Creating Stock Agreements and Stock Legends

To create stock agreements and stock legends, use the Stock Agreement Table (STOCK_AGREEMENT) and Stock Legend Table (STOCK_LEGEND) components.

This topic provides an overview of stock agreements and stock legends and discusses how to create stock agreements and legends.

Page Name

Definition Name


Stock Agreement Table Page


Create an agreement ID that's included on an individual's stock agreements.

Stock Legend Table Page


Define stock legends for the Transfer Agent Issuance Instructions report.

Use the Stock Agreement Table page to create an agreement ID to include with participants' stock agreements. Use the Stock Legend Table page to create boilerplate text for the Transfer Agent Issuance Instructions report. Later, for each stock plan participant, you'll enter issuance instructions and select a stock legend on the Maintain Issuance Instructions page. You use the legends to communicate instructions to a transfer or escrow agent when you issue stock to participants.

You can generate the following reports for stock agreements and legends:

  • Stock Agreement report (STSU012)

  • Stock Legend report (STSU010)

Use the Stock Agreement Table page (STOCK_AGREEMENT) to create an agreement ID that's included on an individual's stock agreements.


Set Up HCM > Product Related > Stock > Stock Rules > Stock Agreement Table

This example illustrates the Stock Agreement Table page.

Stock Agreement Table page

Field or Control


Agreement Type

Select Purchase if the agreement is related to stock purchase plans, or Option if the agreement is related to option plans.

Use the Stock Legend Table page (STOCK_LEGEND) to define stock legends for the Transfer Agent Issuance Instructions report.


Set Up HCM > Product Related > Stock > Stock Rules > Stock Legend Table

This example illustrates the Stock Legend Table page.

Stock Legend Table page

Field or Control



Enter the legend instructions for the transfer agent.