Publishing Accounting Line Information Automatically

This section discusses how to run the AVPOST2 job.

Page Name

Definition Name



GL Interface (general ledger interface)


Contributor Relations > Session Management > Process Sessions > G/L Interface

Enter process parameters and run the AVPOST2 process, which creates accounting lines ready for publishing into your institution's Financials system and activates the message that the lines are ready for Financials 8.4 or 8.8.

Access the GL Interface page. This page displays the Financials Release that you selected on the CR Installation page.

See Running the GL Interface Job (AVPOST and AVPOST2).

After you enter the appropriate information on the run control page and click the Run button, the Process Scheduler Request page appears.

From that page, run the AVPOST2 job, which contains:

  • AVPACCTL—a COBOL process that creates accounting lines and puts the process instance entries into the PS_EO_MSGBATPRM table.

  • EOP_PUBLISHA—an Automated Background Publish Application Engine that picks up all accounting lines created by AVPACCTL, based on the parameters in the PS_EO_MSGBATPRM table.

  • AV_ACCUM—an Application Engine that accumulates constituent gift totals.

The AVPOST2 job runs similarly to the AVPOST job, but it replaces the SQR report output with the EOP_PUBLISHA process.

The EOP_PUBLISHA process does the following:

  1. Selects accounting lines based on three criteria: process or job instance, process name, and process status.

  2. Collects accounting line entries generated by the GL Interface AVPACCTL COBOL process and publishes them to the Financials database.

Financials subscribes to the published messages in the Contributor Relations database, takes the accounting lines into their AV_ACCTG_LN table, and runs those lines through Journal Generator to create journals. Financials then publishes the updated accounting lines, Contributor Relations subscribes to these lines, and the data published by Financials updates the Contributor Relations AV_ACCTG_LN table.

The Contributor Relations subscribe portion of the process updates seven fields on the AV_ACCTG_LN table:








When the Financials system returns accounting lines, the AUDIT_ACTN value on the Contributor Relations AV_ACCTG_LN record is changed from A (add) to C (changed).