Adjusting Enrollment Records

This topic discusses how to enter participant information manually.

After you enroll employees in savings plans and run the Update Participants process, view the enrollment records and make adjustments, as needed.

Page Name

Definition Name


Review Purchase Participation Page


Manually adjust enrollment records. You must first run the Update Participants process using the Purchase Stock process page.

Use the Review Purchase Participation page (ST_ESPP_PARTIC) to manually adjust enrollment records.

You must first run the Update Participants process using the Purchase Stock process page.


Stock > Stock Purchases > Review Purchase Participation

Common Page Information

Field or Control


Participation Override

The system selects this check box when you make an online entry or change to participation. The system deselects the check box when the stock purchase participation is populated using the Update Participants process.

Benefit Plan

Displays the participant's benefit plan.

Coverage Begin Date

Displays the date on which the participant's coverage begins.

General Tab

Field or Control


Deduction Begin Date

Displays the date on which the deductions begin for the participant.

Deduction Tab

Field or Control


Flat Deduction Amt After-Tax

If the participant selected the deduction method of Flat Deduction Amount After-Tax, the system displays the amount.

Percent of Gross After-Tax

If the participant selected the deduction method of Percent of Gross After-Tax, the system displays the percent.