Setting Up Foundation Tables

To set up foundation tables, use the Governing Body Rules (ST_GOVERN_BODY), Exchange Table (ST_EXCHANGE), Transfer/Escrow Agency (ST_AGENT), Brokerage Table (ST_BROKERAGE), Brokerage/Branch Table (ST_BRKR_BRANCH), and the FMV Method Table (ST_FMV_MTHD_TBL) components.

This topic provides an overview of the reports that you can generate for foundation tables, lists prerequisites, and discusses how to set up foundation tables.

Page Name

Definition Name


Governing Body Rules - General Page


Specify the governing body for your stock plans and add comments.

Governing Body Rules - Stock Option Rules Page


Define ISO Section 422 rules and Section 83B filing days for your stock option system.

Governing Body Rules - Stock Purchase Rules Page


Define Section 423 rules for your stock purchase system.

Exchange Table - General Page


Define the stock exchanges where the stocks administered in your system are traded.

Exchange Table - Address Page


Specify contact information for the stock exchange.

Transfer/Escrow Agency - General Page


Define the agencies that provide escrow or transfer agent service for stocks administered in your system.

Transfer/Escrow Agency - Address Page


Define the address of the agencies that provide transfer or escrow service.

Brokerage Table Page


Define the brokerage firms that your company has approved for stock plan participants.

Brokerage/Branch Table Page


Define the branches of the brokerage firms your participants use.

FMV Method Table Page


Define the different fair market value (FMV) methods you use for stock transactions.

You can generate the following reports to review information in the foundation tables:

  • Governing Body Rules report (STUSU001)

  • Exchange Table report (STSU002)

  • Transfer/Escrow Agency report (STSU003)

  • Brokerage Table report (STSU004)

  • FMV Method Table report (STSU006)

Before you define the stock exchanges on which your stock trades, set up a unique holiday schedule for each exchange.

Use the Governing Body Rules - General page (ST_GOVERN_BODY1) to specify the governing body for your stock plans and add comments.


Set Up HCM > Product Related > Stock > Foundation Rules > Governing Body Rules > General

This example illustrates the Governing Body Rules - General page.

Governing Body Rules - General page

Only IRS (USA) regulations are supported and the system displays amounts that comply with IRS requirements. You can enter other governing bodies, but they are not supported.

Use the Governing Body Rules - Stock Option Rules page (ST_GOVERN_BODY2) to define ISO Section 422 rules and Section 83B filing days for your stock option system.


Set Up HCM > Product Related > Stock > Foundation Rules > Governing Body Rules > Stock Option Rules

This example illustrates the Governing Body Rules - Stock Option Rules page.

Governing Body Rules - Stock Option Rules page

ISO Section 422 Rules

The system displays default amounts defined by the IRS for qualified stock option plans and employee stock purchase plans as of 1/1/1933, the date that IRS Section 422 regulations became effective. You can change the default amounts if, for example, you want to make all your equity plans more restrictive. If you make the amounts more generous, your plans may not comply with regulatory agency rules and securities laws.

Field or Control


Annual Exercisable Value Limit

The annual ISO exercisable value limit, determined as of the grant date, as defined by the IRS.

Option Life Limit Years

The number of years between an option's grant date and its expiration date.

10% Shareholder FMV Rule

The percentage of FMV that the price of an option that is granted to a 10% shareholder must equal or exceed.

10% Shareholder Optn Life Yrs (option life years)

The number of years between the grant date and the expiration date for options that are granted to 10% shareholders.

Section 83B Filing Days

The number of days allowed for an individual to file a Section 83B election after being awarded a restricted stock award.

Grace Period - Months

Field or Control



The number of months following a termination to exercise a vested ISO option, after which it is treated as a non-qualifying option.


The number of months following a termination due to disability to exercise a vested ISO option, after which it is treated as a non-qualifying option.

