Delivered PDL Templates

Delivered Transaction Code: SAD_CFA

Modify the delivered transaction as follows:

  • Update the data update rule with one defined by your institution based on your constituent data update policies.

  • Search/Match Setup: Update the search parameter, search result codes and update rules based on your institution’s needs.

File Parser Field Conversion Definition Template: SAD_CFA

Conversion examples have been delivered for the following fields:

  • Academic Plan based on incoming AcademicInterestCD1 values.

  • Academic Program based on incoming AcademicInterestCD1 values.

  • Citizenship Status based on incoming Citizenship values.

  • Ethnicity based on incoming Ethnicity values.

  • Admit Type based on incoming FreshmanTransfer values.

  • Admit Term based on incoming StartingTerm values.

Each of these conversions will need to be modified based upon your internal values. Either create a new field conversion definition or copy the delivered definition and modify as needed.

Context Definition Template: SAD_CFA

Review the delivered template and determine if any records need to be added. Modify this delivered version. It will be used on the File Mapping Definition component. Create a copy before doing so to keep an original version. If you choose to use a copy of a delivered context definition and reference the copied version in your file mapping definition, the system forces you to redefine the file layout and file mapping setup.

File Mapping Definition Template: SAD_CFA_PROSPECTS

This file mapping definition can be used to create prospects and populate supporting data such as academic interests and extracurricular activities. You will need to make changes to this delivered template to reflect institution defined default values. Before doing so, make a copy of the delivered template.

File Definition Tab:

Important! Leave the context definition as SAD_CFA. If you change this, all the file layout and mapping setup will disappear.

Modify the conversion definition to the one you have created.

Change the delimiter if needed based on your file characteristics.

File Layout Tab: Depending upon which college fair (NACAC, Regional, and so on) you are loading data for, the file layout may differ from the layout defined. Review this tab to ensure the fields appear in the exact order as that of the CFA layout you are using. Modify default values on the Date Day and Date Month columns for the field HSGradYear.

Mapping Tab:

The default values for the following fields will need to be reviewed and probably modified depending upon your institution’s business practices:
















Calculated Fields: The following calculated fields have been delivered for CFA:

  • SCC_STG_NAMES.LAST_NAME_SRCH - Removes all special characters and puts the field into upper case.

  • SCC_STG_NAMES.FIRST_NAME_SRCH - Removes all special characters and puts the field into upper case.

  • SAD_PRS_CAR_STG.ADM_RECR_CTR - Looks at the prospect setup you have defined to determine recruiting center. If you don’t set up the Prospect Setup page, you will need to change this to a default recruiting center.

  • SAD_PRS_CAR_STG. LAST_SCH_ATTEND - Uses the incoming value from CEEBCode to determine the EXT_ORG_ID to populate based on the EXT_ORG_TBL_ADM.ATP_CODE.

  • SAD_PRS_PRG_STG.ADM_RECR_CTR - Looks at the prospect setup you have defined to determine recruiting center. If you don’t set up the Prospect Setup page, you will need to change this to a default recruiting center.

  • SCC_STG_ACADHST.EXT_ORG_ID - Uses the incoming value from CEEBCode to determine the EXT_ORG_ID to populate based on the EXT_ORG_TBL_ADM.ATP_CODE.

Common Attribute Framework:

The following sample common attributes have been delivered for the incoming field indicated:

  • CFA_CLASSRANK for ClassRank

  • CFA_PARENTSCOLLEGE for ParentSiblingCollege

  • CFA_PARENTSGRAD for ParentsGrad

  • CFA_SCHLINOUTSTPREF for SchoolInOutOfState

  • CFA_SCHLSETTINGPREF for SchoolSetting

  • CFA_SCHLSIZEPREF for SchoolSize

  • CFA_TEXTOK for TextOK

Set up additional common attributes for other fields that have not been mapped on the File Mapping Definition component. In addition to creating the common attribute and adding them to the record context for ADM_PRSPCT_CAR, you will need to add rows for each common attribute on the File Mapping Definition component. Additional fields that were not mapped include:

  • Religion

  • TransferFrom

  • LastCompletedSemester

  • SocialMediaLink

  • CanMessage

  • DrivingTime

  • RateSchoolSetting

  • RateSchoolInOutOfState

  • RateSchoolSize

  • RateSDrivingTime

Delivered Transaction Code: SAD_IELTS

Modify the delivered transaction as follows:

  • Update the data update rule with one defined by your institution based on your constituent data update policies.

  • Search/Match Setup: Update the search parameter, search result codes and update rules based on your institution’s needs.

File Parser Field Conversion Definition Template:

Not needed

Context Definition Template: SAD_IELTS

Review the delivered template and determine if any records need to be added. Modify this delivered definition. It will be used on the File Mapping Definition component. Create a copy before doing so to keep an original version. If you choose to use a copy of a delivered context definition and reference the copied version in your file mapping definition, the system forces you to redefine the file layout and file mapping setup.

File Mapping Definition Template: SAD_IELTS_TESTRESULTS

This file mapping definition can be used to post IELTS test scores. You will need to make changes to this delivered template to reflect institution defined default values. Before doing so, make a copy of the delivered template.

File Definition Tab:

Important! Leave the context definition as SAD_IELTS. If you change this, all the file layout and mapping setup will disappear.

Change the delimiter if needed based on your file characteristics.

File Layout Tab: Review this tab to ensure the fields appear in the exact order as that of the IELTS layout you are using.

Mapping Tab:

The default values for the following fields will need to be reviewed and probably modified depending upon your institution’s business practices:







  • SAD_STG_TST_CAF.TEST_ID – Six rows

Calculated Fields: The following calculated fields have been delivered for IELTS:

  • SCC_STG_NAMES.LAST_NAME_SRCH - Removes all special characters and puts the field into upper case.

  • SCC_STG_NAMES.FIRST_NAME_SRCH - Removes all special characters and puts the field into upper case.

  • SCC_STG_TESTCMP.SCORE - Looks at the incoming score value for ListeningTestScore, ReadingTestScore, WritingTestScore, SpeakingTestScore or OverallScore (depending on the application class ID populated). If the incoming value is 0 or -1, population of the row is skipped.

Common Attribute Framework:

The following sample common attributes have been delivered for the incoming field indicated:


  • IELTS_PARTNO for PartNo

  • IELTS_CENTRENUMBER for CentreNumber

  • IELTS_CANDIDATENUMBR for CandidateNumber



Set up additional common attributes for other fields that have not been mapped on the File Mapping Definition component. Add each new attribute to the SAD_TESTDT record context. In addition to creating the common attribute and adding them to the record context, you will need to add rows for each common attribute on the File Mapping Definition component. Additional fields that were not mapped include:

  • StartDate

  • EndDate

To complete the setup for the delivered common attributes, see Setting Up Filtering for Common Attributes.

Delivered Transaction Code: SAD_PTE

Modify the delivered transaction as follows:

  • Update the data update rule with one defined by your institution based on your constituent data update policies.

  • Search/Match Setup: Update the search parameter, search result codes and update rules based on your institution’s needs.

File Parser Field Conversion Definition Template: SAD_PTE

Conversion examples have been delivered for the following fields:

  • Academic Career based on incoming Program Receiving Scores values.

  • Academic Plan based on incoming Program Receiving Scores values.

  • Academic Program based on incoming Program Receiving Scores values.

  • STATE/PROVINCE/COUNTY based on incoming Country Of Residence and State/Province/County values. Used with a delivered calculated field.

Each of these conversions will need to be modified based upon your internal values. Either create a new field conversion definition or copy the delivered definition and modify as needed.

Context Definition Template: SAD_PTE

Review the delivered template and determine if any records need to be added. Modify this delivered definition. It will be used on the File Mapping Definition component. Create a copy before doing so to keep an original version. If you choose to use a copy of a delivered context definition and reference the copied version in your file mapping definition, the system forces you to redefine the file layout and file mapping setup.

File Mapping Definition Template: SAD_PTE_TESTRESULTS

This file mapping definition can be used to post PTE test scores only. You will need to make changes to this delivered template to reflect institution defined default values. Before doing so, make a copy of the delivered template.

File Definition Tab:

Important! Leave the context definition as SAD_PTE. If you change this, all the file layout and mapping setup will disappear.

Modify the conversion definition to the one you have created.

Change the delimiter if needed based on your file characteristics.

File Layout Tab: Review this tab to ensure the fields appear in the exact order as that of the PTE layout you are using.

Mapping Tab:

The default values for the following fields will need to be reviewed and probably modified depending upon your institution’s business practices:










  • SAD_STG_TST_CAF.TEST_ID – Five rows

Calculated Fields: The following calculated fields have been delivered for PTE:

  • SCC_STG_NAMES.LAST_NAME_SRCH - Removes all special characters and puts the field into upper case.

  • SCC_STG_NAMES.FIRST_NAME_SRCH - Removes all special characters and puts the field into upper case.

  • SCC_STG_ADDR.STATE - Concatenates the incoming values for Country of Residence and State/Province/County and compares them to the Field Conversion Definition for STATE/PROVINCE/COUNTY to determine the value to populate.

File Mapping Definition Template: SAD_PTE_TESTPROSPECT

This file mapping definition can be used to post PTE test scores and create a prospect record. You will need to make changes to this delivered template to reflect institution defined default values. Before doing so, make a copy of the delivered template.

File Definition Tab: Modify context definition and conversion definition to those you have created. Change the delimiter if needed based on your file characteristics.

File Layout Tab: Review this tab to ensure the fields appear in the exact order as that of the PTE layout you are using.

Mapping Tab:

The default values for the following fields will need to be reviewed and probably modified depending upon your institution’s business practices.










  • SAD_STG_TST_CAF.TEST_ID – Five rows







Calculated Fields: The following calculated fields have been delivered for PTE:

  • SCC_STG_NAMES.LAST_NAME_SRCH - Removes all special characters and puts the field into upper case.

  • SCC_STG_NAMES.FIRST_NAME_SRCH - Removes all special characters and puts the field into upper case.

  • SCC_STG_ADDR.STATE - Concatenates the incoming values for the Country of Residence and State/Province/County fields and compares them to the field conversion definition for STATE/PROVINCE/COUNTY to determine the value to populate.

  • SAD_PRS_CAR_STG.ADM_RECR_CTR - Looks at the prospect setup you have defined to determine recruiting center. If you don’t set up the Prospect Setup page, you will need to change this to a default recruiting center.

Common Attribute Framework:

The following sample common attributes have been delivered for the incoming field indicated:

  • PTE_DTSCORESAVAIL for Date Scores Available To Program

  • PTE_FIRSTTIMETESTTKR for First-Time Test Taker

  • PTE_PROGRECSCORES for Program Receiving Scores

  • PTE_REGISTRATIONID for Registration Id

  • PTE_SCORESVALIDUNTIL for Scores Valid Until

Set up additional common attributes for other fields that have not been mapped on the File Mapping Definition component. Add each new attribute to the SAD_TESTDT record context. In addition to creating the common attribute and adding them to the record context, you will need to add rows for each common attribute on the File Mapping Definition component. Additional fields that were not mapped include: Irregularity Code

To complete the setup for the delivered common attributes, see Setting Up Filtering for Common Attributes.

Delivered Transaction Code: SAD_TOEFL

Modify the delivered transaction as follows:

  • Update the data update rule with one defined by your institution based on your constituent data update policies.

  • Search/Match Setup: Update the search parameter, search result codes and update rules based on your institution’s needs.

File Parser Field Conversion Definition Template: SAD_TOEFL

Conversion examples have been delivered for the following fields:

  • Gender based on incoming Gender values.

  • Language Code based on incoming Native Language Code values.

  • Academic Career based on incoming Department Code values.

Each of these conversions may need to be modified based upon your internal values. Either create a new field conversion definition or copy the delivered definition and modify as needed.

Note: Not all Native Language Code values have been mapped. The following incoming language codes are not mapped: AKA (Akan), ALB (Albanian), ASM (Assamese), AZE (Azerbaijani), BAM (Bambara), BAK (Bashkir), BAQ (Basque), BEL (Belarusian), BEN (Bemba), BER (Berber), BIK (Bikol), BOS (Bosnian), CAT (Catalan), CEB (Cebuano), NYA (Chichewa (Nyanja)), CHV (Chuvash), DYU (Dyula), EFI (Efik), EST (Estonian), EWE (Ewe), FIJ (Fijian), FIN (Finnish), FUL (Fulah), GAA (Ga), GLA (Galician), LUG (Ganda), GEO(Georgian), GRN (Guarani), GUJ (Gujarati), GWI (Gwichin), HAU (Hausa), HIL (Hiligaynon), IBO (Igbo), ILO (Iloko), IPK (Inupiaq), JAV (Javanese), KAU (Kanuri), KAS (Kashmiri), KAZ (Kazakh), KHM (Khmer), KIK (Kikuyu), KIN (Kinyarwanda), KOS (Kosraean), KUR (Kurdish), KUS (Kusaiean), LIN (Lingala), LUA (Luba-Lulua), LUO (Luo), LTZ (Luzembourgish), MAC (Macedonian), MAD (Madurese), MLG (Malagasy), MAL (Malayalam), MLT (Maltese), MAN (Mandingo), MAR (Marathi), MAH (Marshallese), MEN (Mende), MIN (Minangkabau), MON (Mongolian), MOS (Mossi), NAU (Nauru), NEP (Nepali), ORI (Orlya), ORM (Oromo), PAU (Palauan), PON (Pohnpeian), PAN (Punjabi), PUS (Pushto), SMO (Samoan), SAT (Santali), SNA (Shona), SND (Sindhi), SIN (Sinhalese), SLO (Slovak), SLV (Slovenian), SOL (Somali), SUN (Sundanese), TGK (Tajik), TAT (Talar), TIB (Tibetan), TIR (Tigrinya), TON (Tonga), TUK (Turkmen), UIG (Uighar), UZB (Uzbek), WOL (Wolof), XHO (Xhosa), YAP (Yapese), YID (Yiddish), YOR (Yoruba), YPK (Yupik), ZHA (Zhuang), ZUL (Zulu).

