Reporting on Retro Pay Processing

Page Name

Definition Name


Retro Pay Request and Trigger Report Page


Run the PAY300RT report, which reports retroactive pay information from the Retro Pay Request table.

Retro Pay Calculations Report Page


Generate the PAY301RT report, which provides a detailed listing of the retroactive pay calculations, sorted by employee and by earnings type.

Retro Pay Summary Page


Run the PAY302RT report, which creates a summary of each request type, with a grand total of both request types.

Retro Pay Terminations Report Page


Generate the PAY303RT report, which lists all terminated employees for whom the system has calculated retro pay.

Before generating this report, you must run the Retroactive Pay Load Paysheets (PSPRPPSH) COBOL SQL Process with Process Terminated Employees selected on the Load Retro Pay to Paysheets page. This is how the system sets the flag used to identify terminated employees. The Retroactive Pay Load Paysheets process sets the terminated employee flag only for employees who were terminated on or before the pay end date. Therefore, employees who terminated after the pay end date do not appear on the report.

Retro Pay Messages Report Page


Generate the PAY304RT report, which lists messages from the Retro Pay Calculations process.

Retro Pay Interest Limit Report Page


Run the Retro Pay Interest report (PAY306RT), which lists the name, national ID, and interest earnings for employees who have interest earnings over the limit amount in the reporting year.

Field or Control


Retro Request Type

Choose which types of retro requests to include in the report:

  • Select Additional Pay Request to view the retro pay requests that are generated by an additional pay change.

  • Select Job Related Request to view the retro pay requests that are generated by a job change.

  • Select Mass Retro Pay Request to view a retro pay request that is generated by mass retro.

    If you select this option, you must also enter a mass retro ID.

  • Select All Requests to view all retro pay requests.

Use the Retro Pay Request and Trigger Report page (RUN_PAY300RT) to run the PAY300RT report, which reports retroactive pay information from the Retro Pay Request table.


Payroll for North America > Retroactive Payroll > Retro Pay > Reports > Retro Pay Request and Trigger > Retro Pay Request and Trigger Report

Field or Control


Retro Trigger Detail

Select Exclude Details if you want the report to include only the overall request information. Select Include Details to additionally include detailed information about the triggers for the retro request.

Use the Retro Pay Interest Limit Report page (RUNCTL_PAY306RT) to run the Retro Pay Interest report (PAY306RT), which lists the name, national ID, and interest earnings for employees who have interest earnings over the limit amount in the reporting year.


Payroll for North America > Retroactive Payroll > Retro Pay > Reports > Retro Pay Interest Limit > Retro Pay Interest Limit Report

Field or Control


Reporting Year

The year in which the interest earnings are reported.

Limit Amount

The limit amount for the year in which you are reporting.