Defining Offering and Purchase Periods

To define offering and purchase periods, use the Offering/Purchase Periods (ST_OFFERING_PD) component.

After you define the rules for a stock purchase plan, set up the plan's offering period, grant dates, and purchase period begin and end dates. If you allow rolling plans, link the previous offering periods here.

Generate the Offering/Purchase Periods report (STSU023) to view offering and purchase period information.

Page Name

Definition Name


Offering/Purchase Periods - Offering Period Page


Define offering period begin and end dates.

Offering/Purchase Periods - Grant Dates Page


Define grant dates within an offering period.

Offering/Purchase Periods - Purchase Period Page


Define purchase periods for an offering.

Use the Offering/Purchase Periods - Offering Period page (ST_OFFERING_PD) to define offering period begin and end dates.


Set Up HCM > Product Related > Stock > Purchase Plans > Offering/Purchase Periods > Offering Period

This example illustrates the Offering/Purchase Periods - Offering Period page.

Offering/Purchase Periods - Offering Period page

Field or Control


Offering ID

Enter a unique ID to associate with the offering.

Offering Status

Select Active if the offering is available for enrollment. Select Cancelled if the offering was cancelled before its expiration date. Select Expired if the offering has ended.

Status Date

Displays the date on which you made the offering status selection.

Period Begin Date

Enter the date on which the offering period begins. The date cannot be less than the earliest effective date of the stock plan ID. The current system date is the default. The period begin date determines the purchase period begin date, and in turn the grant date.

Period End Date

The system calculates a default offering period end date based on the period begin date and the offering period length months defined on the Stock Purchase Plan Rules - Limits page. You can enter a different date, but the system displays a warning if you do. You also receive a warning if you try to enter an offering period that exceeds the IRS limits defined at the governing body level if the stock purchase plan is an IRS 423 plan.

Previous Offering ID

Select a previous offering ID to link multiple offerings together in a sequence. You can use this field for rolling plans or if you want your participants to be automatically enrolled in another offering when the current offering expires. If you don't specify a previous offering ID, then participants won't be enrolled after the previous offering expires or is cancelled.

Use the Offering/Purchase Periods - Grant Dates page (ST_OFFER_GRANT) to define grant dates within an offering period.


Set Up HCM > Product Related > Stock > Purchase Plans > Offering/Purchase Periods > Grant Dates

This example illustrates the Offering/Purchase Periods - Grant Dates page.

Offering/Purchase Periods - Grant Dates page

Field or Control


Period Begin Date and Period End Date

The begin and end dates of the offering period.

Grant Date

Enter all valid grant dates within this offering period.

Use the Offering/Purchase Periods - Purchase Period page (ST_PURCHASE_PD) to define purchase periods for an offering.


Set Up HCM > Product Related > Stock > Purchase Plans > Offering/Purchase Periods > Purchase Period

Field or Control


Begin Date

Enter the date on which the purchase period begins. This cannot be earlier than the offering period begin date. The offering period begin date is the default.

End Date

The system calculates a default purchase period end date based on the purchase period begin date and the purchase period length months defined on the Stock Purchase Plan Rules - Limits page. You can enter a different date, but the system displays a warning if you enter a date that is greater than or less than the number of months entered at the plan level.