Context Definition Template: SAD_TOEFL

Review the delivered template and determine if any records need to be added. Modify this delivered definition. It will be used on the File Mapping Definition component. Create a copy before doing so to keep an original version. If you choose to use a copy of a delivered context definition and reference the copied version in your file mapping definition, the system forces you to redefine the file layout and file mapping setup.

File Mapping Definition Template: SAD_TOEFL_TESTRESULTS

This file mapping definition can be used to post TOEFL test scores only. You will need to make changes to this delivered template to reflect institution defined default values. Before doing so, make a copy of the delivered template.

File Definition Tab:

Important! Leave the context definition as SAD_TOEFL. If you change this, all the file layout and mapping setup will disappear.

Modify the conversion definition to the one you have created.

Change the delimiter if needed based on your file characteristics.

File Layout Tab: Review this tab to ensure the fields appear in the exact order as that of the TOEFL layout you are using.

Mapping Tab:

The default values for the following fields will need to be reviewed and probably modified depending upon your institution’s business practices:









  • SAD_STG_TST_CAF.TEST_ID – Ten rows

Calculated Fields: The following calculated fields have been delivered for TOEFL:

  • SCC_STG_NAMES.LAST_NAME_SRCH - Removes all special characters and puts the field into upper case.

  • SCC_STG_NAMES.FIRST_NAME_SRCH - Removes all special characters and puts the field into upper case.

  • SCC_STG_NAMES.LAST_NAME, SCC_STG_NAMES.FIRST_NAME and SCC_STG_NAMES.MIDDLE_NAME - Parses the incoming value in Last (Family) Name in position 43 into LAST_NAME, FIRST_NAME and MIDDLE_NAME when the Test Type = P (PBT) in field position 556. If the Test Type is I (IBT), the name parts will appear in the three separate fields Last (Family) Name, First (Given) Name and Middle Name and will populate LAST_NAME, FIRST_NAME and MIDDLE_NAME from the three fields.

  • SCC_STG_TESTCMP.SCORE - Looks at the incoming score value for IBT Listening, IBT Speaking, IBT Total Score, P/B Section I Score and Total Score (depending on the application class ID populated). If the incoming value is ** or ***, population of the row is skipped.

  • SCC_STG_ADDR.STATE - Validates the incoming country against the values in the country table. If the country exists, it then validates the incoming state-country combination against the state table. If the state-province is found, the state value is populated. If not, the field is left blank.

File Mapping Definition Template: SAD_TOEFL_TESTPROSPECT

This file mapping definition can be used to post TOEFL test scores and create a prospect record. You will need to make changes to this delivered template to reflect institution defined default values. Before doing so, make a copy of the delivered template.

File Definition Tab: Modify context definition and conversion definition to those you have created. Change the delimiter if needed based on your file characteristics.

File Layout Tab: Review this tab to ensure the fields appear in the exact order as that of the TOEFL layout you are using.

Mapping Tab:

The default values for the following fields will need to be reviewed and probably modified depending upon your institution’s business practices.









  • SAD_STG_TST_CAF.TEST_ID – Ten rows




Calculated Fields: The following calculated fields have been delivered for TOEFL:

  • SCC_STG_NAMES.LAST_NAME_SRCH - Removes all special characters and puts the field into upper case.

  • SCC_STG_NAMES.FIRST_NAME_SRCH - Removes all special characters and puts the field into upper case.

  • SCC_STG_NAMES.LAST_NAME, SCC_STG_NAMES.FIRST_NAME and SCC_STG_NAMES.MIDDLE_NAME - Parses the incoming value in Last (Family) Name in position 43 into LAST_NAME, FIRST_NAME and MIDDLE_NAME when the Test Type = P (PBT) in field position 556. If the Test Type is I (IBT), the name parts will appear in the three separate fields Last (Family) Name, First (Given) Name and Middle Name and will populate LAST_NAME, FIRST_NAME and MIDDLE_NAME from the three fields.

  • SCC_STG_TESTCMP.SCORE - Looks at the incoming score value for IBT Listening, IBT Speaking, IBT Total Score, P/B Section I Score and Total Score (depending on the application class ID populated). If the incoming value is ** or ***, population of the row is skipped.

  • SAD_PRS_CAR_STG.ADM_RECR_CTR - Looks at the prospect setup you have defined to determine recruiting center. If you don’t set up the Prospect Setup page, you will need to change this to a default recruiting center.

  • SCC_STG_ADDR.STATE - Validates the incoming country against the values in the country table. If the country exists, it then validates the incoming state-country combination against the state table. If the state-province is found, the state value is populated. If not, the field is left blank.

Common Attribute Framework:

The following sample common attributes have been delivered for the incoming field indicated. These attributes should be associated with the SAD_TESTDT record context:

  • TOEFL_REG_NBR for Registration or Appointment Number

  • TOEFL_TESTCTR_CD for Test Center Code

  • TOEFL_LIST_IND for Listening Indicator

  • TOEFL_SPK_IND for Speaking Indicator

  • TOEFL_REASON_TKN for Reason for taking TOEFL

  • TOEFL_DEGREE for Degree

  • TOEFL_INTINFO_YEAR for Interpretive Info Year

  • TOEFL_NBR_TAKEN for Number of times taken

  • TOEFL_IBT_TESTCTR for IBT Test Center Code

  • TOEFL_TSTCTR_CNTRY for Test Center Country

Set up additional common attributes for other fields that have not been mapped on the File Mapping Definition component. Add each new attribute to the SAD_TESTDT record context. In addition to creating the common attribute and adding them to the record context, you will need to add rows for each common attribute on the File Mapping Definition component. Additional fields that were not mapped include:

• Institution Code

• Department Code

• Address Country Name

• Native Country Name

• Test Type

• No Resp/Off Topic

To complete the setup for the delivered common attributes, see:

Delivered Transaction Code: SAD_GMAT

Modify the delivered transaction as follows:

  • Update the data update rule with one defined by your institution based on your constituent data update policies.

  • Search/Match Setup: Update the search parameter, search result codes and update rules based on your institution’s needs.

File Parser Field Conversion Definition Template: SAD_GMAT

Conversion examples have been delivered for the following fields:

  • Admit Term based on incoming Graduation Date values.

  • Gender based on incoming Gender values.

  • STATE/PROVINCE based on incoming Country Of Residence and State/Province values. Used with a delivered calculated field.

Each of these conversions may need to be modified based upon your internal values. Either create a new field conversion definition or copy the delivered definition and modify as needed.

Note: Not all State/Province Codes have been mapped. See the rows populated for the following provinces in Pakistan: PAKICT (Islamabad Capital Territory), PAKNWF (North West Frontier), PAKPUN (Punjab) and PAKSIN (Sindh) and enter an internal values for these states.

Context Definition Template: SAD_GMAT

Review the delivered template and determine if any records need to be added. Modify this delivered version. It will be used on the File Mapping Definition component. Create a copy before doing so to keep an original version. If you choose to use a copy of a delivered context definition and reference the copied version in your file mapping definition, the system forces you to redefine the file layout and file mapping setup.

File Mapping Definition Template: SAD_GMAT_TESTPROSPECT

This file mapping definition can be used to create prospects in addition to populating test scores. You will need to make changes to this delivered template to reflect institution defined default values. Before doing so, make a copy of the delivered template.

File Definition Tab:

Important! Leave the context definition as SAD_GMAT. If you change this, all the file layout and mapping setup will disappear.

Modify the conversion definition to the one you have created.

Change the delimiter if needed based on your file characteristics.

File Layout Tab: Review this tab to ensure the fields appear in the exact order as that of the GMAT layout you are using. Modify default values on the Date Day column for the fields:

  • Administration Date

  • Administration Date2

  • Administration Date3

  • Graduation Date

Mapping Tab:

The default values for the following fields will need to be reviewed and probably modified depending upon your institution’s business practices:







  • SCC_STG_TESTCMP.TEST_ID – Fifteen rows



  • SCC_STG_TESTDT.TEST_ID – Three rows

  • SAD_STG_TST_CAF.TEST_ID – Eight rows
















Calculated Fields: The following calculated fields have been delivered for GMAT:

  • SCC_STG_NAMES.LAST_NAME_SRCH - Removes all special characters and puts the field into upper case.

  • SCC_STG_NAMES.FIRST_NAME_SRCH - Removes all special characters and puts the field into upper case.

  • SCC_STG_ADDR.STATE - Concatenates the incoming values for the Country of Residence and State/Province/County fields and compares them to the field conversion definition for STATE/PROVINCE to determine the value to populate.

  • SCC_STG_TESTCMP.SCORE - Looks at the incoming score value for the Verbal Converted Score, Quantitative Converted Score, Total Converted Score, Analytical Writing Converted Score and Integrated Reasoning Converted Score (depending on the application class ID populated). If the incoming value is ++ or +++ or ~~~, population of the row is skipped.

  • SCC_STG_TESTCMP.PERCENTILE - Looks at the incoming percentile value for the Verbal Percentage Below, Quantitative Percentage Below, Total Score Percentage Below, Analytical Writing Percentage Below or Integrated Reasoning Percentage (depending on the application class ID populated). If the incoming value is ++ or ~~, population of the field is skipped.

  • SAD_PRS_CAR_STG.ADM_RECR_CTR - Looks at the prospect setup you have defined to determine recruiting center. If you don’t set up the Prospect Setup page, you will need to change this to a default recruiting center.

  • SAD_PRS_CAR_STG.LAST_SCH_ATTEND - Uses the incoming value from Attending Institution Code to determine the EXT_ORG_ID to populate based on the EXT_ORG_TBL_ADM.ATP_CODE.

File Mapping Definition Template: SAD_GMAT_TESTRESULTS

This file mapping definition can be used to post GMAT test scores. You will need to make changes to this delivered template to reflect institution defined default values. Before doing so, make a copy of the delivered template.

File Definition Tab:

Important! Leave the context definition as SAD_GMAT. If you change this, all the file layout and mapping setup will disappear.

Modify the conversion definition to the one you have created.

Change the delimiter if needed based on your file characteristics.

File Layout Tab: Review this tab to ensure the fields appear in the exact order as that of the GMAT layout you are using. Modify default values on the Date Day column for the fields:

  • Administration Date

  • Administration Date2

  • Administration Date3

  • Graduation Date

Mapping Tab:

The default values for the following fields will need to be reviewed and probably modified depending upon your institution’s business practices:







  • SCC_STG_TESTCMP.TEST_ID – Fifteen rows



  • SCC_STG_TESTDT.TEST_ID – Three rows

  • SAD_STG_TST_CAF.TEST_ID – Eleven rows

Calculated Fields: The following calculated fields have been delivered for GMAT:

  • SCC_STG_NAMES.LAST_NAME_SRCH - Removes all special characters and puts the field into upper case.

  • SCC_STG_NAMES.FIRST_NAME_SRCH - Removes all special characters and puts the field into upper case.

  • SCC_STG_ADDR.STATE - Concatenates the incoming values for the Country of Residence and State/Province/County fields and compares them to the field conversion definition for STATE/PROVINCE to determine the value to populate.

  • SCC_STG_TESTCMP.SCORE - Looks at the incoming score value for the Verbal Converted Score, Quantitative Converted Score, Total Converted Score, Analytical Writing Converted Score and Integrated Reasoning Converted Score (depending on the application class ID populated). If the incoming value is ++ or +++ or ~~~, population of the row is skipped.

  • SCC_STG_TESTCMP.PERCENTILE - Looks at the incoming percentile value for the Verbal Percentage Below, Quantitative Percentage Below, Total Score Percentage Below, Analytical Writing Percentage Below or Integrated Reasoning Percentage (depending on the application class ID populated). If the incoming value is ++ or ~~, population of the field is skipped.

Common Attribute Framework:

The following sample common attributes have been delivered for the incoming field indicated. These attributes should be associated with the SAD_TESTDT record context:

  • GMAT_DT_SCORE - Date Scores Published to Program.

  • GMAT_EDU_LVL - Education Level.

  • GMAT_ID_NBR - GMAT ID Number.

  • GMAT_IN_GRD_STUDY - Intended Graduate Study.

  • GMAT_IRR_CD - Irregularity Code.

  • GMAT_PROG_CD - GMAT Program Code.

  • GMAT_REG_NBR - Registration/Appt Number.

