Entering and Updating External Education Data

This section lists common elements and discusses how to:

  • Enter external education data.

  • Enter transcript comments.

  • Enter external courses and degrees.

  • Enter transfer credit detail.

  • Enter external course comments.

  • (CAN) Enter regional data.

  • Copy self-reported courses.

Field or Control


Transfer To

Course Credits appears by default. Enter a value and click Go to transfer to another component.


Click to ensure more efficient and flexible data entry by ordering or hiding tabs and fields.

See PeopleTools: Applications User's Guide

Page Name

Definition Name



External Education


  • Student Admissions > Application/Transcript Loads > Education > External Education

  • Student Recruiting > Maintain Prospects > Academic Information > Education > External Education

  • Student Admissions > Application Entry > Academic Information > Education > External Education

  • Records and Enrollment > Transfer Credit Evaluation > External Education > External Education

Enter information about external careers, transcripts, and subjects. View school details.

External Education Comment


Click the Comments link on the External Education page.

Enter transcript comments.

Courses and Degrees


  • Student Admissions > Application/Transcript Loads > Education > Courses and Degrees

  • Student Recruiting > Maintain Prospects > Academic Information > Education > Courses and Degrees

  • Student Admissions > Application Entry > Academic Information > Education > Courses and Degrees

  • Records and Enrollment > Transfer Credit Evaluation > External Education > Courses and Degrees

Enter external course defaults and information about external courses and degrees.

Grade Input History


Click the History link on the Courses and Degrees page.

View a history of grade changes.

Transfer Credit Detail


Click the Referenced link on the Courses and Degrees page.

View transfer credit details about external courses.

External Course Comments


Click the Course Comment link on the Courses and Degrees page.

Enter comments about external courses.



  • Student Admissions > Application/Transcript Loads > Education > Regional

  • Student Recruiting > Maintain Prospects > Academic Information > Education > Regional

  • Student Admissions > Application Entry > Academic Information > Education > Regional

  • Records and Enrollment > Transfer Credit Evaluation > External Education > Regional

(CAN) Define previous education information for ESIS (Extended Student Information System) reporting.

Self Reported Courses


  • Student Admissions > Application/Transcript Loads > Education > Self Reported Courses

  • Student Recruiting > Maintain Prospects > Academic Information > Education > Self Reported Courses

  • Student Admissions > Application Entry > Academic Information > Education > Self Reported Courses

  • Records and Enrollment > Transfer Credit Evaluation > External Education > Self Reported Courses

Copy self-reported courses entered by the student on the Evaluate My Transfer Credit page to the Courses and Degrees page.

Access the External Education page (Student Admissions > Application/Transcript Loads > Education > External Education).

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the External Education page (1 of 2). You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

External Education page (1 of 2)

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the External Education page (2 of 2). You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

External Education page (2 of 2)

Field or Control


External Org ID (external organization ID)

The source of the external data. The system automatically populates this field from the initial add of Last School Attended on the Prospect School/Recruiting page or the Application School/Recruiting page if a value is entered. You can edit this field.

Checklist Item Update

Select this check box to indicate that the checklist that relates to this row of external data (or transcript) is updated when you run the Checklist Item Update Automated process. If you enter a value of Received in the Action field in the Transcript Status group box, this check box is automatically selected when you save the page.

School Details

Click the arrow to the left of School Details to view information about the external organization.

This data is populated from the Organization Table page and the Organization School Data page.

Career Data

Field or Control


Data Number

The system populates this field automatically. The first data item (or row) you enter is 1. The system numbers subsequent rows sequentially.


Select the external career for this external data. Values for this field are delivered with your system as translate values.

Term Type

Select the term type that is used by the external organization. Values for this field are delivered with your system as translate values. Examples of the available values include semester and quinmester.

External Term

Enter the external term to which this data relates. For example, if this is a Fall transcript, enter FALL in the External Term field. The available values depend on what you enter in the Term Type field. Define external terms on the External Term Table page.

This field is optional; leave it blank until you are ready to enter transfer credit information.

Term Year

Enter the term year that is relevant to this external data entry. This field is optional; leave it blank until you are ready to enter transfer credit information.

