(USA) Using the Fluid Payroll WorkCenter

This topic discusses how to use the Fluid Payroll WorkCenter for USA.

The following video provides a demonstration of how to use the Fluid Payroll WorkCenter:

Video: PeopleSoft HCM Fluid Payroll WorkCenter

Page Name

Definition Name


U.S. Payroll WorkCenter Tile

HC_PAYROLL_WORKCENTER (cref for the tile)

Access the Fluid Payroll WorkCenter for USA.

U.S. Payroll WorkCenter Page


Access frequently used administrative work items for US payroll.

State Data Missing Page


View the list of employees with state tax data discrepancies.

Local Data Missing Page


View the list of employees with local tax data discrepancies.

OK to Pay Turned Off Page


View the list of employees whose OK to Pay option is deselected.

Inactive Employees With Payline Page


View the list of employees who are in an inactive payroll status and have a payline, which could result in possible overpayment.

Active Employees Without Payline Page


View the list of employees who are in the Active payroll status and do not have a payline.

Unconfirmed Checks from Prior Run Page


View the list of checks from the previous pay period that were calculated but not confirmed.

Total Gross Exceed Threshold-Active Page


View the list of active employees whose total gross earnings on the calculated check for the current pay period are greater than the threshold amount.

Hours Exceed Threshold-Active Page


View the list of active employees whose total number of work hours exceeds the threshold amount.

Total Gross Exceed Threshold-Inactive Page


View the list of inactive employees whose total gross earnings on the calculated check for the current pay period are greater than the threshold amount.

Hours Exceed Threshold-Inactive Page


View the list of inactive employees whose total number of work hours exceeds the threshold amount.

Pre-Sheet Audit Errors Page


View the audit error results generated from the Presheet Audit Report (PAY034).

Pre-Calc Audit Errors Page


View the audit error results generated from the Precalculation Audit Report (PAY035).

Pre-Confirm Audit Errors Page


View the audit error results generated from the Preconfirm Audit Report (PAY036).

Payroll Error Messages Page


View errors that occur during payroll processing (PAY011).

Use the U.S. Payroll WorkCenter tile to access the Fluid Payroll WorkCenter for USA.


The U.S. Payroll WorkCenter tile is delivered as part of the Workforce Administrator home page. The location may change based on home page personalization.

This example illustrates the U.S. Payroll WorkCenter tile.

U.S. Payroll WorkCenter tile

Use the U.S. Payroll WorkCenter page (HWC_RSLT_FL) to access frequently used administrative work items for US payroll.


  • Click the U.S. Payroll WorkCenter tile on the Workforce Administrator home page.

  • Payroll for North America > U.S. Payroll WorkCenter

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the U.S. Payroll WorkCenter page.

U.S. Payroll WorkCenter landing page

PeopleSoft delivers a Fluid WorkCenter for US payroll. The WorkCenter is preconfigured with work items, links, queries and reports, providing administrators access to real-time information and analytical sources based on their role-based security, and the ability to perform Payroll business process tasks from one central area.

Users can personalize display options and add links to their own WorkCenter for maximum efficiency. For more information, see Setting Up and Personalizing PeopleSoft Fluid WorkCenters.

The WorkCenter page is divided into two areas: the navigation panel on the left and the transaction panel on the right.

Left Panel

The navigational panel on the left contains group boxes with links to specific transactions, menu components and other content. These group boxes are:

Field or Control



Scope determines the data to be displayed in the WorkCenter.

Note: If you have configured any additional scope, it will also be listed under the My Scope option. For more information on how to configure a new scope, see Configure Scope Page.

Refresh icon

Click to refresh the content area to display either the first page that appears when you first access the WorkCenter, or the starting page if it is specified in your personalization.

Personalize icon

Click to access these personalization options:

  • Personalize: Select this option to personalize the WorkCenter layout.

    For more information, see Personalize Page (Fluid).

  • Maintain Scope Detail: Select this option to modify the current scope.

  • Configure Scope: Select this option to create a new scope.

    For more information, see Configure Scope Page.

Right Panel

The transaction panel on the right is where the selected transaction result or component (work item) is displayed.

By default, the State Data Missing page appears when you first access the WorkCenter. You can change this default setting of the WorkCenter on the Personalize Page (Fluid).

