Single Payments Over Multiple Pay Periods

For a special payment (such as a bonus or commission) that applies to more than one FLSA period, the FLSA requires that you prorate it across all the affected FLSA periods. If the bonus is FLSA-eligible, you must use the portion of it that is attributable to an FLSA period when calculating the FLSA rate for that period. To have the system prorate a bonus over multiple FLSA periods, add a new entry on the paysheet with earnings begin and end dates for the period covered by the special payment. (You must create pay calendars and FLSA calendars for the period covered). The system prorates the amount for every FLSA period and recalculates overtime affected by the special payment. This can include future payments.

When you enter an FLSA eligible payment amount for a period that covers multiple FLSA periods in a paysheet, the system assigns a prorated payment amount to each FLSA period that is affected. The system reverses the original payment on the paysheet and replaces it with multiple FLSA periods that cover the payment periods. Each prorated payment equals: payment amount × percent of the number of workdays in the FLSA period over the total number of workdays in the payment period. Thus, the system calculates proration by workday, as defined in the employee's Job record.


Jackie earns a bonus of 2640 USD for a six-month period (July 1 to December 31). The seven-day FLSA period runs Sunday to Saturday, and the number of workdays in each FLSA period is five days, from Monday to Friday. The total number of workdays for the six-month bonus period is 132. July 1 falls on a Thursday, which gives the first FLSA period 2 workdays. For the first FLSA period (June 27 to July 3), the prorated bonus is 40 USD (= 2640 USD × 2 / 132). The prorated bonus for the rest of the 26 FLSA-workweek period is 100 USD (= 2640 USD × 5 / 132). The system adds the 40 USD or 100 USD to each workweek accordingly, and recalculates overtime pay by including the prorated bonus in the FLSA earnings that it uses to determine the FLSA rate in the workweeks in which Jackie works overtime.