Creating and Working with Sessions

Gift and pledge transactions are entered in sessions, which are groups of gifts, pledges, or adjustment transactions. When you create a session, you enter expected counts and amounts, and can select default values to carry throughout transactions in the session.

The gift and pledge process requires several steps to get gift and pledge transactions entered and in some cases ultimately posted to your institution's financial system. Portions of this process are most likely handled by a supervisor or an automatically scheduled process, while others are handled by the gift entry user.

Following are the steps required:

  1. Open a gift or pledge session for a business unit.

    This session can be a regular entry session or an adjustment session. Establish expected counts and amounts, and (optional) select session defaults.

  2. Enter transactions into the session by following the processes for gift entry, pledge entry, gift adjustment, or pledge adjustment.

    Assign each transaction to one or more designations and apply hard and soft recognition. Designations are funds at your institution to which donations and pledges can be allocated.

  3. Balance the session, then queue it for posting using the Queue Sessions for Posting page.

  4. Run the GL Interface process.

    This process can be run manually, but most often it runs automatically using Process Scheduler. This process copies the transaction data from the system into a table called AV_ACCTG_LN. In this table the transactions are associated with the appropriate account in your institution's financial system based on the item types used when you set up designations.

  5. For commitment transactions to appear on the Inquiry pages, you must then run the Accumulator process.

    See Understanding the Constituent Accumulators Process.