Running the UnConfirm Purchase Process

This topic discusses the Unconfirm Purchase process and lists the page that you use to unconfirm a purchase process.

Page Name

Definition Name


Unconfirm Stock Purchase Page


Undo the results of a confirmed purchase process so that you can correct errors.

To correct errors in a confirmed run, you can undo a confirmation by running the Unconfirm Purchase process, correct errors and confirm again. When you unconfirm a purchase for a process group, all confirmations for the purchase, including any carry forward or refunds, are undone.

If you undo a refund confirmation that's been sent to Payroll for North America, you must do additional processing. If Payroll for North America has not processed the transaction, it is removed from the Payroll Transaction table (PSHUP_TXN). If the system has processed the transaction, the refund must manually be reversed. Process the reversal manually using the Payroll Reverse Refunds report. You cannot undo a purchase confirmation from which there is a disposition.