Academic Level

Select the academic level of the person at the time the external data was collected or issued. This value might be different from the current academic level. Values for this field are delivered with your system as translate values.

From Date and To Date

Enter the dates of attendance for the career data that you entered.

Dismissed From School

Select this check box if the student was dismissed from the institution.

Transcript Status

Field or Control



Desired appears by default. Select the appropriate action for the transcript. Available values are Desired and Received. Leave the value as Desired if you are entering data for a transcript that you requested. Select a value of Received if the data is for a transcript that you have received.

When the Action field is set to Received, you can link the data to an application on the Application Materials page.

Transcript Date

Enter the date that the transcript was issued. The transcript date must not be later than the received date.

Date Received

Enter the date that your office received the transcript. The received date cannot occur before the transcript date.

Transcript Type

Select a transcript type. Values for this field are delivered with your system as translate values. These values default from the User Defaults 3 page if defaults are defined there.

Transcript Status

Select a transcript status. Values for this field are delivered with your system as translate values.

Data Source

Select the data source for this transcript. Values for this field are delivered with your system as translate values. These values default from the User Defaults 3 page if defaults are defined there.

Data Medium

Select the format in which you received the transcript. Values for this field are delivered with your system as translate values. These values default from the User Defaults 3 page if defaults are defined there.


Click to access the External Education Comment page and enter transcript comments.

Transcript Summary

You can enter GPA (grade point average), units, and rank details for this data, which can be reported on a transcript, self-reported, or reported from another source. You can enter multiple transcripts (or similar data) under an external organization.

The layout of the page enables you to define how you want to represent a person's academic transcripts. You can associate one or more summaries for a single transcript. You can also enter the summary GPA, units, and rank of a person's entire academic career, or insert rows to create individual summaries that capture data for various segments of a person's academic career. Enter as many summary types as you require. This structure enables you to capture the GPA, rank, and units for each year of school, in addition to the overall summary, on one transcript.

Note: Many values on this page appear by default from the User Defaults 3 page, from pages in the Create/Maintain Organizations component, and from the data that you entered in the Career Data group box.


Select the Term tab.

Field or Control


Summary Type

Select the summary type for the external data. For example, you might select a summary of an entire high school transcript or a summary of grade 12 only. Define summary types on the External Summary Type Table page.

External Term and Ext Year (external year)

Select the external term and year relevant to the summary. Define external terms on the External Term Table page

Acad Level (academic level)

Select the student's academic level at the time that this information was current, which may not be the student's current academic level. For example, this value could be a summary of a school year that the student has completed. As with the academic level for career data, you can choose which data to enter here and how to relate this academic level data to the career data.


Select the GPA/Units tab.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the External Education page: GPA/Units tab. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

External Education page: GPA (grade point average)/Units tab

Field or Control


GPA Type (grade point average type)

Enter the GPA type that is used by the external organization. Define GPA types on the GPA Type Table page.

Ext GPA (external grade point average)

Enter the external GPA from the reported information. If you have defined external GPA values for this GPA type on the GPA Type Table page, you can prompt for those values here. Otherwise, you can enter the appropriate numeric GPA value.

Conv GPA (converted grade point average)

If you have defined GPA conversion rules, the system automatically converts the GPA based on the External GPA that you enter. If you have not defined GPA conversion rules, the value that you enter in the External GPA field is copied to the Conv GPA field.


The value in the Completed field is automatically populated from the value in the Attempted field. You can override this value. Enter the number of units that the student completed if it is different from the number of units that the student attempted.


Select the Rank tab.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the External Education page: Rank tab. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

External Education page: Rank tab

Field or Control


Class Rank and Class Size

Enter the student's rank in their class and the size of the class.


The system automatically calculates the percentile based on the values entered in the Class Rank and Class Size fields.

External Subjects

External subject information can be reported on a transcript, self-reported, or reported from another source. Storing this data is useful for grouping subjects. For example, if your office tracks subject area requirements but does not want to enter or load all of the external courses that a student has taken, you can record course level, number of courses, units, external GPA, and converted GPA details about external subject areas. Define external subject areas on the External Subject Table page. You can add multiple rows to enter external subject data.


