Understanding Academic Advisement Reports

The advisement report is the degree audit report that reflects a student's progress towards graduation. This report is the core function of the Academic Advisement application. The report indicates whether the student has completed all of the requirements that the student needs to graduate or whether the student still needs to satisfy outstanding requirements.

A core function of Academic Advisement is the ability to generate an advisement report for a student, several students, or a group (batch) of students. The advisement report is the degree audit report that reflects a student's progress toward graduation. Depending on the setup of your report types, an advisement report may show not only courses taken, but also in-progress, planned, shopping cart, and what-if courses.

Using the what-if advising capabilities, you can run a simulated advisement report for a student that shows degree progress based on courses the student proposes to take. You can also run a simulated academic advisement report based on simulated careers, programs, plans, and subplans.

You can generate what-if reports for both students and prematriculated students (for example, prospective students), provided the prematriculated students have an EMPLID. Note that you can generate advisement reports without the what-if parameters (degree audit based on current academic structure) for active students only.

After you run the report process, you can view the results online as well as generate a .pdf view of the report. You can also print the results.

If you process a what-if report (course what-if, for example) the report reflects the what-if results accordingly. For example, the interactive advisement report identifies the what-if course with a what-if icon and the delivered pdf report identifies the what-if course as a what-if type course.

Note: During the analysis process, the advisement engine does not recognize courses that you entered into the system using the Historical Course Enrollment page. Any historical courses that you entered into a student's record are used for record and history tracking purposes only.