Generating Grants for Variable Compensation Awards

To generate grants for variable compensation awards, use the Create VC Grants (ST_RUNCTL_GEN_GRNT) component. This topic discusses how to generate grants.

Page Name

Definition Name


Create VC Grants - VC Criteria Page


Define the basic parameters of the grant generation process including the VC plan ID. Enter the VC plan, payout period, and group ID, for any unprocessed awards you want to generate. You must first award grants to the optionees through variable compensation.

Create VC Grants - Optionees Page


Exclude individuals from the grant generation processing. You can also view awards to be processed based on the criteria entered on the VC Criteria page.

Create VC Grants - Grant Page


Enter the grant details that are required to generate the grants. During the process the vesting routine is used and the ISO validation occurs if the grant is ISO/SAR.

Variable Comp Message Report Page


Define run parameters for the Variable Comp Message report (STOPMSG). The report displays processing messages when variable compensation grants are generated.

Use the Create VC Grants - VC Criteria page (ST_RUNCTL_GEN_GRNT) to define the basic parameters of the grant generation process including the VC plan ID.

Enter the VC plan, payout period, and group ID, for any unprocessed awards you want to generate. You must first award grants to the optionees through variable compensation.


Stock > Grants > Create VC Grants > VC Criteria

Field or Control


Group ID

If you use groups, this field is available. Select a group ID or leave the field blank to process all groups.

Reject Award Data for Plan ID

Select to reject all VC grants. If you entered a group ID, the system rejects all grants in the group ID.

Important! If you reject VC grants, you cannot recalculate them on the VC side for the same period. You will have to calculate new awards in the following period.

Use the Create VC Grants - Optionees page (ST_GEN_OPTIONEES) to exclude individuals from the grant generation processing.

You can also view awards to be processed based on the criteria entered on the VC Criteria page.


Stock > Grants > Create VC Grants > Optionees

Field or Control



If selected, the award is processed. To exclude the award from processing, deselect the check box.

Group ID

Displays the group ID, or NOGROUP if the VC plan is ad-hoc.

Use the Create VC Grants - Grant page (ST_GEN_GRANT) to enter the grant details that are required to generate the grants.

During the process the vesting routine is used and the ISO validation occurs if the grant is ISO/SAR.


Stock > Grants > Create VC Grants > Grant

Field or Control


Period ID

The payout period ID.