Working With Individual User Code Modules

This section provides an overview of user code modules and discusses how to use user code modules for specific functions.

Although each function uses only one user code module, that code can cover many different situations. Sometimes, the code completes all of the processing without referencing parameters. Sometimes, the code performs one small part of the processing and provides a method or an intermediate value for the function.

Pension Administration expects that the modules perform processing only for the user code options that are selected on the parameter pages.

This section includes summary tables for the system components that have user code options on the parameter pages. These tables include the following information:

  • User Code Option: The user code option that appears on the system component's parameter page. For example, the Add Periods Rules page contains the user code option Adjustment Rule, which is used in configuring service.

  • Description: What the function expects the user code to produce.

This section is organized by function and page.

The following pages appear for add period rules and hours equivalence rules definitions:

Service Category Detail

The user code option on this page appears only for elapsed time and hours equivalence definitions.

User Code Option


Adjustment Rule

Returns the adjusted effective date for the specified action and reason.

Hours Equivalency Rules

This page appears only for hours equivalence definitions.

User Code Option


Hours Equivalence Type

Return the number of hours in a period.

Custom Equivalence Rule — Hour Per

Return the number of hours in a period.

The following pages appear for break restore rules and break wait rules:

Break Restore Rules

User Code Option


Break Defined By: Break Type

Sets break for every period in the service history.

Break Wait Rules

User Code Option


One Year Wait and Elapsed Time

Return Y (service is restored) or N.

The following pages appear for add period and hours equivalence rules definitions:

Vesting Schedule Page

User Code Option


Schedule Type

Returns the vesting percentage for the schedule. This percentage is still compared to results from other schedules, and it is still subject to the full vesting and forfeiture conditions on the Vesting Conditions page.

Vesting Conditions Page

User Code Option


Full Vesting Conditions

Returns Y or N. If the value is Y, the final vesting is 100 percent.

Forfeiture Conditions

Returns Y or N. If the value is N, the final vesting is 0 percent.

These user code options are available for final average earnings:

FAE 2 of 2 Page

User Code Option


Partial Period Options and Final Period Options

Return two parameters for each partial period in the history: Y or N to determine whether a period is included in the total. If the value is Y, return an earnings amount.

Limit Options - Before Averaging

Returns the limited amount for each period in the history.

Limit Options - While Averaging and Short Service Options

Return the final average earnings amount.

Zero Options

Returns the earnings amount for each zero period in the history.

These user code options are available for cash balance accounts:

Cash Balance 2 of 3 Page

User Code Option


Calculate Credit According To

Returns a credit amount for each period, still subject to minimums, maximums, and partial period rules.

Step Rate Threshold: Threshold Type

Returns the earnings amount.

Subject to Minimum

Returns the minimum credit amount that is applied to each period.

Subject to Maximum

Returns the maximum credit amount that is applied to each period.

Cash Balance 3 of 3 Page

User Code Option


Partial Period Rules

Returns the credit amount for each partial period in the history.

These user code options are available for early and late retirement factors:

Define Adjustments Page

User Code Option


Age Adjustment Detail: Method

Returns the adjustment factor. You can use it, or you can disregard the employee and beneficiary from and to ages on the Actuarial Equivalence Method page.

Actuarial Equivalence Method Page

User Code Option


From Employee Age, To Employee Age, From Beneficiary Age, and To Beneficiary Age

Returns the age.

Arithmetic Method Page

User Code Option


Number of Adjustment Periods: Period Type

Returns the number of periods used as the basis for the arithmetic adjustment.

These user code options are available for death coverage:

Reduction Method Page

User Code Option


Calculate Reduction Using

Provides the final adjustment factor.

Apply Table-Defined Schedule

Provides the final adjustment factor, using values provided by the specified table.

Define Fixed Period Page

User Code Option


Determine Fixed Period Length: Method

Returns the number of periods that the arithmetic rule uses to determine the factor.

These user code options are available for optional forms of payment:

General Parameters Page

User Code Option


Non-Taxable Amount Calculation

Returns the nontaxable portion of the payment for each form in the formset.

Forms Definitions Page

User Code Option



Returns the factor for converting to the optional form of payment.

Lump Sum Parameters 2 of 2 Page

User Code Option


Use Alternate Assumption Set

Returns the factor for converting to alternate lump sum amount.

Lump Sum Not Available

Returns Y or N. If value is N, the payment option does not appear in the calculation results.

These user code options are available for consolidated earnings:

Generate Earnings Page

User Code Option


Generation Method for Action Reason and Generation Method for Custom Statement

Return the earnings amount for the period. This amount is still subject to minimums or maximums.

Earnings Adjustments Page

User Code Option


Termination: Adjustment Method

Returns the earnings amount to replace earnings from the termination period.

Hire/Rehire: Adjustment Method

Returns the earnings amount to replace earnings from the hire period.

These user code options are available for consolidated hours:

Generate Hours Page

User Code Option


Action/Reasons for Generation: Generation Method

Return the earnings amount for the period. This amount is still subject to minimums or maximums.

Other Fields and Field Values: Generation Method

Return the earnings amount for the period. This amount is still subject to minimums or maximums.

Define Hours Adjustments Page

User Code Option


Termination: Adjustment Method

Returns the hours amount to replace hours from the termination period.

Hire/Rehire: Adjustment Method

Returns the hours amount to replace hours from the hire period.

These user code options are available for duration options:

Calculation Options Page

User Code Option


Date Math Method

Uses the two date end points and returns a decimal date. If this option is used on the Duration Definition page, the duration utility converts this date to the six other formats.

Conversion Options Page

User Code Option


Decimal Conversion Method

Uses a raw duration and returns a decimal value.

These user code options are available for date rounding options:

Date Round Page

User Code Option


Date Type

Uses the date to which the method is applied (raw or decimal) and returns a rounded value.

These user code options are available for date conversion options:

Date Conversion Page

User Code Option



Returns a custom value based on a raw date.

Conversion Method

Uses the date to which the method is applied (raw or decimal) and returns a converted value.

These user code options are available for actuarial assumptions:

Interest Basis Page

User Code Option


Interest Basis

Returns an interest rate.

These user code options are available for interest methods:

Interest Rate Method Page

User Code Option


Interest Rate Method

Returns an interest rate.

Period Techniques Page

User Code Option


Full Period Interest Method: Method

Returns an interest credit for all full periods to which the rule is applied.

Partial Period Interest Method: Method

Returns an interest credit for all partial periods to which the rule is applied.

These user code options are available for 401(a)(17) parameters:

401(a)(17) Parameters Page

User Code Option


Earnings are Limited On

Returns a limited earnings amount for each period to which the rule is applied.

Carry Back Limits

Returns a limited earnings amount for each period to which the rule is applied.