Loading External ATP Data

This section provides an overview of loading ATP data and discusses how to:

  • Specify the data source.

  • Review suspense process options data.

  • Review school address data.

  • Review other school data.

  • Review ATP data suspense messages.

  • Review all ATP messages.

  • Specify search parameters.

  • Search for duplicate records and post the data.

  • Purge ATP data from the suspense file.

When you schedule the process, PeopleSoft Process Scheduler runs the CCATPLOD.SQR process and stores the ATP data in the ATP suspense tables. When the process is finished, the PeopleSoft Process Scheduler displays a process instance number in the lower left corner of the screen. You can review the loaded data on the ATP Suspense Process Options page.

The ATP suspense tables hold records not yet posted to the organization tables. School data from these tables migrates to your database during the posting process based on the options that you select on the ATP Search Parameters and ATP Post Parameters pages.

You can review data in the ATP suspense table at any time during the ATP external data load process. You might want to look at the data immediately after loading it, after performing a search/match on it, or after posting it. You can determine if a record is yet to be processed, if a record was added to your database, and if any errors were encountered during the search/match or loading processes.

Note: If you have not yet posted the data, you can edit it on the ATP Suspense Table page. When editing data in the suspense tables, you must be careful not to create duplicate records that are added to the database during posting.

You may choose to correct errors on the appropriate pages before running the post process. When you make changes to fields in this component, click Save; the other fields are updated according to the revisions you made. For example, if the Edit field displayed Error, when you fix the errors in the file and save it, the program updates the Edit field to Complete.

You should always click Save before changing any of the processing options so that you can review the results of any data changes you made.

After loading the ATP data into a suspense table, run the ATP Search/Match process to check for duplicate matching records before posting the data. Each record in the ATP load contains a change code value — Add, Change, or Delete — that instructs the system to add the record as new or to change or delete the existing one. The Search/Match process investigates the database to identify conflicts between existing data and the data loaded for posting, and between existing data and the action required by the change code. You must decide what you want the system to do in the case of conflicts.

For example, if the change code is Add, and the system finds an existing record that matches the load data, the system does not update the existing data and add it for posting; you must decide whether the system should update the existing data, place that load data in suspense until you can investigate it further, or ignore and skip over it. You must also decide what the system should do if the change code is Change or Delete and it finds no matching record to change or delete.

After loading the ATP external data into the suspense table and selecting the parameters for the Search/Match process, run the CCATPPST.SQR process to post the data. You can process and post a single record or all records in the suspense table.

You can remove records from a ATP suspense table by running the ATP Purge Suspense File process.

The PeopleSoft Process Scheduler runs the CCATPPRG.SQR process and purges the designated records from the ATP suspense file. When it is finished, the organizations whose data was loaded are added to the database and organization IDs are assigned to them.

Before you load the external ATP data, you must set up ATP country names and school types. For information, see Setting Up ATP Country Names and School Types.

Page Name

Definition Name



ATP Load External Data


Campus Community > Organization > Organizations Data Load > ATP Load External Data

Specify the source from which the load process should get the ATP data.

ATP Suspense Process Options


Campus Community > Organization > Organizations Data Load > ATP Suspense > ATP Suspense Process Options

Review and edit the status of data in the ATP Suspense Table.

ATP Suspense Address Data


Campus Community > Organization > Organizations Data Load > ATP Suspense > ATP Suspense Address Data

Review address information loaded for a specific school.

ATP Suspense Data


Campus Community > Organization > Organizations Data Load > ATP Suspense > ATP Suspense Data

Review data other than address data for the school record loaded.

ATP Messages


Campus Community > Organization > Organizations Data Load > ATP Suspense > ATP Messages

Review and resolve ATP suspense messages.

ATP Messages


Campus Community > Organization > Organizations Data Load > ATP Messages

Review any of the ATP data messages in your system.

ATP Search Parameters


Campus Community > Organization > Organizations Data Load > ATP Search/Match/Post > ATP Search Parameters

Select search parameters to identify duplicate matching records before posting the data.

ATP Post Parameters


Campus Community > Organization > Organizations Data Load > ATP Search/Match/Post > ATP Post Parameters

Select parameters for posting the data.

ATP Purge Suspense File


Campus Community > Organization > Organizations Data Load > ATP Purge Suspense File

Purge data from the ATP Suspense Table.

