Configuring REST POST Constituent Staging Service

To use the REST POST method to update only staging tables, you first have to set up the service operation SCC_STG_CONSTIT_R.

For information on creating permission lists, roles, and user profiles, see the product documentation for PeopleTools: Security Administration.

  1. Create a permission list, and assign the web service SCC_STG_CONSTIT_R to the permission list.

  2. Create a role, and then assign the permission list to the role.

  3. Create a user profile, and then assign the role for the permission list.

    Note: On the ID page, set ID Type to None.

  4. Assign the role you created to your admin or test user.

  5. Assign the user profile you created to node ANONYMOUS.

    1. Navigate to PeopleTools > Integration Broker > Integration Setup > Node Definitions.

    2. In Default User ID, change the value to the user profile value you created earlier.

  6. Create the routings for SCC_STG_CONSTIT_R.

    For more information on configuring service definitions, see the product documentation for PeopleTools: Integration Broker

    1. Go to PeopleTools > Integration Broker > Integration Setup > Service Definitions.

    2. Select REST Service, then search for the service SCC_STG_CONSTIT_R.

    3. Select SCC_STG_CONSTIT_R from the search results.

    4. From the Existing Operations grid, select SCC_STG_CONSTIT_R_POST.v1.

    5. Click Routings.

    6. If there aren't any routings, click General.

    7. In Routing Actions Upon Save, select Generate Any-to-Local, then click Save.

    8. Click Routings.

      In Routing Definitions, you should see a routing generated for any to local.

  7. Set the logging as appropriate for your institution. For example, in Routing Actions Upon Save, select the option that's best for your institution.

    1. From the Routings page, you can select User Exception.

    2. Save your changes.

    3. In Routing Definitions, click the routing definition entry. This can look like "~GENERATED~16947973".

    4. From the page that appears, in Log Detail, select the option that works best for your institution.

    5. Click Save, then click Return.

    The inbound routing should show the sender node ~~ANY~~ is active.

  8. Save your changes.

  9. Optionally, you can create these search/match rules:

    • A search/match person rule LNAMEFNAME that only has full last name search and full first name search.

    • A search/match person rule NIDONLY that only has national ID (NID) search.

    • A search/match person rule LNFNNIDSEXDOB that search last name, first name, national ID, gender, and date of birth.

    • A search match person parameter LNFNNIDSEXDOB that has 10 LNFNNIDSEXDOB, 20 NIDONLY, and 30 LNAMEFNAME.

      Set its search permission to full access.

    For information on search/match, see Using Search/Match.

  10. Modify the CTM transaction SCC_STG_CONSTITUENT.

    1. In the Search/Match Setup page, use your preferred search parameter, for example, LNFNNIDSEXDOB.

    2. Use your preferred search result code, for example, PSCS_TRAD_RESUL.

    3. Set up Matches Found as appropriate for your institution. Here's an example:

      Search Order Nbr


      One Match

      Multiple Matches


      Last Name, First Name, NID, Sex, DOB








      Last Name, First Name



    4. Set up No Match Found as appropriate for your institution.

    5. Save your changes.