Disqual Disposn Hold Period (disqualifying disposition hold period)

An ISO grant must be held a minimum number of years from the grant date to be considered a qualifying disposition when it is sold.

Field or Control


Years From Grant Date

The minimum number of years from grant date to sale date for an ISO sale to be considered a qualified disposition. The system displays 2 years.

Years From Exercise Date

The minimum number of years from exercise date to sale date for an ISO sale to be considered a qualified disposition.

Use the Governing Body Rules - Stock Purchase Rules page (ST_GOVERN_BODY3) to define Section 423 rules for your stock purchase system.


Set Up HCM > Product Related > Stock > Foundation Rules > Governing Body Rules > Stock Purchase Rules

This example illustrates the Governing Body Rules - Stock Purchase Rules page.

Governing Body Rules - Stock Purchase Rules page

The system displays default amounts defined by the IRS for qualified stock option plans and employee stock purchase plans as of 1/1/1933, the date that IRS Section 423 regulations became effective. You can change the default amounts if, for example, you want to make all your equity plans more restrictive. If you make the amounts more generous, your plans may not comply with regulatory agency rules and securities laws.

Field or Control


Purchase Value Limit

The calendar year stock purchase limit for an individual determined at the beginning of an offering period.

Percentage Discount Limit

The maximum discount of FMV that can be defined for a stock purchase.

Offering Period Maximum Months

The maximum number of months in an offering period.

Major Shareholder Percent

The percentage of company stock owned by an employee that disqualifies that individual from participating in a stock purchase plan.

Years From Grant Date

The minimum number of years from the grant date to the purchase date for a stock purchase to be considered a qualified disposition.

Years From Purchase Date

The minimum number of years from the purchase date to the sale date for a stock purchase sale to be considered a qualified disposition.

Use the Exchange Table - General page (ST_EXCHANGE_TBL1) to define the stock exchanges where the stocks administered in your system are traded.


Set Up HCM > Product Related > Stock > Foundation Rules > Exchange Table > General

Enter a description of the exchange, the currency code, and holiday schedule.

Use the Transfer/Escrow Agency - General page (ST_AGENT1) to define the agencies that provide escrow or transfer agent service for stocks administered in your system.


Set Up HCM > Product Related > Stock > Foundation Rules > Transfer/Escrow Agency > General

This example illustrates the Transfer/Escrow Agency - General page.

Transfer/Escrow Agency - General page

Field or Control


DTC Account Nbr (Depository Trust Company account number)

Enter the electronic ID of the transfer agent, escrow agent, or institution for electronically issued shares. This ID can be alphanumeric.

Agency Type

Select the type of service that the agency provides. Values are Escrow, Transfer, and Escrow/Transfer.

Use the Brokerage/Branch Table page (ST_BRKR_BRANCH) to define the branches of the brokerage firms your participants use.


Set Up HCM > Product Related > Stock > Foundation Rules > Brokerage/Branch Table

Enter the branch's address information.

Use the FMV Method Table page (ST_FMV_MTHD_TBL) to define the different fair market value (FMV) methods you use for stock transactions.


Set Up HCM > Product Related > Stock > Foundation Rules > FMV Method Table

This example illustrates the FMV Method Table page.

FMV Method Table page

Stock Administration enables you to select the same or different FMV methods for your various stock plans.

Trading Day

Select which day's stock price to use for the FMV calculation.


Field or Control


FMV Average Days

Enter the number of days to use when calculating an average. If you enter 0, the system uses the default of one day. If no averaging is needed, leave the default of one day


Select which stock price to use in the FMV calculation. Values are:

Ask Price, Average Bid/Ask, Average High/Low, Average Open/Close, Bid Price, Close Price, High Price, Low Price, Open Price, and Private.

Select Private if your company is privately held. Enter the FMV price determined by your Board of Directors on the Daily Prices Tracking page.

Note: You can override the FMV method at the transaction level, and you can have different FMVs for different transactions within your stock administration system.