Setting Up Service Function Results for Multiple Jobs

When you use multiple jobs processing, there are special considerations for setting up service function results. Service calculations depend on human resource (HR) actions and reasons, which indicate when to start, stop, and adjust service. In the multiple jobs environment, where each job has an independent action and reason history, there is added complexity.

To deal with this complexity, the system creates a "blended" actions-and-reasons timeline that includes each job's actions and reasons. Because information is lost during this process—that is, which job created which actions—the system does part of the computation before the blending process and other computations afterward.

When setting up service function results for multiple job processes, you must decide:

  • Which jobs to include in the service calculation.

    If you want to include all jobs in the service calculation, on the Function Result page under Multiple Jobs, select Use All Jobs. If you want to include only jobs for which an employee is eligible, select Use Eligible Jobs Only.

  • When an employee is accruing service.

    When you consider which pension status to give an employee, it is sometimes necessary to determine whether the employee is accruing service at a given point in time. This information is not saved unless you specifically tell the system to store it. To save this pension status information, select For Pension Status Codes.