HR Monitor Absence Overview

Monitor Absence enables you to set up and track absences, such as vacations, holidays, sick leave, maternity leave, and parental leave. This section provides an overview of how to:

  • Define absence parameters.

  • Assign work and holiday schedules.

    You can identify work and holiday schedule times when individuals are expected to be either at work or absent. By tracking work times, you can set a work schedule for your personnel depending on your needs.

  • Track absences.

    You can enter and track all general absences, including vacation time.

    You can maintain and track absence data to monitor absences for both performance evaluation and project planning.

  • Report absences.

    You can run various reports on absences.

  • (NLD) Register Dutch illness.

    You can report daily illness absences for people employed under Dutch regulations if your organization is registered under a Dutch Industrial Insurance Board (Bedrijfsvereniging).

  • (GBR) Track maternity and parental leave.

    You can track maternity and parental leave for the United Kingdom.