  • GMAT_UGRD_MJCD - Undergraduate Major Code.

  • GMAT_UGRD_PTAVG - Undergraduate Grade Point Average.

These attributes should be associate with the ADM_PRSPCT_CAR Record Context:

  • GMAT_EDU_LVL - Education Level.

  • GMAT_UGRD_MJCD - Undergraduate Major Code.

  • GMAT_UGRD_PTAVG - Undergraduate Grade Point Average.

To complete the setup for the delivered common attributes, see:

Delivered Transaction Code: SAD_GRE

Modify the delivered transaction as follows:

  • Update the data update rule with one defined by your institution based on your constituent data update policies.

  • Search/Match Setup: Update the search parameter, search result codes and update rules based on your institution’s needs.

File Parser Field Conversion Definition Template: SAD_GRE

Conversion examples have been delivered for the following fields:

  • ACAD CAREER based on incoming Department Code value.

  • ACAD_PROG based on incoming Department Code value.

  • ACAD PLAN based on incoming Intended Graduate Major Field value.

  • GENDER based on incoming Gender value.

Each of these conversions may need to be modified based upon your internal values. Either create a new field conversion definition or copy the delivered definition and modify as needed.

Context Definition Template: SAD_GRE

Review the delivered template and determine if any records need to be added. Modify this delivered version. It will be used on the File Mapping Definition component. Create a copy before doing so to keep an original version. If you choose to use a copy of a delivered context definition and reference the copied version in your file mapping definition, the system forces you to redefine the file layout and file mapping setup.

File Mapping Definition Template: SAD_GRE_TESTPROSPECT

This file mapping definition can be used to create prospects, populate test scores and supporting data such as academic interests. You will need to make changes to this delivered template to reflect institution defined default values. Before doing so, make a copy of the delivered template.

File Definition Tab:

Important! Leave the context definition as SAD_GRE. If you change this, all the file layout and mapping setup will disappear.

Modify the conversion definition to the one you have created.

Change the delimiter if needed based on your file characteristics.

File Layout Tab: Review this tab to ensure the fields appear in the exact order as that of the GRE layout you are using.

Mapping Tab:

The default values for the following fields will need to be reviewed and probably modified depending upon your institution’s business practices:







  • SCC_STG_TESTCMP.TEST_ID – Twenty-one rows


  • SCC_STG_TESTCMP.LS_DATA_SOURCE – Twenty-one rows


  • SAD_STG_TST_CAF.TEST_ID – Seven rows








Calculated Fields: The following calculated fields have been delivered for GRE:

  • SCC_STG_NAMES.LAST_NAME_SRCH - Removes all special characters and puts the field into upper case.

  • SCC_STG_NAMES.FIRST_NAME_SRCH - Removes all special characters and puts the field into upper case.

  • SCC_STG_TESTCMP.SCORE - Twenty one rows. Formats the incoming score.

    • Verbal Reasoning Score: If Test Code is 02 and Score Type is V, then Scaled Score should be populated.

    • Quantitative Reasoning Score: If Test Code is 02 and Score Type is Q, then Scaled Score should be populated.

    • New Verbal Reasoning Score: If Test Code is 03 and Score Type is V, then Scaled Score should be populated. OR If Test Code is 02 and Score Type is V, then Estimated Current Score should be populated.

    • New Quantitative Reasoning Score: If Test Code is 03 and Score Type is Q, then Scaled Score should be populated. OR If Test Code is 02 and Score Type is Q, then Estimated Current Score should be populated.

    • Analytical Writing Score: If Test Code is 02 or 03 and Score Type is W, then Scaled Score should be populated.

    • Biochemistry, Cell, Molecular Biology Score: If Test Code is 22 and Score Type is S, then Scaled Score should be populated.

    • Biochemistry Subscore: If Test Code is 22 and Score Type is 1, then Scaled Score should be populated.

    • Cell Biology Subscore: If Test Code is 22 and Score Type is 2, then Scaled Score should be populated.

    • Molecular Bio & Genetics Subscore: If Test Code is 22 and Score Type is 3, then Scaled Score should be populated.

    • Biology Score: If Test Code is 24 and Score Type is S, then Scaled Score should be populated.

    • Cellular & Molecular Bio Subscore: If Test Code is 24 and Score Type is 1, then Scaled Score should be populated.

    • Organismal Biology Subscore: If Test Code is 24 and Score Type is 2, then Scaled Score should be populated.

    • Ecology & Evolution Subscore: If Test Code is 24 and Score Type is 3, then Scaled Score should be populated.

    • Chemistry Score: If Test Code is 27 and Score Type is S, then Scaled Score should be populated.

    • Computer Science Score: If Test Code is 29 and Score Type is S, then Scaled Score should be populated.

    • Literature in English Score: If Test Code is 64 and Score Type is S, then Scaled Score should be populated.

    • Mathematics Score: If Test Code is 68 and Score Type is S, then Scaled Score should be populated.

    • Physics Score: If Test Code is 77 and Score Type is S, then Scaled Score should be populated .

    • Psychology Score: If Test Code is 81 and Score Type is S, then Scaled Score should be populated.

    • Experimental Psychology Subscore: If Test Code is 81 and Score Type is 1, then Scaled Score should be populated.

    • Social Psychology Subscore: If Test Code is 81 and Score Type is 2, then Scaled Score should be populated.

  • SCC_STG_TESTCMP.PERCENTILE - Twenty One rows. Formats the incoming percentile.

    • Verbal Reasoning Percentage: If Test Code is 02 and Score Type is V, then Percentage Rank should be populated.

    • Quantitative Reasoning Percentage: If Test Code is 02 and Score Type is Q, then Percentage Rank should be populated.

    • New Verbal Reasoning Percentage: If Test Code is 03 and Score Type is V, then Percentage Rank should be populated.

    • New Quantitative Reasoning Percentage: If Test Code is 03 and Score Type is Q, then Percentage Rank should be populated.

    • Analytical Writing Percentage: If Test Code is 02 or 03 and Score Type is W, then Percentage Rank should be populated.

    • Biochemistry, Cell, Molecular Biology Percentage: If Test Code is 22 and Score Type is S, then Percentage Rank should be populated.

    • Biochemistry Percentage: If Test Code is 22 and Score Type is 1, then Percentage Rank should be populated.

    • Cell Biology Percentage: If Test Code is 22 and Score Type is 2, then Percentage Rank should be populated.

    • Molecular Bio & Genetics Percentage: If Test Code is 22 and Score Type is 3, then Percentage Rank should be populated.

    • Biology Percentage: If Test Code is 24 and Score Type is S, then Percentage Rank should be populated.

    • Cellular & Molecular Bio Percentage: If Test Code is 24 and Score Type is 1, then Percentage Rank should be populated.

    • Organismal Biology Percentage: If Test Code is 24 and Score Type is 2, then Percentage Rank should be populated.

    • Ecology & Evolution Percentage: If Test Code is 24 and Score Type is 3, then Percentage Rank should be populated.

    • Chemistry Percentage: If Test Code is 27 and Score Type is S, then Percentage Rank should be populated.

    • Computer Science Percentage: If Test Code is 29 and Score Type is S, then Percentage Rank should be populated.

    • Literature in English Percentage: If Test Code is 64 and Score Type is S, then Percentage Rank should be populated.

    • Mathematics Percentage: If Test Code is 68 and Score Type is S, then Percentage Rank should be populated.

    • Physics Percentage: If Test Code is 77 and Score Type is S, then Percentage Rank should be populated.

    • Psychology Percentage: If Test Code is 81 and Score Type is S, then Percentage Rank should be populated.

    • Experimental Psychology Percentage: If Test Code is 81 and Score Type is 1, then Percentage Rank should be populated.

    • Social Psychology Percentage: If Test Code is 81 and Score Type is 2, then Percentage Rank should be populated.

  • SAD_PRS_CAR_STG.ADM_RECR_CTR - Derives the Recruiting Center based on the incoming Institution, Career, Program, and Plan.

File Mapping Definition Template: SAD_GRE_TESTRESULTS

This file mapping definition can be used to post GRE test scores. You will need to make changes to this delivered template to reflect institution defined default values. Before doing so, make a copy of the delivered template.

File Definition Tab:

Important! Leave the context definition as SAD_GRE. If you change this, all the file layout and mapping setup will disappear.

Modify the conversion definition to the one you have created.

Change the delimiter if needed based on your file characteristics.

File Layout Tab: Review this tab to ensure the fields appear in the exact order as that of the GRE layout you are using.

Mapping Tab:

The default values for the following fields will need to be reviewed and probably modified depending upon your institution’s business practices:







  • SCC_STG_TESTCMP.TEST_ID – Twenty-one rows


  • SCC_STG_TESTCMP.LS_DATA_SOURCE – Twenty-one rows


  • SAD_STG_TST_CAF.TEST_ID – Seven rows

Calculated Fields: The following calculated fields have been delivered for GRE:

  • SCC_STG_NAMES.LAST_NAME_SRCH - Removes all special characters and puts the field into upper case.

  • SCC_STG_NAMES.FIRST_NAME_SRCH - Removes all special characters and puts the field into upper case.

  • SCC_STG_TESTCMP.SCORE - Twenty one rows. Formats the incoming score.

    • Verbal Reasoning Score: If Test Code is 02 and Score Type is V, then Scaled Score should be populated.

    • Quantitative Reasoning Score: If Test Code is 02 and Score Type is Q, then Scaled Score should be populated.

    • New Verbal Reasoning Score: If Test Code is 03 and Score Type is V, then Scaled Score should be populated. OR If Test Code is 02 and Score Type is V, then Estimated Current Score should be populated.

    • New Quantitative Reasoning Score: If Test Code is 03 and Score Type is V, then Scaled Score should be populated. OR If Test Code is 02 and Score Type is Q, then Estimated Current Score should be populated.

    • Analytical Writing Score: If Test Code is 02 or 03 and Score Type is W, then Scaled Score should be populated.

    • Biochemistry, Cell, Molecular Biology Score: If Test Code is 22 and Score Type is S, then Scaled Score should be populated.

    • Biochemistry Subscore: If Test Code is 22 and Score Type is 1, then Scaled Score should be populated.

    • Cell Biology Subscore: If Test Code is 22 and Score Type is 2, then Scaled Score should be populated.

    • Molecular Bio & Genetics Subscore: If Test Code is 22 and Score Type is 3, then Scaled Score should be populated.

    • Biology Score: If Test Code is 24 and Score Type is S, then Scaled Score should be populated.

    • Cellular & Molecular Bio Subscore: If Test Code is 24 and Score Type is 1, then Scaled Score should be populated.

    • Organismal Biology Subscore: If Test Code is 24 and Score Type is 2, then Scaled Score should be populated.

    • Ecology & Evolution Subscore: If Test Code is 24 and Score Type is 3, then Scaled Score should be populated.

    • Chemistry Score: If Test Code is 27 and Score Type is S, then Scaled Score should be populated.

    • Computer Science Score: If Test Code is 29 and Score Type is S, then Scaled Score should be populated.

    • Literature in English Score: If Test Code is 64 and Score Type is S, then Scaled Score should be populated.

    • Mathematics Score: If Test Code is 68 and Score Type is S, then Scaled Score should be populated.

    • Physics Score: If Test Code is 77 and Score Type is S, then Scaled Score should be populated.

    • Psychology Score: If Test Code is 81 and Score Type is S, then Scaled Score should be populated.

    • Experimental Psychology Subscore: If Test Code is 81 and Score Type is 1, then Scaled Score should be populated.

    • Social Psychology Subscore: If Test Code is 81 and Score Type is 2, then Scaled Score should be populated.

  • SCC_STG_TESTCMP.PERCENTILE - Twenty one rows. Formats the incoming percentile.

    • Verbal Reasoning Percentage: If Test Code is 02 and Score Type is V, then Percentage Rank should be populated.

    • Quantitative Reasoning Percentage: If Test Code is 02 and Score Type is Q, then Percentage Rank should be populated.

    • New Verbal Reasoning Percentage: If Test Code is 03 and Score Type is V, then Percentage Rank should be populated.

    • New Quantitative Reasoning Percentage: If Test Code is 03 and Score Type is Q, then Percentage Rank should be populated.

    • Analytical Writing Percentage: If Test Code is 02 or 03 and Score Type is W, then Percentage Rank should be populated.

    • Biochemistry, Cell, Molecular Biology Percentage: If Test Code is 22 and Score Type is S, then Percentage Rank should be populated.

    • Biochemistry Percentage: If Test Code is 22 and Score Type is 1, then Percentage Rank should be populated.

    • Cell Biology Percentage: If Test Code is 22 and Score Type is 2, then Percentage Rank should be populated.

    • Molecular Bio & Genetics Percentage: If Test Code is 22 and Score Type is 3, then Percentage Rank should be populated.

    • Biology Percentage: If Test Code is 24 and Score Type is S, then Percentage Rank should be populated.

    • Cellular & Molecular Bio Percentage: If Test Code is 24 and Score Type is 1, then Percentage Rank should be populated.

    • Organismal Biology Percentage: If Test Code is 24 and Score Type is 2, then Percentage Rank should be populated.

