Understanding Updating Salaries for Japan

The methods for updating salaries in Japan involve some functionality-specific setup and, depending on the salary increase method your organization uses, some or all of the following:

  • Calculation of increases based on worker review results.

  • Simulation of salary increases and manual adjustments.

  • Loading of salary increases to worker job compensation records.

The three salary increase methods are:

  • Step increases

  • Amounts

  • Percentages

The final processes associated with each of these methods produce new compensation records for each worker with an action of Pay Rt Change (pay rate change) and a reason of Salary Increase by Step, Salary Increase by Amount, or Salary Increase by Percent.

All the salary increase processes include worker review results in their calculation. Because review IDs are actually effective dates and the system automatically retrieves the results of the latest salary review after you specify the review ID for the process, you can be sure the system will use correct review results.


All three salary increase methods must be based on worker reviews that have been resolved into a review band, meaning that worker reviews for these salary increase methods must be based on a review rating scale that has a scale type of Review Band.

Load Process

The load processes that are associated with each of the three salary increase methods—load steps, load amount, and load percentage increase—include a check of the worker's job record effective dates, action and action reason, and job code. The load process terminates for the worker and reports the worker on the error list if either of these conditions exists:

  • A job row has an effective date equal to the Salary Increase Date that you set, and the action and reason combination is Promotion and Salary Grade Advance.

  • A job row has an effective date equal to the Salary Increase Date that you set, and the Job Code for that effective-dated job row differs from the Job Code for the previous effective-dated job row.

Field or Control



Required because, although this batch process is a load process, an error list may occur, which you need to read.


Enter the setID for the review ID that the system should use to calculate the worker's review-based salary increase. Because you can link a single review ID to multiple setIDs, you must identify the review by its setID and its own ID.

Review ID

Enter the ID of the review on which the selected process is to base its load.