Stock Administration Features

This section discusses:

  • General stock administration features.

  • Stock option features.

  • Stock purchase features.

  • Administrative and regulatory reports.

Stock Administration provides the tools to administer and maintain stock option and stock purchase plans for your workforce. As a fully integrated solution, the system enables you to leverage data and functionality that you already use as part of your human resources, payroll, and benefits applications.

Note: PeopleSoft Stock Administration is a US product, supporting US legislative and regulatory requirements. Although this product can support global administration requirements for determining eligibility, calculations, allocation and grant generation; securities administration and taxation requirements outside of the US must be managed and maintained by the customer.

You can define business rules that dictate how the system handles common elements for stock option plans, stock purchase plans, and regulatory reports. With Stock Administration you can:

  • Support multiple plans.

  • Track and maintain plan balances, common issued and outstanding shares, and treasury shares.

  • Store transfer agent, escrow agent, and broker instructions.

  • Track insider activity.

  • Track daily stock prices.

  • Calculate the fair market value (FMV) of stock transactions.

  • Create multiple FMV methods.

  • Identify individuals for proxy and Section 16 reporting.

  • Value stock options and purchases in compliance with FAS 123.

  • View stock option and stock purchase plan activity.

Use the system's stock option functionality to track and report on granted stock options, including Incentive Stock Options (ISOs), Non-Qualified stock options (NQs), and Restricted Stock Awards (RSAs). Stock option features enable you to perform a number of functions. For example:

  • Generate grants from plans based on stock awards allocated in variable compensation and individual grants.

  • Create vesting schedules that are tailored to your plans.

  • Administer plans that enable exercises before shares have vested and permit the repurchase of shares that are exercised before vesting.

  • Reprice grants for eligible individuals and set restrictions, including vesting and exercise restrictions, on the repriced grants.

  • Exercise an ISO as an NQ option 90 days after termination.

  • Track 83(b) filings and administer restricted stock awards, exercises, releases, and repurchases.

  • Integrate with Payroll for North America to process ordinary income and taxes on restricted stock transactions.

  • View stock option activity.

  • View employee's stock option activity.

The stock purchase feature of Stock Administration enable you to identify participants in stock purchase plans, calculate participant contributions, and deduct the correct amount from payroll. You can define limits and rules that are specific to your company, administer stock purchases by purchase period, and capture stock sale information.

Stock purchase functionality enables you to:

  • Integrate with Benefits and Benefits Administration to leverage benefits enrollment, deduction, and eligibility checking as you enroll employees in stock purchase plans.

  • Integrate with Payroll for North America to administer employee-authorized stock purchase payroll deductions.

  • Administer fixed and rolling offerings.

  • Capture multiple grant dates in a purchase period.

  • Process and track employee stock purchase participants who are not administered by human resources.

  • Accept multi-currency contributions and refunds.

  • Monitor the Section 423 $25,000 stock purchase limit and other rules and limits that are defined in your stock purchase plans.

  • View stock purchase activity.

Stock Administration provides reports that make it easier for you to comply with stock regulatory requirements and help administer your stock plans. These include:

  • Individual statements, receipts, and transmittals.

  • Reconciliation reports.

  • Payroll and tax reports.

  • Transfer agent and brokerage reports.

  • Summary and detail reports on potential diluted options outstanding.

  • FAS 123 and APB 25 financial disclosure reports.