Access the ATP Load External Data (Campus Community > Organization > Organizations Data Load > ATP Load External Data).

Field or Control


College Data

If the ATP data is college data, specify the correct path to the input file here.

Secondary School Data

If the ATP data is secondary school data, specify the correct path to the input file here.

Access the ATP Suspense Process Options page (Campus Community > Organization > Organizations Data Load > ATP Suspense > ATP Suspense Process Options).

The top portion of this page displays information about the ATP record: the ATP record number, date loaded, input source, ATP code, and ATP name. You can override the ATP code and ATP name if necessary.

Processing Options

Values for the Edit, Search, and Post fields are delivered preset with the system.

Warning! You can manually edit the values in the Edit, Search, and Post fields; however, if any of these fields shows a status of Error and you manually change the status without correcting the error, you might have problems when posting the data.

Field or Control



The status of the record as the result of the load external data process.

Complete: The program was able to process this record without a problem.

Error: The program encountered problems when processing this record.

Perform: This value is only set manually and is for informational purposes.


The status of the record as the result of the Search/Match process:

Complete: The Search/Match process ran without errors.

Error: The Search/Match process ran and errors were detected in this record.

Perform: The Search/Match process was not yet run for this record or the Search/Match process is set so that the record will be re-selected.


The status of the record as the result of the post process. These values can be entered manually; however, some are entered by the system after processes are run, as described below:

Delete ID: The system encountered an indication that the organization was deleted from the tape.

Set by the system during the Search/Match process if it is unable to add data to a deleted organization. Can also be set manually.

Error: The Post process encountered a problem.

Set by the system during the Post process.

New ID Add: The system was unable to find a match in the database and will add a record with a new ID when the Post process is run, provided that the system finds no matches and an ATP change code of Add.

Set by the system during the Search/Match process if no match is found and a new one is added.

No Action: This value is only added manually. It is not automatically entered by the system. If this value is entered, the Post and Purge processes ignore the record. Set manually.

Purge: This value indicates that this suspense record is removed from the system during the Purge process.

Set by the system during the Post process if the record is successfully processed.

Update ID: The system found a matching ID in the database. This existing ID record is updated with the data from this ATP record during the Post process.

Set by the system during the Search/Match process if a match is found in the database.

Wait Search: This record is in the Suspense Table and is waiting to be processed by the Search/Match process.

Set by the system during the ATP Load External Data process.

Error Indicators

When the Error indicator appears in the Edit field in the Processing Options group box, the Error Indicators group box identifies the type of error.

Note: Correct errors on the appropriate page before running the Post process. When you make and save the correction, the system updates the Processing Options group box fields accordingly. For example, if the Edit field value is Error and you fix the errors in the file so that the system now recognizes the data, when you save the change, the system changes the Edit field to Complete. You should always save before changing any of the processing options so that you can review the results of any data changes.

Field or Control


Name Error

When selected, indicates that the system could not recognize the name data.

Foreign Address Error

When selected, indicates that the system could not recognize the address data or that the country of the address is not in the database.

Change Code Options

Field or Control


Change Date

The system automatically displays the date when the ATP Load External Data process ran. You can change this date if necessary.

Change Code

Instructs the system what to do with the record loaded by the ATP Load External Data process. The system automatically displays the value of Add for each record loaded by the process.

Values for this field are delivered with the system. Do not modify these values in any way. Any modifications to these values could require substantial programming effort.

Add: Add the record loaded by the ATP Load process to the database as a new record.

Change: Change the existing record to reflect the record loaded by the ATP Load process.

Delete: Delete the record loaded by the ATP Load process.

See Loading External ATP Data.

Search/Match Results

Field or Control



The number of matches that the Search/Match process found for this organization.

Note: You can view additional information about errors and other processing actions on the ATP Messages page.

Access the ATP Suspense Address Data page (Campus Community > Organization > Organizations Data Load > ATP Suspense > ATP Suspense Address Data).

The external data load provides the information on this page. You can change the address information if necessary.

Access the ATP Suspense Data page (Campus Community > Organization > Organizations Data Load > ATP Suspense > ATP Suspense Data).

Field or Control


External Organization ID

The system displays the existing ID of the organization or, if none exists, assigns the next available new ID when you save.

Location Number

The address location number of this organization. The default location number when adding a new organization is one.