You can also filter and personalize the output based on your requirements. Use the Refine Filter Criteria page to select one or more criteria to narrow the search result. The Filter icon appears green when filters have been applied to your search. Use the Personalized Output page to modify the position of columns and to select the columns to be displayed as default for each work item. For more information, see Setting Up and Personalizing PeopleSoft Fluid WorkCenters.

You can download grid data to .xls file.

Conditional Navigation for U.S. Payroll WorkCenter

When administrators access the Payroll WorkCenter for USA, they are taken to either the Fluid or non-Fluid version of the component depending on the presence of a user role. This behavior is known as conditional navigation.

If administrators are members of the US Payroll Fluid WorkCenter user role, they are given access to the Fluid Payroll WorkCenter for USA. Administrators without this role access the non-Fluid version of the WorkCenter on the Payroll WorkCenter Page.

The My Work group box provides Payroll work item links for exceptions in these group sections:

  • Common Exceptions

  • Audit Exceptions

Note: Work item links are grayed out if no data is available for display.

System administrators can manage links and configuration options for the My Work group box on the Configure Pagelets - My Work Page. The configuration ID for the Fluid U.S. Payroll WorkCenter is PYUSA_FL.

Common Exceptions

Audit Exceptions

Use the State Data Missing page (HWC_RSLT_FL) to view the list of employees with discrepancies by comparing the state tax information from the employee’s pay earnings record and the employee’s tax distribution and state tax data record.


Click the State Data Missing link in the My Work group box of the Payroll WorkCenter.

This example illustrates the State Data Missing page.

State Data Missing page

Use the Local Data Missing page (HWC_RSLT_FL) to view the list of employees with local tax data discrepancies.

Once the paysheets are created, the system searches through paylines to find employees with local tax information, and compares their state and local tax data record to the payline information to identify employees whose data does not match.


Click the Local Data Missing link in the My Work group box of the Payroll WorkCenter.

This example illustrates the Local Data Missing page.

Local Data Missing page

Use the OK to Pay Turned Off page (HWC_RSLT_FL) to view the list of employees whose OK to Pay option is deselected.


Click the OK to Pay Turned Off link in the My Work group box of the Payroll WorkCenter.

This example illustrates the OK to Pay Turned Off page.

OK to Pay Turned Off page

Use the Inactive Employees Without Payline page (HWC_RSLT_FL) to view the list of employees who are in an inactive payroll status and have a payline, which could result in possible overpayment. The list is displayed in the WorkCenter based on the configured pay groups and selected scope.


Click the Inactive Employees With Payline link in the My Work group box of the Payroll WorkCenter.

This example illustrates the Inactive Employees With Payline page.

Inactive Employees With Payline page

Use the Active Employees Without Payline page (HWC_RSLT_FL) to view the list of employees who are in the Active payroll status and do not have a payline. The list is displayed in the WorkCenter based on the configured pay groups and selected scope.

The system determines the pay period begin and end dates of the open pay calendar for the company and pay group being processed, then uses the pay period begin date to search Job data records and identify employees who had an Active payroll status after that date.


Click the Active Employees Without Payline link in the My Work group box of the Payroll WorkCenter.

This example illustrates the Active Employees Without Payline page.

Active Employees Without Payline page

Use the Unconfirmed Checks from Prior Run page (HWC_RSLT_FL) to view the list of checks from the previous pay period that were calculated but not confirmed. The list is displayed in the WorkCenter based on the configured pay groups and selected scope.


Click the Unconfirmed Checks from Prior Run link in the My Work group box of the Payroll WorkCenter.

This example illustrates the Unconfirmed Checks from Prior Run page.

Unconfirmed Checks from Prior Run page

Use the Total Gross Exceed Threshold-Active page (HWC_RSLT_FL) to view the list of active employees whose total gross earnings on the calculated check for the current pay period are greater than the threshold amount. The list is populated in the WorkCenter based on the configured pay groups and selected scope.


Click the Total Gross Exceed Threshold-Active link in the My Work group box of the Payroll WorkCenter.

This example illustrates the Total Gross Exceed Threshold-Active page.

Total Gross Exceed Threshold-Active page

Use the Hours Exceed Threshold-Active page (HWC_RSLT_FL) to view the list of active employees whose total number of work hours exceeds the threshold amount defined for the company and pay group.

