Populating the Analysis Database Tables

You can populate the analysis database tables by running the transcript request process for a single student or small group of students (through the Transcript Request component), or for a large population of students (through the Batch Transcript Request component).

Here's how to populate the analysis database tables for a small group of students:

  1. Access the Request Header page.

  2. Specify an advising transcript type in the Transcript Type field.

  3. Specify a report type of Analysis Database in the Report Type field.

    Running the transcript process using this option sends the results of the advising report to the analysis database tables, instead of to a flat, printable, advising report.

  4. Access the Request Detail page and enter the student IDs for the processing group.

  5. (Optional) Enter what-if parameters.

  6. If you have a small number of IDs to process, click the Process Request button to process the request and populate the analysis database tables.

    If you have a large number of IDs to process, save the request, note the request number, and then run the process through the Transcript Generation component.

Here's how to populate the analysis database tables for a large group of students (batch mode):

  1. Access the Batch Transcript Request page.

  2. Specify an advising transcript type in the Transcript Type field.

  3. Select the Database Report check box.

  4. Specify the parameters for the processing group.

  5. Click the Run button to process the request and populate the analysis database tables.