    • Ecology & Evolution Percentage: If Test Code is 24 and Score Type is 3, then Percentage Rank should be populated.

    • Chemistry Percentage: If Test Code is 27 and Score Type is S, then Percentage Rank should be populated.

    • Computer Science Percentage: If Test Code is 29 and Score Type is S, then Percentage Rank should be populated.

    • Literature in English Percentage: If Test Code is 64 and Score Type is S, then Percentage Rank should be populated.

    • Mathematics Percentage: If Test Code is 68 and Score Type is S, then Percentage Rank should be populated.

    • Physics Percentage: If Test Code is 77 and Score Type is S, then Percentage Rank should be populated.

    • Psychology Percentage: If Test Code is 81 and Score Type is S, then Percentage Rank should be populated.

    • Experimental Psychology Percentage: If Test Code is 81 and Score Type is 1, then Percentage Rank should be populated.

    • Social Psychology Percentage: If Test Code is 81 and Score Type is 2, then Percentage Rank should be populated.

Common Attribute Framework:

The following sample common attributes have been delivered for the incoming field indicated. These attributes should be associated with the SAD_TESTDT record context:

  • GRE_LAST4_SSN - Social Security Number – Last 4 Digits

  • GRE_REG_NBR - Registration Number

  • GRE_TEST_NAME - Test Name

  • GRE_EXAM_SEQ_NO - Examinee Sequence No.

  • GRE_REC_SRL_NBR - Record Serial Number

  • GRE_CYCLE_NO - Cycle Number

  • GRE_PROC_DT - Process Date

Set up additional common attributes for other fields that have not been mapped on the File Mapping Definition component. Add each new attribute to the SAD_TESTDT record context. In addition to creating the common attribute and adding them to the record context, you will need to add rows for each common attribute on the File Mapping Definition component. Additional fields that were not mapped include:

  • Institution Name

  • Department Name

  • Country

  • Test Code

To complete the setup for the delivered common attributes, see:

Delivered Transaction Code: SAD_EOS

Modify the delivered transaction as follows:

  • Update the data update rule with one defined by your institution based on your constituent data update policies.

  • Search/Match Setup: Update the search parameter, search result codes and update rules based on your institution’s needs.

File Parser Field Conversion Definition Template: SAD_EOS

Conversion examples have been delivered for the following fields:

  • Gender based on incoming Gender value.

  • Racial/Ethnicity based on incoming Racial/Ethnicity value.

  • Admit Term based on incoming Year of H.S. Graduation value.

  • Academic Program based on incoming Intended College Major value.

  • Academic Plan based on incoming Intended College Major value.

  • Academic Interest based on incoming Intended College Major value.

Each of these conversions may need to be modified based upon your internal values. Either create a new field conversion definition or copy the delivered definition and modify as needed.

Context Definition Template: SAD_EOS

Review the delivered template and determine if any records need to be added. Modify this delivered version. It will be used on the File Mapping Definition component. Create a copy before doing so to keep an original version. If you choose to use a copy of a delivered context definition and reference the copied version in your file mapping definition, the system forces you to redefine the file layout and file mapping setup.

File Mapping Definition Template: SAD_EOS_PROSPECTS

This file mapping definition can be used to create prospects, populate test scores and supporting data such as academic interests. You will need to make changes to this delivered template to reflect institution defined default values. Before doing so, make a copy of the delivered template.

File Definition Tab:

Important! Leave the context definition as SAD_EOS. If you change this, all the file layout and mapping setup will disappear.

Modify the conversion definition to the one you have created.

Change the delimiter if needed based on your file characteristics.

File Layout Tab: Review this tab to ensure the fields appear in the exact order as that of the EOS layout you are using.

Mapping Tab:

The default values for the following fields will need to be reviewed and probably modified depending upon your institution’s business practices:




















Calculated Fields: The following calculated fields have been delivered for EOS:

  • SCC_STG_CONSTIT.BIRTHDATE - Removes zeros from birthdate which are delivered if the Birthdate in position 160 is blank or invalid.

  • SCC_STG_NAMES.LAST_NAME_SRCH - Removes all special characters and puts the field into upper case.

  • SCC_STG_NAMES.FIRST_NAME_SRCH - Removes all special characters and puts the field into upper case.

  • SCC_STG_ADDR.COUNTRY - Uses the incoming value from Country Code in position 127 to determine the three character Country value to populate from COUNTRY_TBL.

  • SCC_STG_ADDR.STATE - Populates incoming State field value starting at position 116 when the country is USA. Populates incoming Canadian Province field value starting at position 130 when the country is CAN. For other countries, the STATE field is not populated.

  • SCC_STG_ADDR.POSTAL - Populates incoming ZIP Code + 4 field starting at position 118 when the country is USA. Populates incoming Non U.S. Postal Code field starting at position 132 when the country is CAN or other countries.

  • SAD_PRS_CAR_STG.ADM_RCR_CTR - Looks at the prospect setup you have defined to determine recruiting center. If you don’t set up the Prospect Setup page, you will need to change this to a default recruiting center.

  • SAD_PRS_CAR_STG.LAST_SCH_ATTEND - Uses the incoming value from High School Code Number in position 175 to determine the EXT_ORG_ID to populate based on the EXT_ORG_TBL_ADM.ACT_CODE.

  • SCC_STG_ADMINT.DESCR - Derive the academic interest description based on the External Subject Area populated.

Common Attribute Framework:

The following sample common attributes have been delivered for the incoming field indicated. These attributes should be associated with the ADM_PRSPCT_CAR record context:

  • EOS_MOBILITY_INDEX - Mobility Index

  • EOS_PERRANK_MOBINDEX - Percentile Rank Mobility Index

  • EOS_INST_TYPE_INDEX - Institution Type Index

  • EOS_PERRANK_INSTINDEX - Percentile Rank Inst Type Index

  • EOS_SEL_INDEX - Selectivity Index

  • EOS_PERRANK_SELINDEX - Percentile Rank Selectivity Index

  • EOS_INST_SIZE_INDEX - Institution Size Index

  • EOS_PERRANK_INSTSZINDEX - Percentile Rank Inst Size Index

Set up additional common attributes for other fields that have not been mapped on the File Mapping Definition component. Add each new attribute to the SAD_TESTDT record context. In addition to creating the common attribute and adding them to the record context, you will need to add rows for each common attribute on the File Mapping Definition component. Additional fields that were not mapped include:

  • Purchase ID

  • Occupational Choice

  • State Code

To complete the setup for the delivered common attributes, see:

Delivered Transaction Code: SAD_ACT

Modify the delivered transaction as follows:

  • Update the data update rule with one defined by your institution based on your constituent data update policies.

  • Search/Match Setup: Update the search parameter, search result codes and update rules based on your institution’s needs.

File Parser Field Conversion Definition Template: SAD_ACT

Note: From September 2020, when processing ACT test results, copy your existing SAD_ACT field conversion definition template, then name the copy as SAD_ACT_2020. This template is used in the file mapping definition template SAD_ACT_TESTRESULTS_2020. You have to update SAD_ACT_2020 to map incoming data from the ACT Test File. It’s a Campus Solutions-based setup table. To determine all the new fields in the test file, you must review 2020-2021 ACT College Score Reporting Service Layout.

Conversion examples have been delivered for the following fields:

  • Citizenship based on incoming Citizenship value.

  • Gender based on incoming Gender Alpha value.

  • Phone Type based on incoming Type of Telephone value.

  • NID Country based on incoming Country Code value.

  • Ethnicity based on incoming Race Background values in position 609-615.

  • Hispanic/Latino based on incoming Hispanic or Latino Background value.

  • Academic Interest based on incoming Major Plan value.

  • Academic Program based on incoming Major Plan value.

  • Academic Plan based on incoming Major Plan value.

  • Academic Level based on incoming Academic Level value.

  • Academic Load based on incoming Academic Load value.

  • Admit Term based on incoming Year of H.S. Graduation value.

  • Planned Housing based on incoming Planned Housing value.

  • Financial Aid based on incoming Financial Aid value.

  • Campus or community service (Extracurricular Activity Description) based on incoming Campus or community service value.

  • Debate (Extracurricular Activity Description) based on incoming Debate value.

  • Dramatics, theater (Extracurricular Activity Description) based on incoming Dramatics, theater value.

  • Fraternity or sorority (Extracurricular Activity Description) based on incoming Fraternity or sorority value.

  • Instrumental music (Extracurricular Activity Description) based on incoming Instrumental music value.

  • Political organizations (Extracurricular Activity Description) based on incoming Political organizations value.

  • Publications (Extracurricular Activity Description) based on incoming Publications value.

  • Racial or ethnic organizations (Extracurricular Activity Description)based on incoming Racial or ethnic organizations value.

  • Radio-TV (Extracurricular Activity Description) based on incoming Radio-TV value.

  • Religious organizations (Extracurricular Activity Description) based on incoming Religious organizations value.

  • Student government (Extracurricular Activity Description) based on incoming Student government value.

  • Varsity athletics (Extracurricular Activity Description) based on incoming Varsity athletics value.

  • Vocal music (Extracurricular Activity Description) based on incoming Vocal music value.

  • Test Location (Used to derive test day for Test Date) based on incoming Test Location value.

Each of these conversions may need to be modified based on your internal values. Modify the delivered version as it will be used on the File Mapping Definition component. Before modifying, make sure you create a copy so that you have the original version.

Context Definition Template: SAD_ACT

Review the delivered template and determine if any records need to be added. Modify this delivered version. It will be used on the File Mapping Definition component. Create a copy before doing so to keep an original version. If you choose to use a copy of a delivered context definition and reference the copied version in your file mapping definition, the system forces you to redefine the file layout and file mapping setup.

File Mapping Definition Template: SAD_ACT_TESTPROSPECT

This file mapping definition can be used to create prospects, populate test scores and populate supporting data such as academic interests and extracurricular activities. You will need to make changes to this delivered template to reflect institution defined default values. Before doing so, make a copy of the delivered template.

File Definition Tab: Change the delimiter if needed based on your file characteristics.

Important! Leave the context and conversion definitions as SAD_ACT. If you change this, all the file layout and mapping setup will disappear.

File Layout Tab: Review this tab to ensure the fields appear in the exact order as that of the ACT layout you are using. Also modify the default Date Day and Date Month values for Year of H.S. Graduation.

Mapping Tab: The default values for the following fields will need to be reviewed and probably modified depending upon your institution’s business practices.





























  • SAD_STG_TST_CAF.TEST_ID – Eight rows

Calculated Fields: The following calculated fields have been delivered for ACT:

  • SCC_STG_CONSTIT.BIRTHDATE - Removes zeros from birthdate which are delivered if the Birthdate in position 155 is blank or invalid.

  • SCC_STG_NAMES.LAST_NAME_SRCH - Removes all special characters and puts the field into upper case.

  • SCC_STG_NAMES.FIRST_NAME_SRCH - Removes all special characters and puts the field into upper case.

  • SCC_STG_ADDR.COUNTRY - Uses the incoming value from Country Code in position 85 to determine the three character Country value to populate from COUNTRY_TBL.

  • SCC_STG_ADDR.POSTAL - Populates incoming ZIP Code + 4 field starting at position 146 when the country is USA. Populates incoming Non U.S. Postal Code field starting at position 253 when the country is CAN or other countries.

  • SCC_STG_ADDR.STATE - Populates incoming State field value starting at position 142 when the country is USA. Populates incoming Canadian Province field value starting at position 250 when the country is CAN. For other countries, the STATE field is not populated nor is the STATE field populated if the value is FN or CN when country is USA.

  • SCC_STG_NID.NATIONAL_ID - Populates National ID only when the incoming Social Security Number or ACT ID starting at position 91 doesn’t start with the value - and length is equal to 9.

  • SAD_PRS_CAR_STG.ADM_RECR_CTR - Looks at the prospect setup you have defined to determine recruiting center. If you don’t set up the Prospect Setup page, you will need to change this to a default recruiting center.

  • SAD_PRS_CAR_STG.LAST_SCH_ATTEND - Uses the incoming value from High School Code Number in position 205 to determine the EXT_ORG_ID to populate based on the EXT_ORG_TBL_ADM.ACT_CODE.

  • SCC_STG_ADMINT.DESCR - Derive the academic interest description based on the External Subject Area populated.

  • SCC_STG_TESTCMP.TEST_DT, SCC_STG_TESTDT.TEST_DT and SAD_STG_TST_CAF.TEST_DT - Determine the Test Date based on the incoming MMYYYY value for Expanded Test Date in position 227 plus the converted value for Test Location on the SAD_ACT Field Conversion Definition in position 249. The converted Test Location Value will produce the day. The converted value for Test Location (DD) should be combined with the Expanded Test Date (MMYYYY) to provide the full TEST_DT value (MMDDYYYY).

    For this calculated field, it is important that the SAD_ACT field conversion definition is used. Modify the delivered version.

