Step 13: Post Rule Validation

This step validates the data generated as a result of rules processing of task data and TRC data. Numerous validations are run during post rules processing. All the exceptions generated by these validations are delivered with Time and Labor and have a severity level of high. They are written to the TL_EXCEPTION table. Payable Time is not created for time reporters on the days for which there are medium and high level exceptions.

Post Rules time validation in Time Administration applies to the TRC and task data created by rules processing. For example, you might create a rule that sets all time reported without a TRC to a TRC of Reg. In another rule, you might specify that all Reg hours over eight in a day should be paid at the overtime rate of 1.5 using the TRC "OVT1.5." Suppose, however, that the overtime rate represented by "OVT1.5" is no longer in the TRC program for the workgroup you are processing; instead, it has been replaced by a different TRC called OVTPay. In a case like this, Time Validation would generate an exception noting that the TRC "OVT1.5" was no longer valid for this workgroup.

Note: Customers should configure and use a validation set rather than enabling all validations to run.

Processing Exceptions

This process updates the Exceptions Table (TL_EXCEPTION) to include any new exceptions generated during the current batch run. When this table has been updated, go to the Manage Exceptions page to approve or clear out exceptions.

This process does the following:

  • Compares new exceptions created in the current run to the unresolved exceptions that exist in the TL_EXCEPTIONS Table.

  • Sets the ACTION_DTTM field on the TL_EXCEPTIONS Table to CurrentDateTime for the exceptions that exist in both tables and deletes these exceptions from the working table.

  • Updates the TL_EXCEPTIONS Table by adding any new exceptions.

  • Sets the status of resolved exceptions to resolved. After Time Administration has updated the status of an exception to resolved, it refers to the SAVE_IND flag (save indicator) on the TL_EXCEPT_DEFN Table for the Exception ID. If the save indicator for that exception is Y (Yes), Time Administration archives the exception. If the save indicator is N (No), Time Administration deletes it.

Note: Time Administration does not process exceptions when it creates forecasted Payable Time.