Understanding Stock Administration Self-Service

This section discusses:

  • Self-service components.

  • Self-service roles and security.

The Stock Administration self-service transactions interact with HR. These transactions enable employees to view and update their stock information. An additional transaction enables managers to view information about employees' grants and vesting details.

  • Issuance Instructions enables employees to enter and view issuance information for each stock ID. They can view the details of issuance instructions and select broker or certificate issuance for stock options and stock purchase plans.

  • View Stock Options enables employees to view a summary of active stock option grants, see the shares that are currently available for exercise, and view detailed vesting information for each active grant. They can view information as of today's date or enter a past or future date. If employees have grants in multiple stock IDs, they can switch to a different stock ID to view that summary information.

  • View Stock Purchase Activity enables employees to view details of their contributions, purchases, and sales. They can view transactions as of today's date or for a date range. They can also print receipts and statements.

  • Report Stock Sales enables employees to record stock dispositions (sales) and cancel pending dispositions. They can enter new dispositions, view the details of pending dispositions, and cancel pending dispositions.

  • View Employees' Stock Options enables managers to view information about all active grants, along with vesting details, for a selected employee. Managers can view information as of today's date or enter a past or future date. By adding further information, managers can determine net potential gain.

This section discusses how to specify the information that an employee can access.

Specifying the Information That An Employee Can Access

Self-service transactions are targeted to specific roles, such as applicant, employee, faculty, manager, and optionee. These roles help determine:

  • The transactions that an employee can access.

  • The data that an employee can access.

User profiles determine the default access to transactions. You create user profiles on the Maintain Security page in the User Profile component. You assign a role to each user profile.

Profiles are linked to access control lists. Each access control list identifies the pages that users can access. To modify access to specific web pages for each role, you modify the access control list.

User profiles also control the data that each employee can access.