  • SCC_STG_TESTCMP.PERCENTILE - Per the ACT Layout, the value -- will be populated for the National Norm if the score is not reported. If the percentile is populated with the value -- the field is not populated for the following fields:

    • Natl Norms – English in position 773

    • Natl Norms – Math in position 775

    • Natl Norms – Reading in position 777

    • Natl Norms – Science Reasoning in position 779

    • Natl Norms – Composite in position 781

  • SCC_STG_TESTCMP.SCORE - Per the ACT Layout, the value -- will be populated for the score if it is not administered. If the score is populated with the value --, the row is not created for the following scores:

    • English Scaled Score in position 261

    • Math Scaled Score in position 263

    • Reading Scaled Score in position 265

    • Science Scaled Score in position 267

    • Composite Scaled Score in position 269

    • Combined English Writing Score in position 163

    • Writing Sub-score in position 165

File Mapping Definition Template: SAD_ACT_TESTRESULTS

This file mapping definition can be used to post ACT test scores. You will need to make changes to this delivered template to reflect institution defined default values. Before doing so, make a copy of the delivered template.

File Definition Tab:

Important! Leave the context and conversion definitions as SAD_ACT. If you change this, all the file layout and mapping setup will disappear.

Change the delimiter if needed based on your file characteristics.

File Layout Tab: Review this tab to ensure the fields appear in the exact order as that of the ACT layout you are using.

Mapping Tab:

The default values for the following fields will need to be reviewed and probably modified depending upon your institution’s business practices:








  • SAD_STG_TST_CAF.TEST_ID – Eight rows




Calculated Fields: The following calculated fields have been delivered for ACT:

  • SCC_STG_CONSTIT.BIRTHDATE - Removes zeros from birthdate which are delivered if the Birthdate in position 155 is blank or invalid.

  • SCC_STG_NAMES.LAST_NAME_SRCH - Removes all special characters and puts the field into upper case.

  • SCC_STG_NAMES.FIRST_NAME_SRCH - Removes all special characters and puts the field into upper case.

  • SCC_STG_ADDR.COUNTRY - Uses the incoming value from Country Code in position 85 to determine the three character Country value to populate from COUNTRY_TBL.

  • SCC_STG_ADDR.POSTAL - Populates incoming ZIP Code + 4 field starting at position 146 when the country is USA. Populates incoming Non U.S. Postal Code field starting at position 253 when the country is CAN or other countries.

  • SCC_STG_ADDR.STATE - Populates incoming State field value starting at position 142 when the country is USA. Populates incoming Canadian Province field value starting at position 250 when the country is CAN. For other countries, the STATE field is not populated nor is the STATE field populated if the value is FN or CN when country is USA.

  • SCC_STG_NID.NATIONAL_ID - Populates National ID only when the incoming Social Security Number or ACT ID starting at position 91 doesn’t start with the value - and length is equal to 9.

  • SCC_STG_TESTCMP.TEST_DT, SCC_STG_TESTDT.TEST_DT and SAD_STG_TST_CAF.TEST_DT - Determine the Test Date based on the incoming MMYYYY value for Expanded Test Date in position 227 plus the converted value for Test Location on the SAD_ACT Field Conversion Definition in position 249. The converted Test Location Value will produce the day. The converted value for Test Location (DD) should be combined with the Expanded Test Date (MMYYYY) to provide the full TEST_DT value (MMDDYYYY).

    For this calculated field, it is important that the SAD_ACT field conversion definition is used. Modify the delivered version.

  • SCC_STG_TESTCMP.PERCENTILE - Per the ACT Layout, the value -- will be populated for the National Norm if the score is not reported. If the percentile is populated with the value -- the field is not populated for the following fields:

    • Natl Norms – English in position 773

    • Natl Norms – Math in position 775

    • Natl Norms – Reading in position 777

    • Natl Norms – Science Reasoning in position 779

    • Natl Norms – Composite in position 781

  • SCC_STG_TESTCMP.SCORE - Per the ACT Layout, the value -- will be populated for the score if it is not administered. If the score is populated with the value --, the row is not created for the following scores:

    • English Scaled Score in position 261

    • Math Scaled Score in position 263

    • Reading Scaled Score in position 265

    • Science Scaled Score in position 267

    • Composite Scaled Score in position 269

    • Combined English Writing Score in position 163

    • Writing Sub-score in position 165

Common Attribute Framework for SAD_ACT_TESTRESULTS

The following sample common attributes have been delivered for the incoming field indicated. These attributes should be associated with the SAD_TESTDT record context:

  • ACT_TEST_LOCATION for Test Location

  • ACT_ESSAYCOMMENT1 for Essay Comment 1

  • ACT_ESSAYCOMMENT2 for Essay Comment 2

  • ACT_ESSAYCOMMENT3 for Essay Comment 3

  • ACT_ESSAYCOMMENT4 for Essay Comment 4

  • ACT_SCALESCORES_SUM for Sum of Scale Scores

  • ACT_STATE_STUDENTID for State-Assigned Student ID

  • ACT_CORRECTED_IND for Corrected Report Indicator

These attributes should be associated with the ADM_PRSPCT_CAR record context

  • ACT_CLG_CHOICE_NBR for College Choice Number

  • ACT_HS_CLASSRANK for High School Class Rank

  • ACT_HS_GPA for High School GPA

  • ACT_HS_CLASS_SIZE for High School Class Size

  • ACT_CLG_TYPE_PREF for College Type Preference

  • ACT_CLG_TYPE_RANK for Ranking College Type

  • ACT_INSTTYPE_PREDINDEX for Pred Modeling Institution Type Index

  • ACT_MOMGRD1_EDLEVEL for Mother/Guardian 1 Ed Level

  • ACT_DADGRD2_EDLEVEL for Father/Guardian 2 Ed Level

Set up additional common attributes for other fields that have not been mapped on the File Mapping Definition component. Add each new attribute to the SAD_TESTDT or ADM_PRSPCT_CAR record context depending on your business process. In addition to creating the common attribute and adding them to the record context, you will need to add rows for each common attribute on the File Mapping Definition component. Additional fields that were not mapped upon initial delivery of the ACT File Mapping Definitions include:

  • Reporting Year Identifier

  • English Score before Oct 1989

  • Math Score before Oct 1989

  • Social Science Score before Oct 1989

  • Natural Sciences Score before Oct 1989

  • Composite Score before Oct 1989

  • English GPA

  • Math GPA

  • Social Studies GPA

  • Natural Sciences GPA

  • H.S. Average

  • Science Int Inv

  • Arts Int Inv

  • Social Service Int Inv

  • Business Contact Int Inv

  • Business Operations Int Inv

  • Technical Int Inv

  • Map Region 1

  • Map Region 2

  • Map Region 3

  • College Code

  • Usage/Mech Subscore

  • Elem Algebra Subscore

  • Soc Stud/Sci Subscore

  • Rhetorical Skills Subscore

  • Alg/Coord Geom Subscore

  • Arts/Lit Subscore

  • Plane Geom/Trig Subscore

  • Usage/Mech National Norms

  • Elem Algebra National Norms

  • Soc Stud/Sci National Norms

  • Rhetorical Skills National Norms

  • Alg/Coord Geom National Norms

  • Arts/Lit National Norms

  • Plane Geom/Trig National Norms

  • Usage/Mech Local Norms

  • Elem Algebra Local Norms

  • Soc Stud/Sci Local Norms

  • Rhetorical Skills Local Norms

  • Alg/Coord Geom Local Norms

  • Arts/Lit Local Norms

  • Plane Geom/Trig Local Norms

  • Science Int Inv

  • Arts Int Inv

  • Social Service Int Inv

  • Business Contact Int Inv

  • Business Operations Int Inv

  • Technical Int Inv

  • Local ID Number

  • Mobility Index

  • Selectivity Index

  • Institution Size Index

  • Interest-Major Fit Score

  • Legal Resident of State

  • Disability

  • Vocation Choice

  • Confidence in College Major

  • Confidence in Vocation

  • Expected Highest Educ Level

  • ROTC

  • Decide Educ/Occup Plans

  • Express Ideas in Writing

  • Improve Reading Speed & Comp

  • Improve Student Skills

  • Independent Study

  • Freshman honors courses

  • Study in a foreign country

  • Improve Math Skills

  • Expect to Work

  • Hours Expect to Work

  • Total Combined Income

  • Distance From College

  • English Spoken at Home

  • Ethnicity

  • Pref College Gender Type

  • PrefCollege State(1)

  • PrefCollege State(2)

  • Pref Max Annual Tuition

  • Pref Student Body Size

  • Ranking Gender Type

  • Ranking Location

  • Ranking Tuition

  • Ranking Student Body Size

  • Ranking Field of Study

  • Ranking Other Factor

  • High School Descr

  • High School Prog Type

  • Yrs Study: English

  • Yrs Study: Mathematics

  • Yrs Study: Social studies

  • Yrs Study: Natural sciences

  • Yrs Study: Spanish

  • Yrs Study: German

  • Yrs Study: French

  • Yrs Study: Other Language

  • Honors Courses English

  • Honors Courses Math

  • Honors Courses Social Studies

  • Honors Courses Natural Sci

  • Honors Courses Foreign Lang

  • Organized school event

  • Elected to student offices

  • Leadership award

  • Musical group

  • Superior rating state music

  • 1st/2nd/3rd debate

  • Substantial roles in plays

  • Appeared on radio or TV

  • Exhibited art state/reg show

  • High school art award

  • City/country/state art award

  • Published poems, stories

  • Literary award or prize

  • Published creative writing

  • NSF summer program

  • 1st/2nd/3rd reg/state science

  • 1st/2nd/3rd school science

  • Varsity sports letter

  • Athletic honors

  • Community service award

  • Started business or service

  • EOS Release

  • Prefer not to respond

  • Multiracial (converted records only)

  • English 9 Taken or Planned

  • English 10 Taken or Planned

  • English 11 Taken or Planned

  • English 12 Taken or Planned

  • English Other Taken or Planned

  • Algebra 1 Taken or Planned

  • Algebra 2 Taken or Planned

  • Geometry Taken or Planned

  • Trigonometry Taken or Planned

  • Calculus Taken or Planned

  • Other Math Taken or Planned

  • Computer Taken or Planned

  • General Science Taken or Planned

  • Biology Taken or Planned

  • Chemistry Taken or Planned

  • Physics Taken or Planned

  • U.S. History Taken or Planned

  • World History Taken or Planned

  • Other History Taken or Planned

  • Government Taken or Planned

  • Economics Taken or Planned

  • Geography Taken or Planned

  • Psychology Taken or Planned

  • Spanish Taken or Planned

  • French Taken or Planned

  • German Taken or Planned

  • Other Language Taken or Planned

  • Art Taken or Planned

  • Music Taken or Planned

  • Drama Taken or Planned

  • English 9 Grade Earned

  • English 10 Grade Earned

  • English 11 Grade Earned

  • English 12 Grade Earned

  • English Other Grade Earned

  • Algebra 1 Grade Earned

  • Algebra 2 Grade Earned

  • Geometry Grade Earned

  • Trigonometry Grade Earned

  • Calculus Grade Earned

  • Other Math Grade Earned

  • Computer Grade Earned

  • General Science Grade Earned

  • Biology Grade Earned

  • Chemistry Grade Earned

  • Physics Grade Earned

  • U.S. History Grade Earned

  • World History Grade Earned

  • Other History Grade Earned

  • Government Grade Earned

  • Economics Grade Earned

  • Geography Grade Earned

  • Psychology Grade Earned

  • Spanish Grade Earned

  • French Grade Earned

  • German Grade Earned

  • Other Language Grade Earned

  • Art Grade Earned

  • Music Grade Earned

  • Drama Grade Earned

  • Pred Pct English

  • Pred Pct Math

  • Pred Pct Reading

  • Pred Pct Science Reason

  • Pred Pct Composite

  • Pred Pct Ranking Overall 1

  • Pred Pct Ranking Overall 2

  • Pred Pct Ranking Overall 3

  • Pred Pct Ranking Overall 4

  • Pred Pct Ranking Overall 5

  • Pred Pct Ranking Specific Courses 1

  • Pred Pct Ranking Specific Courses 2

  • Pred Pct Ranking Specific Courses 3

  • Pred Pct Ranking Specific Courses 4

  • Pred Pct Ranking Specific Courses 5

  • Prob C or Higher Overall 1

  • Prob C or Higher Overall 2

  • Prob C or Higher Overall 3

  • Prob C or Higher Overall 4

  • Prob C or Higher Overall 5

  • Prob C or Higher Courses 1

  • Prob C or Higher Courses 2

  • Prob C or Higher Courses 3

  • Prob C or Higher Courses4

  • Prob C or Higher Courses 5

  • Pred GPA Overall 1

  • Pred GPA Overall 2

  • Pred GPA Overall 3

  • Pred GPA Overall 4

  • Pred GPA Overall 5

  • Pred GPA Courses 1

  • Pred GPA Courses 2

  • Pred GPA Courses 3

  • Pred GPA Courses4

  • Pred GPA Courses 5

  • Norms Type

To complete the setup for the delivered common attributes, see:

Context Definition Template: SAD_ACT_2020

SAD_ACT_2020 is used in the file mapping definition template SAD_ACT_TESTRESULTS_2020, and is a copy of the context definition template SAD_ACT.

File Mapping Definition Template: SAD_ACT_TESTRESULTS_2020

Important! You should not make any changes to this definition; any change renders the process unusable.