Select the GPA tab.

Field or Control


Course Level

Select the course level taken in this area. Values for this field are delivered with your system as translate values.

GPA Type (grade point average type)

Enter the GPA type for the school that the student attended. Define GPA types on the GPA Type Table page.

External GPA (external grade point average)

Enter the external GPA that was earned by the student for this subject. If you have defined external GPA values for this GPA type on the GPA Type Table page, you can prompt for those values here. Otherwise, enter the appropriate GPA value.

Converted GPA (converted grade point average)

If you have defined GPA conversion rules, the system automatically converts the GPA. If you have not defined GPA conversion rules, the GPA that you enter in the External GPA field is copied into the Converted GPA field.

Subject Totals

Select the Subject Totals tab.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the External Education page: Subject Totals tab. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

External Education page: Subject Totals tab

Field or Control


Courses Completed

Enter the number of courses that the student completed if it is different from the number of courses the student attempted.

Units Completed

Enter the number of units that the student completed if it is different from the number of units that the student attempted.

Access the External Education Comment page (Click the Comments link on the External Education page).

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the External Education Comment page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

External Education Comment page

Field or Control


ID, External Org ID (external organization ID), External Career, and Data Number

You can enter multiple comments for each of these fields. Your user ID, name, and the date that you entered the comment will appear with each row.

Default Comment and Comment

If you enter a default comment, the Comment field is populated with the default text and you can enter more information. You can also add a comment without entering a default. Default comments are defined on the External Education Comments table.

Access the Courses and Degrees page (Student Admissions > Application/Transcript Loads > Education > Courses and Degrees).

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Courses and Degrees page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Courses and Degrees page

Note: Many values on this page appear by default from the User Defaults 3 page, from pages in the Create/Maintain Organizations component, and from the data that you entered on the External Education page.

Important! If you have to enter more than one course, use the External Course Defaults group box to enter information that is common to each course. This group box will save you data entry time.

External Course Defaults

Field or Control


Data Number

If the courses that you enter are linked to a row of transcript data on the External Education page, enter the data number from that page. When you navigate out of this field, the system automatically populates a number of the remaining fields with the data that is linked to this data number. If the courses that you enter are not linked to a data number, do not enter a value in this field but complete the remaining fields.

Term Type

If you select a value of Other, the Begin Date and End Date fields become available. If you select any other value, the External Term and Term Year fields become available.

Grading Scheme

Select the grading scheme to convert the grading scheme of the external school to your standards. Define grading schemes on the Grading Scheme Table page.

Apply Defaults

Click to populate the default values to the first row of the External Courses group box. These defaults will then be applied to subsequent rows.

You only need to apply the defaults once. If you enter another data number or change the default data, do not select the Apply Defaults button again. The new defaults will automatically apply to subsequent rows of course data that you enter.

External Courses

When you click the Apply Defaults button, the system populates many values in the External Courses group box.

Important! Always apply defaults before you add multiple rows or enter any external course data.


Select the Course tab.

Field or Control


School Subject

Enter the school subject area for the course that you are entering. If you have set up a course catalog for this school, you can prompt for the valid values in this field. If a course catalog does not exist for this school, enter the subject.

Course Nbr (course number)

Enter the school course number for this course. If you have set up a course catalog for this school, you can prompt for the valid values in this field. If a course catalog does not exist for this school, enter the course number.

Course Name

This field is populated when you enter a course number. You can override this value. For example, if Physical Education appears, you might add Basketball as extra text. You can also enter a course name if one is not automatically populated.


Select the Grades tab.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Courses and Degrees page: Grades tab. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Courses and Degrees page: Grades tab

Field or Control


Units Taken

Appears by default from the value in the Units Taken field in the External Course Defaults group box. The default value is overridden if a value for External Units is defined on the School Course Classification page.

Grade In

Enter grades and grade changes. When you save grade changes, the History link appears.


Click to access the Grade Input History page and view a history of the grade changes. This link will only appear if a change was made to the value in the Grade In field.

