Loading Account Data

Cash balance accounts are based on consolidated earnings. Employee accounts are based on consolidated contributions. To load account accruals, you can:

  • Load the raw payroll earnings or contribution data. The system consolidates the data and uses the consolidations to build the account.

  • Load consolidated earnings or contribution data.

  • Load startup balances for the accounts.

Payroll data offers the greatest level of detail and thus increases flexibility for recalculation. Starting balances provide the least amount of detail and flexibility.

If you load history, load data into the following tables:



Cash balance accounts


Employee accounts


The first period in the account history must not have a start date before the initial hire date. For example, if an employee is hired on July 15, 2005, this is the start date of the first period, even if the period is regularly a calendar year. This differs from consolidations, which always start with the normal beginning day of the period.

If you load startup balances, enter a total accumulation and a startup date. You can also provide a credit and interest breakdown of the amount to use as the basis for the running subtotals that the function keeps. For employee accounts, also enter the pretax and posttax breakdown.

As you load account histories, remember:

  • If an employee enters a plan in the middle of a period, the period begin date is the plan entry date. For example, if the period is a calendar year and Rose enters the plan on July 1, 2005, the period begin date is July 1, 2005.

  • The history must be uninterrupted. Even after an employee leaves a plan, there are rows with interest credits only.