From September 2020, you must use this file mapping definition to post ACT test scores because the file layout has changed.

File Definition Tab: This definition uses a CSV file, with the comma as a delimiter and double quotation marks as text qualifiers. This uses the context and conversion definitions SAD_ACT_2020.

File Layout Tab: The layout is based on the 2020-2021 ACT College Score Reporting Service Layout.

Mapping Tab: The structure of the mapping here is the same as SAD_ACT_TESTRESULTS with a few changes.

  • These are additional mapping records in this template:

    • SCC_STG_TESTCMP row 4 for Test Component SCI (previously SCIRE)

    • SCC_STG_TESTCMP row 6 for Test Component STEM

    • SCC_STG_TESTCMP row 8 for Test Component ELA

    • SCC_STG_TESTCMP row 9 for Test Component SSCOM

    • SCC_STG_TESTCMP row 10 for Test Component SSELA

    • SCC_STG_TESTCMP row 11 for Test Component SSENG

    • SCC_STG_TESTCMP row 12 for Test Component SSMAT

    • SCC_STG_TESTCMP row 13 for Test Component SSREA

    • SCC_STG_TESTCMP row 14 for Test Component SSSCI

    • SCC_STG_TESTCMP row 15 for Test Component SSTEM

    • SCC_STG_TESTCMP row 16 for Test Component SSWRI

    • SAD_STG_TST_CAF row 9 for Test Component ACT_SUPER_OTHER_ENG

    • SAD_STG_TST_CAF row 10 for Test Component ACT_SUPER_OTHER_MAT

    • SAD_STG_TST_CAF row 11 for Test Component ACT_SUPER_OTHER_SCI

    • SAD_STG_TST_CAF row 12 for Test Component ACT_SUPER_OTHER_REA

  • This mapping record has been removed: SCC_STG_NID.

  • PeopleCode for TestDate, SuperEnglishDate, SuperMathDate, SuperReadingDate, SuperScienceDate and SuperWritingDate: By default, the day of the date is set to “01”.

  • PeopleCode for SuperEnglishScore, SuperMathScore, SuperReadingScore, SuperScienceScore and SuperWritingScore: If a row is not Super, the process throws a blank value; “Skip if Blank” is triggered.

  • Because there's no Test Date for Super fields SSCOM, SSELA, SSTEM, ACT_SUPER_OTHER_ENG, ACT_SUPER_OTHER_MAT, ACT_SUPER_OTHER_SCI and ACT_SUPER_OTHER_REA, the Application Class ID TestDate is used.

  • Make sure to populate the Value Conversion of Gender, Academic Level and Ethnicity based on the field conversion that you created.

See also:

Common Attribute Framework for SAD_ACT_TESTRESULTS_2020

These common attributes have been added to the record context SAD_TESTDT. The sequence for these attributes is 81, 82, 83, and 84.

  • ACT Super Other English Score

  • ACT Super Other Math Score

  • ACT Super Other Reading Score

  • ACT Super Other Science Score

These test components need to be added to the Test Table with the Test ID ACT.

  • SCI









Delivered Transaction Code: SAD_AP

Modify the delivered transaction as follows:

  • Update the data update rule with one defined by your institution based on your constituent data update policies.

  • Search/Match Setup: Update the search parameter, search result codes and update rules based on your institution’s needs.

File Parser Field Conversion Definition Template: SAD_AP

Conversion examples have been delivered for the following fields:

  • Academic Level based on incoming Educational Level value; used to populate the academic level for each test component.

  • Admit Term based on incoming Expected College Entrance value.

  • Canadian (CAN) Provinces based on incoming Country Code value.

  • Country based on incoming Country Code value.

  • Ethnicity based on incoming Ethnic Group value.

  • Exam Code based on incoming Exam Code; used to populate test component.

  • Gender based on incoming Sex value.

Each of these conversions may need to be modified based upon your internal values. Either create a new field conversion definition or copy the delivered definition and modify as needed.

Note: Not all Country Codes have been mapped. Add rows as needed for the following incoming country values: 348 - Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of; 377 - Midway Islands; 550 - Tahiti; 625 - Montenegro or Serbia; 660 - Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba; 665 - Curacao; 681 - Timor-Leste and 685 - South Sudan.

Note: The following incoming Ethnicity values were not mapped: 0 - Not Stated and 8 - Other.

Context Definition Template: SAD_AP

Review the delivered template and determine if any records need to be added. Modify this delivered version. It will be used on the File Mapping Definition component. Create a copy before doing so to keep an original version. If you choose to use a copy of a delivered context definition and reference the copied version in your file mapping definition, the system forces you to redefine the file layout and file mapping setup.

File Mapping Definition Template: SAD_AP_TESTPROSPECT

This file mapping definition can be used to create prospects and populate test scores. You will need to make changes to this delivered template to reflect institution defined default values. Before doing so, make a copy of the delivered template.

File Definition Tab:

Important! Leave the context definition as SAD_AP. If you change this, all the file layout and mapping setup will disappear.

Modify the conversion definition to the one you have created.

File Layout Tab: Review this tab to ensure the fields appear in the exact order as that of the AP layout you are using.

Mapping Tab:

The default values for the following fields will need to be reviewed and probably modified depending upon your institution’s business practices:























  • SAD_STG_TST_CAF.TEST_ID – Eight rows

Calculated Fields: The following calculated fields have been delivered for AP:

  • SCC_STG_CONSTIT.BIRTHDATE - Removes zeros from birthdate which are delivered if the Date of Birth in position 142 is blank or invalid.

  • SCC_STG_NAMES.LAST_NAME_SRCH - Removes all special characters and puts the field into upper case.

  • SCC_STG_NAMES.FIRST_NAME_SRCH - Removes all special characters and puts the field into upper case.

  • SCC_STG_ADDR.STATE - Populates incoming State field value starting at position 127 when the country is USA. When country is CAN, the field is populated based on the Field Conversion definition CAN Provinces. For other countries, the STATE field is not populated.

  • SAD_PRS_CAR_STG.ADM_RECR_CTR - Looks at the prospect setup you have defined to determine recruiting center. If you don’t set up the Prospect Setup page, you will need to change this to a default recruiting center.

  • SAD_PRS_CAR_STG.LAST_SCH_ATTEND - Uses the incoming value from High School Code in position 213 to determine the EXT_ORG_ID to populate based on the EXT_ORG_TBL_ADM.ACT_CODE.

File Mapping Definition Template: SAD_AP_TESTRESULTS

This file mapping definition can be used to post AP test scores. You will need to make changes to this delivered template to reflect institution defined default values. Before doing so, make a copy of the delivered template.

File Definition Tab:

Important! Leave the context definition as SAD_AP. If you change this, all the file layout and mapping setup will disappear.

Modify the conversion definition to the one you have created.

File Layout Tab: Review this tab to ensure the fields appear in the exact order as that of the AP layout you are using.

Mapping Tab:

The default values for the following fields will need to be reviewed and probably modified depending upon your institution’s business practices:








  • SAD_STG_TST_CAF.TEST_ID – Eight rows

Calculated Fields: The following calculated fields have been delivered for AP:

  • SCC_STG_CONSTIT.BIRTHDATE - Removes zeros from birthdate which are delivered if the Birthdate in position 142 is blank or invalid.

  • SCC_STG_NAMES.LAST_NAME_SRCH - Removes all special characters and puts the field into upper case.

  • SCC_STG_NAMES.FIRST_NAME_SRCH - Removes all special characters and puts the field into upper case.

  • SCC_STG_ADDR.STATE - Populates incoming State field value starting at position 127 when the country is USA. When country is CAN, the field is populated based on the Field Conversion definition CAN Provinces. For other countries, the STATE field is not populated.

Common Attribute Framework

The following sample common attributes have been delivered for the incoming field indicated. These attributes should be associated with the SAD_TESTDT record context:

  • AP_BEST_LANG for Best Language

  • AP_DT_GRD_RTC for Date Grades Released to College

  • AP_DT_LAST_STUP for Date of Last Student Update

  • AP_DT_REPORT for Date of this report

  • AP_NBR for AP Number

  • AP_ORDER_IKEY for Ordering Institution Key

  • AP_SERVICE_CODE for Service Code

  • AP_SERVICE_TYPE for Service Type

Set up additional common attributes for other fields that have not been mapped on the File Mapping Definition component. Add each new attribute to the SAD_TESTDT or ADM_PRSPCT_CAR record context depending on your business process. In addition to creating the common attribute and adding them to the record context, you will need to add rows for each common attribute on the File Mapping Definition component. Additional fields that were not mapped upon initial delivery of the AP File Mapping Definitions include:

  • Student Search

  • Applying for Sophomore Standing

  • Previous AI Year1

  • Previous AI Code1

  • Previous AI Year2

  • Previous AI Code2

  • Award Type1

  • Award Year1

  • Award Type2

  • Award Year2

  • Award Type3

  • Award Year3

  • Award Type4

  • Award Year4

  • Award Type5

  • Award Year5

  • Award Type6

  • Award Year6

  • High School Contact Name

  • High School Name

  • High School Address #1

  • High School Address #2

  • High School Address #3

  • High School State

  • High School ZIP Code

  • College Code

  • College Contact Name

  • College Name

  • College Address #1

  • College Address #2

  • College Address #3

  • College State

  • College ZIP Code

  • The following fields are not mapped for each of the thirty exam sets:

    • Irregularity Code #1

    • Irregularity Code #2

    • Exam Suppression Flag

    • Class Section Code

To complete the setup for the delivered common attributes, see:

Delivered Transaction Code: SAD_LSAT

Modify the delivered transaction as follows:

  • Update the data update rule with one defined by your institution based on your constituent data update policies.

  • Search/Match Setup: Update the search parameter, search result codes and update rules based on your institution’s needs.

File Parser Field Conversion Definition Template: SAD_LSAT

Conversion examples have been delivered for the following fields:

  • Admit Term based on incoming Term Code value.

  • Ethnicity based on incoming Ethnic Super Categories values.

  • Gender based on incoming Gender value.

Each of these conversions may need to be modified based upon your internal values. Either create a new field conversion definition or copy the delivered definition and modify as needed.

Note: The following incoming Ethnic Super Categories values were not mapped: CD - Canadian Aboriginal, AT - Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander Australian and NI - Not Indicated.

Context Definition Template: SAD_LSAT

Review the delivered template and determine if any records need to be added. Modify this delivered version. It will be used on the File Mapping Definition component. Create a copy before doing so to keep an original version. If you choose to use a copy of a delivered context definition and reference the copied version in your file mapping definition, the system forces you to redefine the file layout and file mapping setup.

File Mapping Definition Template: SAD_LSAT_TESTPROSPECT

This file mapping definition can be used to create prospects and populate test scores. You will need to make changes to this delivered template to reflect institution defined default values. Before doing so, make a copy of the delivered template.

File Definition Tab:

Important! Leave the context definition as SAD_LSAT. If you change this, all the file layout and mapping setup will disappear.

Modify the conversion definition to the one you have created.

File Layout Tab: Review this tab to ensure the fields appear in the exact order as that of the LSAT layout you are using.

Mapping Tab:

The default values for the following fields will need to be reviewed and probably modified depending upon your institution’s business practices:






















  • SAD_STG_TST_CAF.TEST_ID – Nine rows

Calculated Fields: The following calculated fields have been delivered for LSAT:

  • SCC_STG_NAMES.LAST_NAME_SRCH - Removes all special characters and puts the field into upper case. There are two calculated fields: one for Primary Name and one for Previous Last Name.

  • SCC_STG_NAMES.FIRST_NAME_SRCH - Removes all special characters and puts the field into upper case.

  • SAD_PRS_CAR_STG.ADM_RECR_CTR - Looks at the prospect setup you have defined to determine recruiting center. If you don’t set up the Prospect Setup page, you will need to change this to a default recruiting center.

File Mapping Definition Template: SAD_LSAT_TESTRESULTS

This file mapping definition can be used to post LSAT test scores. You will need to make changes to this delivered template to reflect institution defined default values. Before doing so, make a copy of the delivered template.

File Definition Tab:

Important! Leave the context definition as SAD_LSAT. If you change this, all the file layout and mapping setup will disappear.

Modify the conversion definition to the one you have created.

File Layout Tab: Review this tab to ensure the fields appear in the exact order as that of the LSAT layout you are using.

Mapping Tab:

The default values for the following fields will need to be reviewed and probably modified depending upon your institution’s business practices:










  • SAD_STG_TST_CAF.TEST_ID – Nine rows

Calculated Fields: The following calculated fields have been delivered for LSAT:

  • SCC_STG_NAMES.LAST_NAME_SRCH - Removes all special characters and puts the field into upper case. There are two calculated fields: one for Primary Name and one for Previous Last Name.

  • SCC_STG_NAMES.FIRST_NAME_SRCH - Removes all special characters and puts the field into upper case.

