Defining Rating Schemes

This section discusses how to set up evaluation rating schemes.

Page Name

Definition Name



Define Rating Scheme


Set Up SACR > Common Definitions > Evaluation Management System > Define Rating Scheme

Define options for how a rating scheme is used during calculated evaluations, and individual and committee evaluations.

Access the Define Rating Scheme page (Set Up SACR > Common Definitions > Evaluation Management System > Define Rating Scheme).

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Define Rating Scheme page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Define Rating Scheme page

Available for use with

The options in this group box determine how a rating scheme can be used, whether by a Committees scheme, Individual Evaluators scheme, or by a scheme that uses Auto-Calculations. These settings control the values available for the Rating Scheme fields of the Committee Scheme and Individual Evaluator setup and the Rating Scheme field on the Evaluation Code setup. Committee Scheme and Individual Evaluator may be used concurrently. If you select Auto-Calculations, the other two options are unavailable. When you select Auto-Calculations, two Rule ID fields become available on the page: one at the scheme level and one for each rating component.

Note: A rating scheme marked as Auto-Calculations cannot also be used as an Individual Evaluator scheme or Committee scheme.

See Setting Up and Using Rules for the Evaluation Management System

Add/Delete Options

Field or Control


Allow Component Deletion

This option controls behavior on the Manage Evaluation component.

Select this option to allow the system or a user to delete components under this scheme from an ID’s evaluation record if the status for that scheme is not Final.

Allow Component Addition

This option controls behavior on the Manage Evaluation component.

Select this option to allow the system or a user to add components under this scheme to a specific ID’s evaluation record if the status for that scheme is not Final.

The system prompts against valid designated rating scheme values.

Rule ID

This field becomes available in the Rating Scheme Details group box when the rating scheme is marked for Auto-Calculations. This field is optional. When populated, the system will use this rule to calculate the Overall Rating value for the scheme. If no rule is designated for a rating component, then the system will calculate the Overall Rating using an average of the rating component values.

This field prompts from the values in the Rules Engine tables.

Rating Components

The fields in this group box define what evaluators can change or modify during the evaluation process.

Field or Control


Rating Component

Rating components roll up under the rating scheme. Rating components are defined on the Define Rating Component page.

Calculation Method

This field has no impact in the system.

Processing Order

This value is used by the system when the Auto-Calculations option is selected. Components that use Rules will be evaluated according to the Processing Order.

Rating Required

Select this check box to determine whether, on the Manage Evaluation component, this component rating must be completed by the evaluator or by an auto-calculation. If selected, the evaluation cannot be marked final unless this rating is populated.

Rule ID

This field becomes available when the rating scheme is marked for Auto-Calculations. This field is optional. When populated, the system will use this rule to calculate the rating value for the component. If no rule is designated for a rating component, it is assumed that the rating value will be populated manually.

This field prompts from the values in the Rules Engine tables.

Rating Value

This is a numerical field used to define a rating or scoring standard for the component being assessed. How rating values are used in an evaluation will differ when the rating scheme is marked as used for Auto-Calculations versus for Individual Evaluator or Committee schemes. When used for Auto-Calculations, if a Rule ID is present, then values populated here are used for descriptive purposes on the transaction pages in the Manage Evaluation component and in the Evaluation Center self-service pages. However, the actual rating standard or scale will be taken from the associated rule identified for the rating component. If no Rule ID is identified, at the transaction level, the rating field value will prompt against this setup for valid values for the corresponding rating component. Leave this field blank if no actual numerical rating range is required.

For each rating value, the Description and Short Description fields enable you to provide text explanation.