After pay calculation, the system searches for active employees whose total hours for the pay period (including regular hours, overtime, double time, and straight overtime) are greater than the threshold hour amount defined for the company and pay group. The list is populated in the WorkCenter based on the configured pay groups and selected scope.


Click the Hours Exceed Threshold-Active link in the My Work group box of the Payroll WorkCenter.

This example illustrates the Hours Exceed Threshold-Active page.

Hours Exceed Threshold-Active page

Use the Total Gross Exceed Threshold-Inactive page (HWC_RSLT_FL) to view the list of inactive employees whose total gross earnings (including vacation payouts and severance pay) on the calculated check for the current pay period are greater than the threshold amount. The list is populated in the WorkCenter based on the configured pay groups and selected scope.


Click the Total Gross Exceed Threshold-Inactive link in the My Work group box of the Payroll WorkCenter.

This example illustrates the Hours Exceed Threshold-Inactive page.

Total Gross Exceed Threshold-Inactive page

Use the Hours Exceed Threshold-Inactive page (HWC_RSLT_FL) to view the list of inactive employees whose total number of work hours exceeds the threshold amount defined for the company and pay group.

After pay calculation, the system searches for inactive employees whose total hours for the pay period (including regular hours, overtime, double time, and straight overtime) are greater than the threshold hour amount defined for the company and pay group. The list is populated in the WorkCenter based on the configured pay groups and selected scope.


Click the Hours Exceed Threshold-Inactive link in the My Work group box of the Payroll WorkCenter.

This example illustrates the Hours Exceed Threshold-Inactive page.

Hours Exceed Threshold-Inactive page

Use the Pre-Sheet Audit Errors page (HWC_RSLT_FL) to view the audit error results generated from the Presheet Audit Report (PAY034).


Click the Pre-Sheet Audit Errors link in the My Work group box of the Payroll WorkCenter.

This example illustrates the Pre-Sheet Audit Errors page.

Pre-Sheet Audit Errors page

Use the Pre-Calc Audit Errors page (HWC_RSLT_FL) to view the audit error results generated from the Precalculation Audit Report (PAY035).


Click the Pre-Calc Audit Errors link in the My Work group box of the Payroll WorkCenter.

Use the Pre-Confirm Audit Errors page (HWC_RSLT_FL) to view the audit error results generated from the Preconfirm Audit Report (PAY036).


Click the Pre-Confirm Audit Errors link in the My Work group box of the Payroll WorkCenter.

This example illustrates the Pre-Confirm Audit Errors page.

Pre-Confirm Audit Errors page

Use the Payroll Error Messages page (HWC_RSLT_FL) to view errors that occur during payroll processing. This page displays the results generated from the Payroll Error Message Report (PAY011).


Click the Payroll Error Messages link in the My Work group box of the Payroll WorkCenter.

This example illustrates the Payroll Error Messages page.

Payroll Error Messages page

The My Approvals group box provides access to requests that are pending users' approval, for example, W-4 Tax Withholding Form updates from employees.

This example illustrates the My Approvals group box.

(USA) My Approvals group box

System administrators can manage links and configuration options for the My Approvals group box on the Configure Pagelets – My Approvals Page.

The My Insights group box provides access to the insights dashboards for U.S. payroll.

This example illustrates the My Insights group box.

(USA) My Insights group box

System administrators can manage links and configuration options for the My Insights group box on the Configure Pagelets – My Insights Page.

Note: A minimum of PeopleTools version 8.61 is required to support access to PeopleSoft Insights dashboards in Fluid WorkCenters.

For more information about Payroll insights dashboards, see Viewing Payroll Insights.

The Links group box provides access to the key components that are required to complete payroll. It contains links that users need to do their daily work.

This example illustrates the Links group box.

(USA) Links group box

System administrators can manage links and configuration options for the Links group box on the Configure Pagelets - Links Page.

The Queries group box contains:

  • The Query Manager link. Users can click this link to search for existing queries or create new ones to use.

  • Payroll queries.

This example illustrates the Queries group box.

(USA) Queries group box

System administrators can manage links and configuration options for the Queries group box on the Configure Pagelets – Queries Page.

The Reports/Processes group box provides access to the run control pages for existing payroll analytics and reports.

This example illustrates the Reports/Processes group box.

(USA) Reports/Processes group box

System administrators can manage links and configuration options for the Reports/Processes group box on the Configure Pagelets – Reports/Processes Page.