Frequently Asked Questions

The following table addresses some frequently asked questions:



Is a password necessary for the Node definition?

No, it is not. If the external node wants to enforce the password , you need to specify that on the Node Definitions page of the external node.

Do all the downloads have the TCD ID?

Yes, each TCD will get employee population and other information.

Will each TCD record its own employee information?

Yes, each TCD will get employee population and other information.

Why do I see two data messages for one full_sync publish?

If a message exceeds the allotted size, the message is divided into multiple messages. For example, if the TCD server receives the header followed by multiple data messages and then a trailer.

What is the Operator ID (char 8) in the Punched and Elapsed transactions? How do I validate this information?

Oprid : can be left blank or it is up to implementation site if they want to populate with the ID of the person who is punching.

Why don't I see the header message for TIME_DEVICE_EMPL_ATT_SYNC?

Empl Att sync will not have header and trailer as it is considered as incremental message, this is the only message which is incremental. The TCD server receives all other messages are Full Synch which will have header, data and trailer messages.