Identifying Unprocessed Contributions that Can be Refunded

The first step is to identify a participant's unprocessed contributions available for refund.

Page Name

Definition Name


Select Refunds Page


Select a participant's unprocessed contributions for refund. You must first enroll participants and gather participant contributions.

Use the Select Refunds page (ST_CONTRIB_REFUND) to select a participant's unprocessed contributions for refund.

You must first enroll participants and gather participant contributions.


Stock > Refunds > Select Refunds

This example illustrates the Select Refunds page: Details tab.

Select Refunds page: Details tab

Field or Control



Click to access the Employee Information page to view employee information.

Period End Date

Displays the offering period end date.

Select All

Click to refund all available contributions. The system selects all Refund fields.

Clear All

Click to undo all the selections.


Click to run the ESPP_REFRESH AE process and refresh the page with all contributions available for refund.


Select to refund this individual contribution.

Refund Source

Displays the source of the refund: Gathered Contribution, Manual Contribution, or Residual Contribution.


Displays the date of the contribution.