Budgeting Awards

To run a budget report, use the Budget (RC_VC_BUDGET) component.

When determining how much funding to allocate to a plan, use the Budget report to help you calculate the potential cash outlay for the plan. This report calculates the target payout under the plan assuming 100 percent proration.

Page Name

Definition Name


Budget Page


Run the Budget report (VC002).

This report helps you calculate how much funding to allocate to a plan.

Use the Budget page (RUNCTL_VC_REP) to run the Budget report (VC002).

This report helps you calculate how much funding to allocate to a plan.


Compensation > Variable Compensation > Variable Comp Reports > Budget > Budget

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Budget page.

Budget page

If you use weighted goals in the plan, specify hypothetical attainment percentages on this page. If you use a goals matrix, specify a hypothetical matrix score. If you don't specify hypothetical goal attainments or a score, the system assumes 100 percent goal attainment.

Note: Different fields appear on this page based on the plan that the goal options implemented in the plan.

Field or Control


Org Percent Attained (organization percent attained)

(Weighted goals) Enter the organization goal attainment percent that you want the system to use in calculating the budget amount.

Group Percent Attained

(Weighted goals) Enter the group goal attainment percent that you want the system to use in calculating the budget amount.

Individual Percent Attained

(Weighted goals) Enter the individual goal attainment percent that you want the system to use in calculating the budget amount.


(Matrix goals) Enter the goal matrix score that you want the system to use in calculating the budget amount.

Report Type

Select a detailed report or a summary report:

  • The detailed report lists all workers in a plan by group, the worker's projected target award value, carryover balance, minimum award, and maximum award, as well as the sum of these values for each group and the grand total for the plan.

  • The summary report lists the total values for each group and the grand total for the plan.