Activating Pension Administration and Setting PeopleTools Options

On the Installation Table – Products Page, select Pension Administration (access this page under Set Up HCM, Install, Installation Table, Products).

Note: If you are using PeopleSoft Human Resources full position management, consider switching to partial position management. You almost certainly do not want to manage retirees by position. You change to partial position management on the Installation Table - HCM Options page.

On the PeopleTools Options page, select two check boxes: Multiple-Company Organization and Multiple Jobs Allowed (access this page under PeopleTools, Utilities, Administration, PeopleTools Options). You need to do this because:

  • Pension plans are independent tax reporting entities. Therefore, the system should be set up to support multiple companies.

    In PeopleSoft, a company is typically defined as a business unit that has a unique federal employer identification number (EIN) for payroll tax reporting purposes.

  • When you retire an employee with the Pension Administration system, you create an additional retiree "job," concurrent with the employee's original job.

Note: You must select Multiple Jobs Allowed in order to run Pension Administration. However, if your organization does not have employees with multiple concurrent jobs, you can run the application in a single user environment by selecting Single Job Environment on the Plan Implementation page.