Entering Publications Data

This section discusses how to enter publications data.

Page Name

Definition Name





Campus Community > Personal Information > Participation Data > Accomplishments > Publications

Enter publications data for an individual.

Access the Publications page (Campus Community > Personal Information > Participation Data > Accomplishments > Publications).

Publication Detail

Field or Control


Publication Number

The number of this publication in the list of publications for this individual.

The system enters the next sequential number for each publication that you add. You can override the number to reorder the list of publications.

Publication Type

Specify the type of publication, such as article, book, presentation, record, thesis, or video.

Values for this field are delivered with your system as translate values. You can modify these translate values.

Author Type

Specify the type of this individual's authorship participation in the publication, such as author, co-author, or editor.

Values for this field are delivered with your system as translate values. You can modify these translate values.

Publication Title

Enter the title of the publication.

Publication Name

Enter the name of the magazine, journal, book, or other, in which the publication appeared.

Multiple Authors

Select this check box if the publication has multiple authors.

Full Author List

Enter the complete list of authors for the publication.


Enter the name of the publisher of the magazine, journal, book, or other medium in which the publication appeared.

Date Format For PowerPlay

Select to indicate whether the value in the Date field must be selected from the calendar feature or entered in a valid date format.

If you do not select this check box, the value in the Date field can be any value or format of up to 10 characters.


Enter the date of the publication.


Enter the volume, if any, of the magazine, journal, book, or other medium in which the publication appeared.


Enter the issue, if any, of the magazine, journal, book, or other medium in which the publication appeared.

Page Number(s)

Enter the page numbers, if any, of the magazine, journal, book, or other medium in which the publication appeared.


Enter notes or comments to further identify or describe the publication by this individual.

Application Method

Select the method in which the publication was submitted. This field uses the same values as the Application Method field in the Admissions application components.

Data Verified

Select this check box if the student's involvement with the publication has been verified.

Date and Verifier

You can enter data in these fields only if the Data Verified check box is selected. Enter the date on which the data was verified and the name of the person who verified the data.

File Attachments

Field or Control


Add Attachments

Click this button to browse for any file that you want to attach to the page. After attaching the file, click the View link to open it in a separate browser window, or click Add to attach multiple files.

Attachments become directly associated with the person’s publication record.