Creating a User-Defined Advisement Report Using the Analysis Database

You may want to query the analysis database for many reasons. For example, you may want to know how many undergraduate students have not satisfied their math requirement. This data may even help you decide how many sections of a class to schedule in a subsequent term. Or, you may want to create a report that displays the career, program, and plan of all students who have met all their degree requirements.

You can query the analysis database using PeopleSoft Query or your database's query tool such as Microsoft's Query Analyzer, Oracle's SQL Plus, or IBM's Command Center.

Note: Pay close attention to the automatic join created by PeopleSoft Query. When joining certain tables, the query tool creates the join using the ENTRY_SEQ field. Leaving this field in the join may result in no data being returned.

After retrieving data, use your reporting tool of choice to create a report that meets your needs. To do this, you can use most tools that coordinate with SQL.