New Location Number

When selected, indicates that the system found that the organization exists in your database, but the location address was changed or added by the data load. You can overwrite the new location number by specifying a location number or clearing the New Location Number check box.

School Type

For the College data file, the system displays the school type if a value exists in the source file.

For the Secondary School data file, the system displays the mapped LS School Type for the corresponding school type in the source file. You map the LS school types to ATP school types in the ATP School Type Table page.

Program In Years

For the College data file, the system displays the program in years if a value exists in the source file.


For the College data file, the system displays the proprietorship if a value exists in the source file. If the College data file does not contain a value, the system sets the proprietorship value to Other.

Values for this field are delivered with the system. Do not modify these values in any way. Any modifications to these values could require substantial programming effort.

Status of Institution

For the College data file, the system displays the status of institution if a value exists in the source file.

Transcript Translation Required

When selected, indicates that the transcript from this organization needs to be translated.

For the Secondary School data file, the system does not display the Program in Years, Proprietorship, and Status of Institution values because these values do not exist in the source file.

Access the ATP Messages (Suspense) page (Campus Community > Organization > Organizations Data Load > ATP Suspense > ATP Messages).

The ATP Messages (Suspense) page is for viewing purposes only. You cannot enter or modify data here.

Access the ATP Messages page (Campus Community > Organization > Organizations Data Load > ATP Messages).

Enter any combination of record number, process instance (generated by the process scheduler), date loaded, and ATP code. Click the Search button to launch the search for all ATP messages based on the criteria you selected.

Access the ATP Search Parameters page (Campus Community > Organization > Organizations Data Load > ATP Search/Match/Post > ATP Search Parameters).

These values are common to each group box on this page:

Field or Control



Select for the system to automatically add the load data.


Select for the system to automatically overwrite the existing data with the new load data.


Select for the system to set the load data aside and post a message about it to the ATP Messages page until you can investigate further.


Select for the system to do nothing with the load data or to your database, but to continue with the ATP Search/Match process.


Field or Control


One Match

Select what you want the system to do (update, suspend, or ignore) when the change code is Add and the Search/Match process finds one match.


Field or Control


No Match

Select what you want the system to do (update, suspend, or ignore) when the change code is Change and the Search/Match process finds no match.


Field or Control


No Match

Select what you want the system to do (update, suspend, or ignore) when the change code is Delete and the Search/Match process finds no match.


Field or Control


Multiple Matches

Select what you want the system to do (update, suspend, or ignore) when the change code is Add, Change, or Delete and the Search/Match process finds multiple matches.

Note: The Search/Match process used inside the ATP Search/Match/Post process is independent from Search/Match for organizations.

Access the ATP Post Parameters page (Campus Community > Organization > Organizations Data Load > ATP Search/Match/Post > ATP Post Parameters).

Search/Match/Post Execution Option

Select the processes to run: Search, Match and Post, Post Only, or Search and Match Only.

Note: If you choose to run either Search, Match and Post, or Search and Match Only, you should indicate the conflict parameters on the ATP Search Parameters page.

ATP Post Processing Parameters

Field or Control


Process Single Record

Select to set the specified process to run only on one record. You must specify the ATP record number for the school the system posts.

When you click Runand schedule the process, the PeopleSoft Process Scheduler runs the CCATPPST.SQR process and posts the ATP data.

Note: If you selected Search, Match and Post, or Search and Match Only, you should review messages on the ATP Messages page to investigate and resolve conflicts for which you set the search parameters to Suspend.

Access the ATP Purge Suspense File page (Campus Community > Organization > Organizations Data Load > ATP Purge Suspense File).

ATP Purge Processing Parameters

Field or Control


All Suspense Rows

Select to set the process to purge all records in the suspense tables.

Marked Suspense Rows

Select to set the process to purge only those records marked Purge in the suspense file, as indicated in the ATP Suspense Process Options page.

ATP Message Purge Processing Parameters

Field or Control


Remove Associated Messages

Select to set the process to purge messages associated with the row of data selected by the Marked Suspense Rows option.

Retain Associated Messages

Select to set the process not to purge any messages associated with the row of data selected by the Marked Suspense Rows option.

All Messages

Select to set the process to purge all messages from the suspense files. You should select this option if you selected the All Suspense Rowsoption.