Viewing Employee Stock Options

This topic provides an overview of the pages used to view employee stock options and lists these pages.

Page Name

Definition Name


Employee Stock Options - Select Employee


View an employee's stock option information.

Stock Option Summary


View a summary of an employee's stock option information.

Calculate Potential Gain


Calculate an employee's potential net gain.

Stock Option Position


View the results of the potential net gain calculation.

Unvested New Gain Chart


View an employee's unvested shares.

Unvested Chart


View a chart of the unvested shares.

Managers use the Employee Stock Option pages to view information about all active grants and vesting details for selected employees, who must be direct reports. Managers can view information as of today's date or for a past or future date. By adding further information, managers can also determine an employee's potential net gain.

To access the main Shares Available to Sell page, select Manager Self-Service > Compensation and Stock > Employee Stock Option Summary. This page has links to the other pages listed in this topic.