Integrating with Stock Administration

This section provides an overview and discusses how to set up the integration with Stock Administration.

When the Group Status on the Allocate Awards page is D (ready to submit), the Variable Compensation system publishes the awards directly to Stock Administration for distribution if Stock Administration is installed on your database.

These steps summarize the award distribution integration between the Variable Compensation business process and Stock Administration:

  1. The Variable Compensation (VC) business process publishes awards to Stock Administration.

    When the status of all individual awards on the Allocate Awards page is D, S, or C, the system changes the group status to D and publishes a message that inserts the awards into a staging table. The Group Status and individual Award Status on the Allocate Awards page are changed to S (submitted).

  2. Stock Administration subscribes to the VC's message. Subscription performs validation and proceeds to either generate grants or to void, modify, or reject grants.

    • Generate Grants:

      Stock Administration runs the Generate Grants Application Engine process to generate the grants and batch publishes the awards to VC.

      The batch publish of grants generated results in these changes to the VC Award table:

      – Changes the Award Date to the date granted.

      – Changes the Award Status to P (paid/granted) when granted with no validation errors or to E (error) when granted with validation errors.

      – Updates the Actual Award to the number of shares granted.

      – Updates the Award Value.

    • Void, modify, or reject grants: (This is generally done a data entry error occurred in the run control for generating the grants)

      – Batch publish of voided grants to VC sets Award Status to C (canceled).

      – Batch publish of modified grants to VC through staging table generates the same updates to VC data as publishing grants without modification.

      – Batch publish of rejected grants sets Award Status to J (rejected) if the awards were sent to Stock Administration in error.

      Note: After the awards are rejected, they can't be recalculated in the same period. They must be recalculated in the following period.

  3. Shares for VC plans or funding periods that have expired are returned to Stock Administration.

    Stock Administration decreases the VC funding table by the number of shares remaining.

  4. Stock Administration updates VC tables when stocks split.

    • It updates the Awards table and the Plan Funding table.

    • Batch publishes affected VC awards.

  5. Stock Administration recalculates award value when stock is repriced and publishes revised awards updating the award value.

Before using the integration between the Variable Compensation business process and Stock Administration, configure the Integration Broker nodes and activate the appropriate queues, handlers, and routings for these service operations:

Service Operation

Message Definition


Variable Compensation publishes award data to Stock Administration and Stock Administration subscribes to the award data.


Stock Administration publishes grant data to Variable Compensation and Variable Compensation subscribes.

See Also PeopleTools: Integration Broker and Introduction to the PeopleSoft Interactive Services Repository (ISR)