Transfer Credit/Comments

Select the Transfer Credit/Comments tab.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Courses and Degrees page: Transfer Credit/Comments tab. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Courses and Degrees page: Transfer Credit/Comments tab

Field or Control


Transfer Credit

This check box is selected by default.

Transfer Credit Status

The Referenced link is available if the course was used in a Transfer Credit model articulation rule. Click to access the Transfer Credit Detail page and view transfer credit information about the course.

(CAN) Transfer Credit Type

This field is available if the Government Reporting check box for Canada is selected on the SA Features (student administration features) page.

Course Comment

Click to access the External Course Comments page and enter comments about courses.

External Degrees

Enter information about external degrees that are in progress or completed.


Select the Degree tab.

Field or Control


Degree and Description

If you enter a value in the Degree field, the Description field is populated. If a degree value is not available, enter a description.

Degree Date

Enter the date that the degree was or will be granted.

Degree Status

Complete appears by default.

Field of Study

Select the Field of Study tab.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Courses and Degrees page: Field of Study tab. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Courses and Degrees page: Field of Study tab

Field or Control


External Subject 1, Field of Study 1, External Subject 2, and Field of Study 2

When you enter external subject information, field of study information appears. If a subject area value is not available, enter the field of study information.


Select the Transcript tab.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Courses and Degrees page: Transcript tab. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Courses and Degrees page: Transcript tab

Field or Control


Data Number

If this degree data is related to a specific transcript or source of information, select the data number of the transcript or other source. The system populates this field from the External Education page.

Access the Transfer Credit Detail page (Click the Referenced link on the Courses and Degrees page).

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Transfer Credit Detail page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Transfer Credit Detail page

View transfer credit information about courses. These values default from the Transfer Course Details page if the course tied to an articulation rule.

Note: Multiple transfer credit statuses may exist for each course because a course can be modeled more than once.

Field or Control


Articulation Term

The term for which the transfer credit was processed.

Transfer Status

The status of the transfer credit model. The available values are Submitted, Completed, and Posted.

Access the External Course Comments page (Click the Course Comment link on the Courses and Degrees page).

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the External Course Comments page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

External Course Comments page

Field or Control


ID, External Org ID (external organization ID), School Subject, and Course Number

You can enter multiple comments for each of these fields. Your user ID, name, and the date that you enter the comment appears for each row.

Default Comment and Comment

If you enter a default comment, the Comment field is populated with the default text and you can enter more information. You can also add a comment without entering a default. Define default comments on the External Education Comments table.

Access the Regional page (Student Admissions > Application/Transcript Loads > Education > Regional).

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Regional page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Regional page

This page is available if the Government Reporting check box for Canada is selected on the SA Features page.

Field or Control


Previous Educational Activity

Select the student's most recent educational activity.

Previous PostSecond Credential (previous postsecondary credential)

Select the type of credential that is associated with successful completion of the student's most recent postsecondary education.

Access the Self Reported Courses page (Student Admissions > Application/Transcript Loads > Education > Self Reported Courses).

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Self Reported Courses page . You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Self Reported Courses page

This page is available if a student has modeled transfer credit through self service. Instead of entering external course information from an official transcript, you can copy some or all courses from self service to the Courses and Degrees page.

Course Data

Select the Course Data tab.

Field or Control


Copy to Education

Select the check box for each course that you want to copy. Use the Check All link to copy all the courses.

Copy Selected Courses

Field or Control


Copy Selected Courses

Click to copy the course data to the Courses and Degrees page.

A row is also added on the External Education page. Unofficial appears by default in the Transcript Type field, and Incomplete appears by default in the Transcript Status field. To include copied courses in the automated application evaluation process, change the type to Official and the status to Final or Mid Year, or associate the course with an official transcript row by changing the data number associated with the course.

Additional Information

Select the Additional Information tab.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Self Reported Courses page: Additional Information tab. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Self Reported Courses page: Additional Information tab

Field or Control


Copy to Education

If a course is copied, the check box is unavailable and the course cannot be copied again.

Course Copied

If a course is copied, the check box is selected.

Note: After a course has been copied, any changes that a student makes in self service are not reflected on the Courses and Degrees page. Also, only the student can remove the courses that are displayed on the Self Reported Courses page through self service.