Common Attribute Framework:

The following sample common attributes have been delivered for the incoming field indicated. These attributes should be associated with the SAD_TESTDT record context:

  • LSAT_APPL_STATUS for Applicant Status

  • LSAT_AVG3D_SCORE for Average 3-digit LSAT Score

  • LSAT_LSAC_ACCTNBR for LSAC Account Number

  • LSAT_MISCONDUCT for Misconduct Flag

  • LSAT_PRIOR_SCHLNM_1 for Name of Law School 1

  • LSAT_PRIOR_SCHL_1 for Prior Law School Matriculation 1

  • LSAT_SCORE_UPDATE for Score Update

  • LSAT_SCRBAND_LOWER for Score band - Lower

  • LSAT_SCRBAND_UPPER for Score band - Upper

Set up additional common attributes for other fields that have not been mapped on the File Mapping Definition component. Add each new attribute to the SAD_TESTDT or ADM_PRSPCT_CAR record context depending on your business process. In addition to creating the common attribute and adding them to the record context, you will need to add rows for each common attribute on the File Mapping Definition component. Additional fields that were not mapped upon initial delivery of the LSAT File Mapping Definitions include:

  • Law School Code #

  • Date of Transmission

  • Time Stamp

  • Law School Social Sec/Ins Number

  • Law School Last Name

  • Law School First Name

  • Law School Middle Initial

  • Law School Tracking Number

  • Age

  • Foreign Address (City, Country, Zip)

  • State of Permanent Residence

  • Date of Future Test

  • The following fields are not mapped for each of the twelve scores:

    • Score band - Upper

    • Score band - Lower

    • Irregularity Code

  • Number of Valid 3-digit LSAT Scores

  • Number of Valid 2-digit LSAT Scores

  • Average 2-digit LSAT Score

  • Date File Completed

  • Misconduct Update

  • Prior Matriculation Update

  • Prior Matriculation School Code 1

  • Prior Law School Matriculation 2

  • Prior Matriculation School Code 2

  • Name of Law School 2

  • Prior Law School Matriculation 3

  • Prior Matriculation School Code 3

  • Name of Law School 3

  • Term Year

  • Ethnic Sub Categories

To complete the setup for the delivered common attributes, see:

Delivered Transaction Code: SAD_SSS

Modify the delivered transaction as follows:

  • Update the data update rule with one defined by your institution based on your constituent data update policies.

  • Search/Match Setup: Update the search parameter, search result codes, and update rules based on your institution’s needs.

File Parser Field Conversion Definition Template: SAD_SSS

Conversion examples have been delivered for the following fields:

  • Academic Interest based on incoming Major Choice values.

  • Academic Plan based on incoming Major Choice values.

  • Academic Program based on incoming Major Choice values.

  • Admit Term based on incoming Grad Year value.

  • Ethnicity based on incoming Ethnicity value.

Each of these conversions may need to be modified based on your internal values. Either create a new field conversion definition or copy the delivered definition and modify as needed.

Context Definition Template: SAD_SSS

Review the delivered template and determine if any records need to be added. Modify this delivered version. It will be used in the File Mapping Definition component. Create a copy before doing so to keep an original version. If you choose to use a copy of a delivered context definition and reference the copied version in your file mapping definition, the system forces you to redefine the file layout and file mapping setup.

File Mapping Definition Template: SAD_SSS_PROSPECTS

This file mapping definition can be used to create prospects and supporting data such as academic interests. You will need to make changes to this delivered template to reflect institution defined default values. Before doing so, make a copy of the delivered template.

File Definition Tab:

Important! Leave the context definition as SAD_SSS. If you change this, all the file layout and mapping setup will disappear.

Modify the conversion definition to the one you have created.

Change the delimiter if needed based on your file characteristics.

File Layout Tab:

Review this tab to ensure the fields appear in the exact order as that of the SSS layout you are using.

Mapping Tab:

The default values for the following fields will need to be reviewed and probably modified depending on your institution’s business practices:


















Calculated Fields. The following calculated fields have been delivered for SSS:

  • SCC_STG_NAMES.LAST_NAME_SRCH - Removes all special characters and puts the field into upper case.

  • SCC_STG_NAMES.FIRST_NAME_SRCH - Removes all special characters and puts the field into upper case.

  • SCC_STG_ADDR.COUNTRY – Uses the incoming value from Country Name in position 334 - 362 to determine the three character Country value to populate from COUNTRY_TBL.

  • SAD_PRS_CAR_STG.ADM_RCR_CTR – Looks at the prospect setup you have defined to determine recruiting center. If you did not set up the Prospect Setup page, you will need to change this to a default recruiting center.

  • SAD_PRS_CAR_STG.LAST_SCH_ATTEND - Uses the incoming value from AI Code in position 434 to determine the EXT_ORG_ID to populate based on the EXT_ORG_TBL_ADM.ATP_CODE.

  • SCC_STG_ADMINT.DESCR - Derive the academic interest description based on the External Subject Area populated.

Note: If you have purchased names based on AP Test Takers, it is suggested that you delete the row for SCC_STG_ADMIHD and 5 rows for SCC_STG_ADMINT as the Major Choice data is not provided in the data file.

Field Conversion Definitions. If you changed the Conversion Definition on the File Definition tab, you will need to repopulate the conversion fields on the Value Conversion tab of the Field Mapping Detail for the following fields:

  • SCC_STG_DIV_ETH.ETHNIC_GRP_CD – Ethnicity Conversion Field

  • SCC_STG_ETH_DTL.ETHNIC_GRP_CD – Ethnicity Conversion Field

  • SAD_PRS_CAR_STG.ADMIT_TERM – Admit Term Conversion Field

  • SAD_PRS_PRG_STG.ACAD_PROG – Academic Program Conversion Field

  • SAD_PRS_PLN_STG.ACAD_PROG – Academic Program Conversion Field

  • SAD_PRS_PLN_STG.ACAD_PLAN – Academic Plan Conversion Field

  • SCC_STG_ADMINT.EXT_SUBJECT_AREA (Five Rows) – Academic Interest Conversion Field

Common Attribute Framework

The following sample common attributes have been delivered for the incoming field indicated. These attributes should be associated with the ADM_PRSPCT_CAR record context:

  • SSS_POSTAL_DEL_PT for Postal Delivery Point

  • SSS_POSTAL_COR_CHAR for Postal Correction Character

  • SSS_GEOMKT_CODE for Geomarket Code

  • SSS_MR_CB_EXAM for Most Recent CB Exam

  • SSS_HOMESCH_IND for Homeschooled Indicator

  • SSS_COUNTRY_NAME for Country Name

  • SSS_SEGA_HS_CLUSTER for Segment Analysis HS Cluster

  • SSS_SEGA_EN_CLUSTER for Segment Analysis EN Cluster

Set up additional common attributes for other fields that have not been mapped on the File Mapping Definition component. Add each new attribute to the ADM_PRSPCT_CAR record context. In addition to creating the common attribute and adding them to the record context, you will need to add rows for each common attribute on the File Mapping Definition component. Additional fields that were not mapped include:

  • Order Number

  • Run Code

  • Student ID

  • County Code

  • AP Exam Code 1

  • AP Exam Code 2

  • AP Exam Code 3

  • AP Exam Code 4

  • AP Exam Code 5

  • AP Exam Code 6

  • AP Exam Code 7

  • AP Exam Code 8

  • AP Exam Code 9

  • AP Exam Code 10

  • SAT Subject Test Code 1

  • SAT Subject Test Code 2

  • SAT Subject Test Code 3

  • SAT Subject Test Code 4

  • SAT Subject Test Code 5

  • SAT Subject Test Code 6

  • SAT Subject Test Code 7

  • SAT Subject Test Code 8

  • SAT Subject Test Code 9

  • SAT Subject Test Code 10

  • Last Update Date

  • Low SES

To complete the setup for the delivered common attributes, see:

Note: Refer Doc ID 1997021.1 on My Oracle Support for detailed information on updated PDL templates based on the redesigned SAT layout effective from October 2015. The 2015 SAT Mapping Workbook contains all of the following information, updated for the revised SAT layout.

Delivered Transaction Code: SAD_SAT

Modify the delivered transaction as follows:

  • Update the data update rule with one defined by your institution based on your constituent data update policies.

  • Search/Match Setup: Update the search parameter, search result codes and update rules based on your institution’s needs.

File Parser Field Conversion Definition Template: SAD_SAT

Conversion examples are delivered for the following fields:

  • Academic Interest based on incoming First Choice Major, Other Major 1, Other Major 2, Other Major 3 and Other Major 4 values.

  • Academic Level based on incoming Academic Level value.

  • Academic Plan based on incoming First Choice Major value.

  • Academic Program based on incoming First Choice Major value.

  • Admit Term based on incoming Year of H.S. Graduation Date value.

  • Art (College Activity Description) based on incoming Art value.

  • Athletics: Intramural/Club (College Activity Description) based on incoming Athletics: Intramural or Club Sports value.

  • Athletics: Varsity Sports (College Activity Description) based on incoming Athletics: Varsity Sports value.

  • Citizenship based on incoming Citizenship value.

  • Community/Service Organization (College Activity Description) based on incoming Community or Service Organization value.

  • Cooperative Work/Internship (College Activity Description) based on incoming Cooperative Work or Internship Program value.

  • Country based on incoming Country value.

  • Dance (College Activity Description) based on incoming Dance value.

  • Debating or Public Speaking (College Activity Description) based on incoming Debating or Public Speaking value.

  • Departmental Organization (College Activity Description) based on incoming Departmental Organization value.

  • Drama or Theater (College Activity Description) based on incoming Drama or Theater value.

  • Environmental/Ecology Activity (College Activity Description) based on incoming Environmental or Ecology Activity value.

  • Ethnic Activity or Clubs (College Activity Description) based on incoming Ethnic Activity or Clubs

  • Ethnicity based on incoming Ethnic value in position 994.

  • Financial Aid based on incoming Financial Aid value.

  • Foreign Study or Study Abroad (College Activity Description) based on incoming Foreign Study or Study Abroad Program value.

  • Fraternity Sorority/Social Club (College Activity Description) based on incoming Fraternity, Sorority, or Social Club value.

  • Gender based on incoming Sex value.

  • Honors Prog/Independent Study (College Activity Description) based on incoming Honors Program or Independent Study value.

  • Instrumental Music (College Activity Description) based on incoming Instrumental Music Performance value.

  • Journalism/Literary Activity (College Activity Description) based on incoming Journalism/Literary Activity value.

  • Planned Housing based on incoming Planned Housing value.

  • ROTC (College Activity Description) based on incoming ROTC value.

  • Religious Activity (College Activity Description) based on incoming Religious Activity value.

  • Religious Preference based on incoming Religion value.

  • Student Government (College Activity Description) based on incoming Student Government value.

  • Test Component based on incoming Subject Test Code.

  • Vocal Music (College Activity Description) based on incoming Vocal Music Performance value

Each of these conversions may need to be modified based on your internal values. Modify the delivered version as it will be used on the File Mapping Definition component. Before modifying, make sure you create a copy so that you have the original version.

Context Definition Template: SAD_SAT

Review the delivered template and determine if any records need to be added. Modify this delivered version. It will be used on the File Mapping Definition component. Create a copy before doing so to keep an original version. If you choose to use a copy of a delivered context definition and reference the copied version in your file mapping definition, the system forces you to redefine the file layout and file mapping setup.

File Mapping Definition Template: SAD_SAT_TESTPROSPECT

This file mapping definition can be used to create prospects, populate test scores and populate supporting data such as academic interests and extracurricular activities. You will need to make changes to this delivered template to reflect institution defined default values. Before doing so, make a copy of the delivered template.

File Definition Tab:

Important! Leave the context and conversion definitions as SAD_SAT. If you change this, all the file layout and mapping setup will disappear.

If needed, change the delimiter based on your file characteristics.

File Layout Tab:

Review this tab to ensure that fields appear in the exact order as that of the SAT layout you are using. Also modify the default Date Day and Date Month values for Year of H.S. Graduation.

Mapping Tab:

The default values for the following fields need to be reviewed and probably modified depending upon your institution’s business practices:























  • SCC_STG_TEST.TEST_ID – Two rows

  • SCC_STG_TESTCMP.TEST_ID – Forty Eight Rows




  • SAD_STG_TST_CAF.TEST_ID – Seven rows

Calculated Fields: The following calculated fields have been delivered for SAT:

  • SCC_STG_NAMES.LAST_NAME_SRCH - Removes all special characters and puts the field into upper case.

  • SCC_STG_NAMES.FIRST_NAME_SRCH - Removes all special characters and puts the field into upper case.

  • SCC_STG_ADDR.COUNTRY – Interrogates Foreign Address Indicator in position 135. If ‘Y’ then populates COUNTRY from field conversion COUNTRY, otherwise uses USA.

  • SCC_STG_ADDR.STATE – Populates STATE position 92-93 if Country = CAN or USA. For all other countries, STATE is not populated.

  • SCC_STG_ADDR.POSTAL – Populates POSTAL position 95 – 103 only if Country = USA.

  • SAD_PRS_CAR_STG.ADM_RECR_CTR - Looks at the prospect setup you have defined to determine recruiting center. If you don’t set up the Prospect Setup page, you will need to change this to a default recruiting center.

  • SAD_PRS_CAR_STG.LAST_SCH_ATTEND - Uses the incoming value from High School Code Number in position 1016 to determine the EXT_ORG_ID to populate based on the EXT_ORG_TBL_ADM.ACT_CODE.

