Allocating Stock to the Variable Comp Stock Fund

To allocate stock to the variable compensation stock fund, use the Variable Comp Allocation (ST_VC_ALLOC) component.

This topic describes how to allocate stock units from your stock option plans to the variable compensation stock fund.

You can also allocate stock units for future fund allocations. Stock balances are adjusted when grants are generated, not when the stock units are allocated.

Page Name

Definition Name


Variable Comp Allocation Page


Allocate stock to the Variable Comp stock fund.

Stock VC Allocation Details Page


Add comments about a stock allocation by clicking the Details button on the Variable Comp Allocation page.

Use the Variable Comp Allocation page (ST_VC_ALLOC) to allocate stock to the Variable Comp stock fund.


Set Up HCM > Product Related > Stock > Option Plans > Variable Comp Allocation

This example illustrates the Variable Comp Allocation page.

Variable Comp Allocation page

Field or Control



If you have multiple allocations in a single day, the sequence number differentiates the transactions.

Shares Allocated

You can allocate more shares than are currently in the plan if you anticipate future funding.

Approval Date

Enter the date management approved the allocation.


Click to access the Stock VC Allocation Details page where you can add comments. You can also view the date and time of the last change and the EmplID of the person who made the last change.