Prerequisites for Producing Academic Advisement Transcript Reports

Important! The COBOL transcript process is a deprecated product. It is strongly recommended that you use the Application Engine transcript process instead. For more information on the Application Engine transcript process, see Understanding Transcript-Related Processes.

Before you can process advisement reports, you must set up advisement transcript types in the Transcript Type (TSCRPT_TYPE) component.

Note: On the Basic Data page, where you define transcript types, select the Advising Report check box to designate the transcript type as an academic advisement transcript type unless you are running a special usage report. Only academic advisement transcript types result in academic advisement transcript reports.

Before students can run self-service advisement reports, designate at least one transcript type for self-service by selecting the Allow Student Self-Service check box on the Basic Data page.

Important! If you plan to use the advisement transcript, which is defined in the TSCRPT_TYPE component, then you must also define an advisement report type with that same name (ADVIP, for example) using the Define Advisement Report (SAA_RPT_TYPE) component. Otherwise, when you generate an advisement transcript report (using the AA_RPT component, for example), the system will not process degree audit report results for that student. Field values that you select on the SAA_RPT_TYPE component are ignored when generating the advisement transcript, with two exceptions: the effective date, and the program status.

Effective Date: The As of Date on the Request Detail page of the AA_RPT component recognizes the effective date of the advisement report type. If the effective date on the advisement report type is greater than the As of Date, then the system will not process degree audit report results for the student.

Program Status: You must identify within the SAA_RPT_TYPE component the program statuses that are valid for the transcript type. The system obeys valid program status values that you define on the Define Advisement Report component when you generate an advisement transcript report. For example, if you select Active as the only valid program status on the SAA_RPT_TYPE component, then the results for the corresponding advisement transcript do not include report results for a student if his program status is, for example, Completed.