Verifying Employment History

When an employee wishes to purchase prior service that is not in the system, you can use the Verify Employment History page to collect any prior employment documentation that you require to validate the service period. You can also use this component to store documents or information related to any another type of service purchase.

This topic discusses how to document employment history verification.

Page Name

Definition Name


Verify Employment History Page


Document employment history verification.

Use the Verify Employment History page (PA_SP_EMPLRVER) to document employment history verification.


Pension > Service Purchase > Verify Employment History

This is the first of two examples illustrating the Verify Employment History page.

Verify Employment History page (1 of 2)

This is the second of two examples illustrating the Verify Employment History page.

Verify Employment History page (2 of 2)

Prior Employment

Prior Employment is a scroll area that you use to create and manage employment verification data.

Field or Control


Verification ID

The system assigns this unique identifier for each verification record you create. Create separate verification records for each period of employment with a prior employer.

Verification Status

Displays the status for the verification process. The initial status for a verification record is Inquired. To update the status during the verification process, use the editable Status field at the bottom of this page.

Status Reason

Displays the status reason for the current status. To assign a reason, use the editable Status Reason field at the bottom of this page.

Case Identifier

This field is visible only if the Display Case Identifier check box is selected on the Pension Installation Page. You can manually enter a case number to match this verification request with a case in your employee help desk system. The case number is informational only.

Generate Inquiry Letter

Click to produce a letter to the employee (not to the previous employer) asking for documentation related to this period of employment.

This letter is a report that is generated using Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher (BI Publisher). The report definition is SPEVRMILTR.

Period Details

Enter information about the prior employer, including the employer’s name, address, and phone number.

Field or Control


From Date and To Date

Enter the start and end dates of employment. These dates are used as default begin and end dates for a service purchase that is associated with this verification record. An administrator who sets up a service purchase transaction based on this period can change the defaults as needed.

Periods of Leave

Field or Control


Beginning of Leave and End of Leave

Enter the start and end dates of any leave periods during this period of employment.

Description of Leave

Enter text that describes the type of leave, such as Medical leave or Parental leave.


Use the Attachments grid and the Add Attachment button to upload documentation related to this period of prior employment. Attachments are stored at the URL entered for the PeopleTools URL Identifier PA_SP_EMLP_VER_FILE_ATTACH.

Employment Verification Status

Field or Control



Use the field to update the status of a verification record. The default status for new records is Inquired. The expected status progression from that point is Wait for Response, Wait for Validation. Validated, and Verified. When you change the status, you cannot go backward in this progression. That is, the list of available statuses includes only the statuses that follow the current status and the Canceled option.

Only records with the status Verified are available for selection on the Service Unknown to System Page.

Note: The system does not update the status other than to assign the initial value Inquired when you first create the verification record.

Status Reason

Optionally select a reason for the status assignment. Reasons for each status are configured on the service purchase Status Reasons Page.