Maximizing the Efficiency of Course Lists

To enhance performance, establish the fewest number of sequence rows. To increase efficiency, you can use a wide ranging wildcard followed by set operation theory to subtract smaller pieces. For example, you might establish undergraduate courses as 100-level through 400-level courses, and graduate courses as 500-level courses. Then, rather than use a course list with four course sequences of 1##, 2##, 3##, and 4##, it would be more efficient to use the wildcard course list at the subject level, or even the academic group level, and then subtract from the line detail item a course list of 500-level courses.

Using wildcard course lists is an efficient way to establish course lists. To maximize efficiencies, consider the highest level at which you establish a wildcard course list. For instance, if all psychology courses are acceptable to fulfill a requirement, enter Psychology in the Subject field rather than create course sequences with Psych 1##, Psych 2##, and so on.

When evaluating course lists, consider not only what you want to include in the list, but also what you do not want to include. If all but five of the courses in a subject are valid to be used, then using a wildcard course list at the subject level and subtracting a course list of five courses is more efficient than establishing a course list that details all of the valid course IDs.

See Creating a Course List Detail.