Attachments page.

Vaccine Attachments page

Vaccine Details

This section lists the information of the employee's vaccination.


Field or Control


Add Attachment

Select the button to upload a file for the specified vaccination.


Select to save the uploaded attachment.

Delete button


Select to remove the attachment uploaded by you.

Use the Test Attachments page (HS_TEST_ATTACH_FL) to add, view, or remove attachments for medical test results.


Click the Add Attachments or View Attachments link of a test result row on the Health Card page.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Test Attachments page.

Test Attachments page

Test Details

This section lists the information of the employee's test results.


Field or Control


Add Attachment

Select the button to upload a file for the specified test results.


Select to save the uploaded attachment.

Delete button


Select to remove the attachment uploaded by you.