Designing Campus Community

Before you can fully implement Campus Community, you must verify settings and establish elements for people and organization processing.

  • Verify that your system's default settings reflect your institution's design decisions and reset them if they do not.

    Reviewing these settings can provide insight into some of the values that your system automatically displays or formats. For example, reviewing the ID settings in the Installation Table component (described in Campus Solutions Application Fundamentals) helps you identify where seed numbers are set for the automatic sequencing and assigning of ID numbers. Reviewing the country, state, and province codes ensures that the codes that your institution uses are available and that the standard address format that is set to appear for each, will serve your institution's needs.

  • Set up name and address formats and identify types to manage individual names and addresses.

  • Create usages to identify which types of names or addresses to use in specific circumstances.

  • Review the National ID table to determine if the predefined national ID types, which PeopleSoft ships, include the identification numbers for the countries and formats that your institution requires.

    National ID numbers provide a method of identifying and tracking individuals. PeopleSoft ships national ID number formats predefined per country, including United States social security numbers (SSNs) and Canadian social insurance numbers (SINs).

  • Establish salutations for use in communications with individuals in your system, set priority criteria to control the addition and deletion of records in your system, and specify the sets of data to use to detect duplicate or multiple records.

  • Designate the types of information to control about individuals so that all departments in your institution can use the system to comply with government privacy regulations and any internal privacy policies.

  • (NZL) Enable online NSI processing and set default values to use for the National Student Index (NSI) provider code and, current file number.

  • Define the communication preferences that your institution wants to support to communicate with the student population.

After you establish these basics, you can create records and begin using the full functionality of PeopleSoft Campus Solutions.

Warning! Before adding records or entering and updating data, you must be familiar with PeopleSoft applications, including the Add, Update/Display, Include History, and Correct History modes and the PeopleSoft method of applying effective dates with active or inactive statuses.
