Understanding Pension Status Codes

This section provides overviews of:

  • Pension status code usage.

  • Pension status code maintenance.

  • Pension status code usage in calculations.

Pension Status Code Usage

Pension status codes categorize participants based on pension-related information. Pension status codes are plan specific and effective-dated, enabling you to track an employee's changing status in a plan over time. These statuses are the foundation for your actuarial valuation extract and Form 5500 reporting.

A pension status code describes a plan participant using a three-character code. The first character indicates the payee type:

  • A: Active employee.

  • T: Terminated employee.

  • R: Retired employee.

  • D: Disability retiree (employee with a disability pension).

  • B: Beneficiary.

  • Q: Qualified Domestic Relations Order (QDRO) alternate payee.

  • X: Deceased participant.

The second and third characters indicate the payment status:

  • DF: Deferred payments.

  • PY: Receiving payments (the payee is currently receiving payments).

  • ST: Stopped payments.

Pension Status Code Maintenance

The following table describes how pension status codes are maintained:


How Maintained

Statuses Included

Active and terminated employees.

Periodic processing assigns codes based on criteria that you define.

ANP: Active, not yet participating.

APR: Active participant.

AVS: Active, accrue vesting only.

ANS: Active, not accruing service.

A70: Active, over age 70 1/2.

TNV: Terminated, not vested.

TDF: Terminated, deferred benefit.

Participants who are awaiting their first payment (retirees, beneficiaries, and QDRO alternate payees) and dead participants.

Manually assign the status based on when specified events occur.

RDF: Retired, deferred benefit.

DDF: Disability retired, deferred benefit.

BDF: Beneficiary, deferred benefit.

QDF: QDRO payee, deferred benefit.

XBP: Deceased, with beneficiary.

XNB: Deceased, no benefit or beneficiary.

Participants who have started receiving payments.

The payment process automatically assigns codes based on the payment instructions.

TST: Terminated, payment complete.

TPY: Terminated, in pay status.

TDF: Terminated, deferred benefit.

RST: Retired, payment complete.

RPY: Retired, in pay status.

RDF: Retired, deferred benefit.

DST: Disability retired, payment complete.

DPY: Disability retired, in pay status.

DDF: Disability retired, deferred benefit.

BST: Beneficiary, payment complete.

BPY: Beneficiary, in pay status.

BDF: Beneficiary, deferred benefit.

QST: QDRO payee, payment complete.

QPY: QDRO payee, in pay status.

QDF: QDRO payee, deferred benefit.

The five deferred benefit statuses (TDF, RDF, DDF, BDF, and QDF) are sometimes maintained manually and sometimes automatically:

  • Set these manually (or using periodic processing for TDF) at the time that you create the payee records in preparation for the first pension payments.

  • If payments are later suspended, the payment process automatically reassigns the deferred benefit status.

Pension Status Code Usage in Calculations

Depending on how you set up your calculation rules, the pension status might be used in a calculation. For example, service might accrue while an employee has an active pension status, but not when the employee has a terminated pension status.