  • SCC_STG_ADMINT.DESCR – Derives the academic interest description DESCR based on the incoming First Choice Major starting at position 933, Other Major 1 starting at position 937, Other Major 2 starting at position 940, Other Major 3 starting at position 943, Other Major 4 starting at position 946, from table EXT_SUBJECT_TBL.

  • SCC_STG_TEST.CHKLST_ITM_UPDT for second row where Test ID = SATII – Interrogates incoming Subject Test Codes to determine if this row of SCC_STG_TEST should be created. If codes are not present, the row is not created.

File Mapping Definition Template: SAD_SAT_TESTRESULTS

This file mapping definition can be used to post SAT test scores. You will need to make changes to this delivered template to reflect institution-defined default values. Before doing so, make a copy of the delivered template.

File Definition Tab:

Important! Leave the context and conversion definitions as SAD_SAT. If you change this, all the file layout and mapping setup will disappear.

If needed, change the delimiter based on your file characteristics.

File Layout Tab:

Review this tab to ensure the fields appear in the exact order as that of the SAT layout you are using.

Mapping Tab:

The default values for the following fields will need to be reviewed and probably modified depending upon your institution’s business practices:






  • SCC_STG_TEST.TEST_ID – Two rows

  • SCC_STG_TESTCMP.TEST_ID – Forty Eight Rows




  • SAD_STG_TST_CAF.TEST_ID – Seven rows

Calculated Fields: The following calculated fields have been delivered for SAT:

  • SCC_STG_NAMES.LAST_NAME_SRCH - Removes all special characters and puts the field into upper case.

  • SCC_STG_NAMES.FIRST_NAME_SRCH - Removes all special characters and puts the field into upper case.

  • SCC_STG_ADDR.COUNTRY – Interrogates Foreign Address Indicator in position 135. If ‘Y’ then populates COUNTRY from field conversion COUNTRY, otherwise uses USA.

  • SCC_STG_ADDR.STATE – Populates STATE position 92-93 if Country = CAN or USA. For all other countries, STATE is not populated.

  • SCC_STG_ADDR.POSTAL – Populates POSTAL position 95 – 103 only if Country = USA.

  • SCC_STG_TEST.CHKLST_ITM_UPDT for second row where Test ID = SATII. – Interrogates incoming Subject Test Codes to determine if this row of SCC_STG_TEST should be created. If no codes are present, the row is not created.

Common Attribute Framework

The following sample common attributes have been delivered for the incoming field indicated.

These attributes should be associated with the SAD_TESTDT record context:

  • SAT_REV_SC_IND1 for SAT Revised Score Indicator 1

  • SAT_LAT_ESS_ID for Latest SAT Essay ID

  • SAT_ESS_ID_AD2 for SAT Essay ID Admin 2

  • SAT_ESS_ID_AD3 for SAT Essay ID Admin 3

  • SAT_READ_ST_PCT for Reading State Percentile

  • SAT_MATH_ST_PCT for Mathematics State Percentile

  • SAT_WR_ST_PCT for Writing State Percentile

These attributes should be associated with the ADM_PRSPCT_CAR record context:

  • SAT_GRD_PT_AVG for Grade Point Average

  • SAT_HS_CLASSRANK for High School Class Rank

  • SAT_DEGR_GOAL for Degree Goal

  • SAT_PART_TM_JOB for Part-Time Job

  • SAT_FIRST_LANG for First Language

  • SAT_BEST_LANG for Best Language

Set up additional common attributes for other fields that have not been mapped on the File Mapping Definition component. Add each new attribute to the SAD_TESTDT or ADM_PRSPCT_CAR record context depending on your business process. In addition to creating the common attribute and adding them to the record context, you will need to add rows for each common attribute on the File Mapping Definition component.

Additional fields that were not mapped upon initial delivery of the SAT File Mapping Definitions include:

  • College Code

  • Residence Code

  • EPS Market

  • Foreign Address Indicator

  • SAT Revised Score Indicator 2

  • SAT Revised Score Indicator 3

  • SAT Revised Score Indicator 4

  • SAT Revised Score Indicator 5

  • SAT Revised Score Indicator 6

  • Revised Score Indicator 1

  • Subject Test 1-1 Subscore 1

  • Subject Test 1-1 Subscore 2

  • Subject Test 1-1 Subscore 3

  • Subject Test 1-2 Subscore 1

  • Subject Test 1-2 Subscore 2

  • Subject Test 1-2 Subscore 3

  • Subject Test 1-3 Subscore 1

  • Subject Test 1-3 Subscore 2

  • Subject Test 1-3 Subscore 3

  • Subject Test 2-1 Subscore 1

  • Subject Test 2-1 Subscore 2

  • Subject Test 2-1 Subscore 3

  • Subject Test 2-2 Subscore 1

  • Subject Test 2-2 Subscore 2

  • Subject Test 2-2 Subscore 3

  • Subject Test 2-3 Subscore 1

  • Subject Test 2-3 Subscore 2

  • Subject Test 2-3 Subscore 3

  • Subject Test 3-1 Subscore 1

  • Subject Test 3-1 Subscore 2

  • Subject Test 3-1 Subscore 3

  • Subject Test 3-2 Subscore 1

  • Subject Test 3-2 Subscore 2

  • Subject Test 3-2 Subscore 3

  • Subject Test 3-3 Subscore 1

  • Subject Test 3-3 Subscore 2

  • Subject Test 3-3 Subscore 3

  • Subject Test 4-1 Subscore 1

  • Subject Test 4-1 Subscore 2

  • Subject Test 4-1 Subscore 3

  • Subject Test 4-2 Subscore 1

  • Subject Test 4-2 Subscore 2

  • Subject Test 4-2 Subscore 3

  • Subject Test 4-3 Subscore 1

  • Subject Test 4-3 Subscore 2

  • Subject Test 4-3 Subscore 3

  • Subject Test 5-1 Subscore 1

  • Subject Test 5-1 Subscore 2

  • Subject Test 5-1 Subscore 3

  • Subject Test 5-2 Subscore 1

  • Subject Test 5-2 Subscore 2

  • Subject Test 5-2 Subscore 3

  • Subject Test 5-3 Subscore 1

  • Subject Test 5-3 Subscore 2

  • Subject Test 5-3 Subscore 3

  • Subject Test 6-1 Subscore 1

  • Subject Test 6-1 Subscore 2

  • Subject Test 6-1 Subscore 3

  • Subject Test 6-2 Subscore 1

  • Subject Test 6-2 Subscore 2

  • Subject Test 6-2 Subscore 3

  • Subject Test 6-3 Subscore 1

  • Subject Test 6-3 Subscore 2

  • Subject Test 6-3 Subscore 3

  • Reading State Percentile

  • Mathematics State Percentile

  • Writing State Percentile

  • Subject Test 1 Subscore 1 %ile

  • Subject Test 1 Subscore 2 %ile

  • Subject Test 1 Subscore 3 %ile

  • Subject Test 2 Subscore 1 %ile

  • Subject Test 2 Subscore 2 %ile

  • Subject Test 2 Subscore 3 %ile

  • Subject Test 3 Subscore 1 %ile

  • Subject Test 3 Subscore 2 %ile

  • Subject Test 3 Subscore 3 %ile

  • Arts and Music Years

  • English Years

  • Foreign and Classical Languages Years

  • Mathematics Years

  • Natural Sciences Years

  • Social Sciences and History Years

  • Chinese Years

  • French Years

  • German Years

  • Greek Years

  • Hebrew Years

  • Italian Years

  • Japanese Years

  • Korean Years

  • Latin Years

  • Russian Years

  • Spanish Years

  • Other Language Course Years

  • Algebra Years

  • Geometry Years

  • Trigonometry Years

  • Precalculus Years

  • Calculus Years

  • Computer Math (no longer reported) Years

  • Other Math Course Years

  • Biology Years

  • Chemistry Years

  • Environmental, Earth, or Space Science Years

  • Physics Years

  • Other Science Course Years

  • U.S. History Years

  • U.S. Gov’t/Civics Years

  • European History Years

  • World History Years

  • Ancient History Years

  • Anthropology (no longer reported) Years

  • Economics Years

  • Geography Years

  • Psychology Years

  • Sociology Years

  • Other Social Science or History Course Years

  • Arts and Music GPA

  • English GPA

  • Foreign and Classical Languages GPA

  • Mathematics GPA

  • Natural Sciences GPA

  • Social Sciences and History GPA

  • American Literature

  • British Literature

  • Composition

  • English Language Arts

  • Literature (other than US or British)

  • Communications

  • Public Speaking

  • English as a Second Language

  • Art/Music no experience

  • Acting/Production of a Play

  • Art Hist. or Appreciation

  • Dance

  • Drama or Theater for Appreciation

  • Music History, Theory, or Appreciation

  • Music, Instrumental or Vocal Performance

  • Photography or Filmmaking

  • Studio Art and Design

  • Computer No Experience

  • Computer Basic Concepts

  • Computer Word Processing

  • Computer Programming

  • Computer Use Spreadsheets/Databases

  • Computer Graphics

  • Computer Internet Activities

  • High School/Community/Activities

  • H.S. Activity Designator 1

  • 9th Grade Activity 1

  • 10th Grade Activity 1

  • 11th Grade Activity 1

  • 12th Grade Activity 1

  • Office/Award Activity 1

  • H.S. Activity Designator 2

  • 9th Grade Activity 2

  • 10th Grade Activity 2

  • 11th Grade Activity 2

  • 12th Grade Activity 2

  • Office/Award Activity 2

  • H.S. Activity Designator 3

  • 9th Grade Activity 3

  • 10th Grade Activity 3

  • 11th Grade Activity 3

  • 12th Grade Activity 3

  • Office/Award Activity 3

  • H.S. Activity Designator 4

  • 9th Grade Activity 4

  • 10th Grade Activity 4

  • 11th Grade Activity 4

  • 12th Grade Activity 4

  • Office/Award Activity 4

  • H.S. Activity Designator 5

  • 9th Grade Activity 5

  • 10th Grade Activity 5

  • 11th Grade Activity 5

  • 12th Grade Activity 5

  • Office/Award Activity 5

  • H.S. Activity Designator 6

  • 9th Grade Activity 6

  • 10th Grade Activity 6

  • 11th Grade Activity 6

  • 12th Grade Activity 6

  • Office/Award Activity 6

  • H.S. Activity Designator 7

  • 9th Grade Activity 7

  • 10th Grade Activity 7

  • 11th Grade Activity 7

  • 12th Grade Activity 7

  • Office/Award Activity 7

  • H.S. Activity Designator 8

  • 9th Grade Activity 8

  • 10th Grade Activity 8

  • 11th Grade Activity 8

  • 12th Grade Activity 8

  • Office/Award Activity 8

  • H.S. Activity Designator 9

  • 9th Grade Activity 9

  • 10th Grade Activity 9

  • 11th Grade Activity 9

  • 12th Grade Activity 9

  • Office/Award Activity 9

  • H.S. Activity Designator 10

  • 9th Grade Activity 10

  • 10th Grade Activity 10

  • 11th Grade Activity 10

  • 12th Grade Activity 10

  • Office/Award Activity 10

  • Sports

  • Sport Designator 1

  • Sport Designator 2

  • Sport Designator 3

  • Sport Designator 4

  • Sport Designator 5

  • Sport Designator 6

  • 4-Year College or University

  • 2-Year Community or Junior College

  • Vocational/Technical School

  • 2 or 4 Year Undecided

  • Public University or College

  • Private University or College (not religiously affiliated)

  • Private, Religiously Affiliated University or College

  • Private, Public Undecided

  • Fewer than 2,000 Students

  • 2,000–5,000 Students

  • 5,000–10,000 Students

  • 10,000–20,000 Students

  • More than 20,000 Students

  • Size Undecided

  • Large City or Metropolitan Area

  • Medium-Size City

  • Small City or Town

  • Suburban Community

  • Rural

  • Setting Undecided

  • Close to Home

  • In My Home State

  • In States Bordering Mine

  • Beyond States Bordering Mine

  • Outside of the U.S

  • Location Undecided

  • All Women or All Men

  • Coeducational

  • Type Undecided

  • Art AP or Exempt

  • Biology AP or Exempt

  • Chemistry AP or Exempt

  • Computer Science AP or Exempt

  • English AP or Exempt

  • Foreign Language AP or Exempt

  • Humanities AP or Exempt

  • Mathematics AP or Exempt

  • Music AP or Exempt

  • Physics AP or Exempt

  • Social Studies AP or Exempt

  • No Plans to Apply AP or Exempt

  • Educational Plans Requested Services

  • Career Plans Requested Services

  • Study Skills Requested Services

  • Math Skills Requested Services

  • Reading Skills Requested Services

  • Writing Skills Requested Services

  • No Plans for Help Requested Services

  • High School Name

  • High School Address 1

  • High School Address 2

  • High School Address 3

  • High School Telephone Number

  • High School Type

  • Senior Class Size

  • Percent of Seniors Going to College

  • Location of High School

  • Number of Advanced Placement Program® Courses Offered

  • Honors Courses Offered

  • Units to Graduate

  • Date of Report

To complete setup for the delivered common attributes, see: