Selecting Participants for a Reprice

This topic discusses how to select participants for a reprice.

Page Name

Definition Name


Determine Eligibility Page


Run the reprice eligibility process using the reprice ID parameters set up using the Stock Reprice component.

Participation Page


Enter a participant's elections to be included or excluded in the stock repricing. You must first run the Reprice Eligibility process.

Use the Determine Eligibility page (ST_RUNCTL_REPRC1) to run the reprice eligibility process using the reprice ID parameters set up using the Stock Reprice component.


Stock > Option Reprices > Determine Eligibility

Field or Control


Stock ID

Enter the stock ID for the stock that you want to reprice.

Reverse Eligibility Process

To reverse a previously run eligibility process, select this check box.

Default Reprice Election

Select to make "yes" the default for the reprice election for all participants.


The system displays the choices you selected on the Define Stock Repricing - Eligibility page.

Reprice Status

Field or Control


Eligibility Status

Displays the status of the reprice process: Unprocessed or Processed.

Status Date

Displays the date on which the reprice status was updated.

Use the Participation page (ST_REPRC_PARTIC) to enter a participant's elections to be included or excluded in the stock repricing.

You must first run the Reprice Eligibility process.


Stock > Option Reprices > Participation

This example illustrates the Participation page: Grants tab.

Participation page: Grants tab

This example illustrates the Participation page: Agreement tab.

Participation page: Agreement tab

Field or Control


Reprice Election

If the participant elects to participate in the reprice, select this check box.

Reprice Participation Status

Displays the status of the optionee's eligible grant for the stock reprice process: Eligible, Notified, or Finalized.