Managing Canada Dental Care Eligibility

This topic provides an overview of Canada Dental Care eligibility and discuss how to manage the eligibility information for year-end reporting.

Page Name

Definition Name


Load Dental Care Eligibility Page


Load dental care access level information for selected individuals.

Dental Care Eligibility Page


Manage dental care access level information for individuals.

The Canadian Dental Care Plan (CDCP) provides dental care coverage for uninsured Canadians with an annual household income of less than $90,000. This amount is subject to change in future years.

To support the implementation of CDCP and determine eligibility, employers are required to report the level of dental care coverage to which employees and payees are entitled for the tax year on T4 and T4A slips.

Payroll for North America delivers the Load Dental Care Eligibility (PYCTX905) program, a year-end process that assigns dental care access levels to identified individuals. After this process completes successfully, the dental care eligibility information becomes available for review or update on the Dental Care Eligibility Page.

When the Load Year-End Slip Data (CTX910LD) program runs, it will load employee (or payee) data and balances to the year-end slip records on the database, including the dental care access level codes. Specifically, the code will appear on:

  • (For employee) Box 45 on the T4 slip

    Box 45 cannot be blank.

  • (For payee) Box 015 on the T4A slip

    Box 015 cannot be blank if Box 016 contains a value.

Run the CTX910ER program to verify that the information that has been loaded to the slip records is correct. If the audit report identifies T4 slips with a blank Box 45, or T4A slips with a blank Box 015 when Box 016 has a value, update the information for corresponding individuals on the Dental Care Eligibility Page and re-run the CTX910LD program.

Use the Load Dental Care Eligibility page (RUNCTL_CTX905DP) to load dental care access level information for selected individuals.


Payroll for North America > Year-End Processing CAN > Year-End/New Year Preparation > Load Dental Care Eligibility > Load Dental Care Eligibility

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Load Dental Care Eligibility page.

Load Dental Care Eligibility page

Note: Component Interface is delivered for the Dental Care Eligibility component as an alternative to load dental care access level codes for individuals using the Excel to CI utility.

Field or Control


Load Eligibility

Select the method used to identify individuals for whom a dental care access level code is assigned. Values are:

By Company.

By Group ID.

For Selected Individuals. Use this option to update the level of access value for a small group of people.

Company and Pay Group

Specify the company and optionally pay group used to identify individuals for the loading process. These fields appear if the By Company option is selected.

Group ID

Specify the group ID used to identify individuals for the loading process. This field appears if the By Group ID option is selected.

Groups are defined using Group Build. You can use this feature to create groups of people, for example, union workers.

Refer to Understanding Group Build and Setting Up Group Definitions for more information on the Group Build feature and how to define groups.


This section appears if the For Selected Individuals option is selected.

For each individual to include in the loading process, select the company, employee ID, employee record, and the level of dental care access to be assigned.

Dental Care Eligibility

Field or Control


Set Level of Access

Select the level of dental care access to assign to identified individuals. Values are:

1 (No Dental Access or coverage)

2 (Payee)

3 (Payee, Spouse and Dependents)

4 (Payee and Spouse)

5 (Payee and Dependents)

Use the Dental Care Eligibility page (DENTAL_ELIG_CAN) to manage dental care access level information for individuals.


Payroll for North America > Year-End Processing CAN > Year-End/New Year Preparation > Dental Care Eligibility > Dental Care Eligibility

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Dental Care Eligibility page.

Dental Care Eligibility page

After the Load Dental Care Eligibility (CTX905DP) process has completed successfully, the assigned dental care access level for each identified individual becomes available on the Dental Care Eligibility page. Add or update this information as needed.