Understanding Dutch Illness Reporting

PeopleSoft HCM delivers Dutch illness reporting with these applications:

  • Monitor Absence business process.

    The Monitor Absence business process enables you to record and report on employee absences within HR.

  • PeopleSoft Global Payroll for the Netherlands.

    If you have Global Payroll for the Netherlands installed, you can enter absence data within Global Payroll (using the Absence Events NLD page). The illness reporting delivered with Global Payroll for the Netherlands provides the same functionality as that delivered with HR, except that it reports on the absence data recorded within Global Payroll.

Companies registered under a Dutch Industrial Insurance Board (Bedrijfsvereniging) must report daily illness absences for people employed under Dutch regulations. Absence reporting is made to the Arbeidsomstandigheden (ARBO)—or working conditions—service providers under the Dutch Occupational Health and Safety Act. The PeopleSoft system uses an interface based on the import definition of the third-party product Vpmeld, which communicates with the ARBO service provider GAK Arbodienst (Arbodienst). A separate third-party product Plato has been developed, based on the same Vpmeld import definition in order to allow communication with other certified ARBO service providers.

The interface between the PeopleSoft system and Vpmeld includes a process that enables you to enter all required information within the PeopleSoft system; Vpmeld performs the validation and messaging.

The PeopleSoft system provides three processes for extracting and reporting illness absence information. All of these processes create import files for Vpmeld, based on the import definition of Vpmeld version 1.9. (They are compatible with version 1.11, as well.) The files are generated in the %PS_SERVDIR directory with automatically assigned sequence numbers.

The PeopleSoft system transfers the following information to Vpmeld, which then performs subsequent transactions with the applicable organizations:

  • All company-related and person-related information from the PeopleSoft database.

  • All illness notifications, including initial notifications, updates, and corrections.

  • All illness-end notifications, including initial notification, updates, and corrections.

Note: Only absence information with absence types of 501, 502, 503, 504, 505, 506, and 507 is captured for processing.