Reviewing Related Jobs for Flexible Service

This section discusses how to review flexible service credits.

Page Name

Definition Name


Flexible Service Related Job Page


Review jobs and positions that the worker holds that are eligible to accrue flexible service credits.

Use the Flexible Service Related Job page (EG_FLX_JOBS) to review jobs and positions that the worker holds that are eligible to accrue flexible service credits.


Workforce Administration > Flexible Service EG > Flexible Service Related Job > Flexible Service Related Job

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Flexible Service Related Job page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Flexible Service Related Job page

The page lists the worker's flexible service tracking status, calculation groups to which a worker belongs for each job and position held, and calculation groups for which a worker accrues flexible service credits.

Field or Control


Original Hire Date

Displays the worker's hire date.

Jobs Counted for Flexible Service

Field or Control


Empl Rcd# (employee record number)

Displays the worker's employment record number.

Service Calc Group (service calculation group)

Displays the service calculation group to which the worker belongs within the job or position.

FTE For Accrual

Displays the worker's FTE value. A worker working 80 percent of a normal full-time schedule has an FTE of .80. The FTE for Accrual value is maintained on the Employment Information page.