Processing Evaluations in Batch

This section discusses how to select and process groups of evaluations.

Page Name

Definition Name



Create and Maintain Evaluations


Campus Community > Evaluation Management System > Create/Maintain Evaluations

Create, update or delete evaluations for a group of IDs.

Access the Create and Maintain Evaluations page (Campus Community > Evaluation Management System > Create/Maintain Evaluations).

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Create and Maintain Evaluations page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Create and Maintain Evaluations page

The fields on this page change, depending on the Selected Process option you select.

Field or Control


Selected Process

Select one of three processing options:

Create Evaluations: To create a new evaluation for the selected IDs.

Delete Evaluations: To delete the evaluation data for the selected IDs.

Update Evaluations: To make updates and changes, within certain conditions, to existing evaluations.

Start Workflow: To initiate workflow processing for the selected IDs.

Evaluation Category

Enter an evaluation category; categories are defined on the Define Evaluation Category page.

Evaluation Code

Enter an evaluation code; codes are defined in the Define Evaluation Code component.

Create Evaluations

Enter an Evaluation Category and Evaluation Code, then use Population Selection to select IDs for which you want to create new evaluations.

Delete Evaluations

Use Population Selection to select IDs for which you want to delete evaluations. The system deletes evaluations based on evaluation instance number.

Update Evaluations

You have multiple maintenance options to take against a selected population of evaluations.

Field or Control


Update Action

Specify updates to these fields on the Evaluation Overview in the Manage Evaluation component: Administrator, Evaluation Status, Status Date, Recommendation, and Recommend Prize.

Administrator: prompts against all IDs in the system.

Evaluation Status: prompts against valid statuses set up on the Evaluation Code setup page.

Status Date: specify the date the process should use in the update.

Recommendation: prompts against valid recommendation values set up on the Evaluation Code setup page.

Recommend Prize: prompts against Evaluation Codes set up for a recommended prize.

You also have the option to: Add Component, Add Evaluator, Assign Committee Administrator, Assign Scheme Administrator, Reassign Evaluator, Remove Component, and Remove Evaluator.

The remaining fields in this group box become available for entry.

Scheme Type

Select either Committee or Individual Evaluator. The remaining fields in this group box change depending on your selection.

Scheme Name

Available values in this field depend on the Scheme Type you select.

Eval Committee

This field is only available if the Scheme Type is Committee.

Evaluator ID

This field prompts against all IDs in the system.

Committee Role

This field is only available if the Scheme Type is Committee.

Start Workflow

Use Population Selection to select IDs for which you want to start workflow. The system starts workflow based upon the evaluation instance number.

Population Selection

Population selection is a method for selecting the person IDs to process for a specific transaction. The Population Selection group box is a standard group box that appears on run control pages when the Population Selection process is available or required for the transaction. Selection tools are available based on the selection tools that your institution selected in the setup of the Population Selection process for the application process, and on your user security. Fields in the group box appear based on the selection tool that you select. The fields behave the same way from within the group box on all run control pages and application processes.

The PeopleSoft system delivers predefined sample queries to enable you to select person IDs, organization IDs, or both. The predefined queries are:

  • QA_CS_CC_EMS_APPL – for identifying applicants for evaluation creation.

  • QA_CS_CC_EMS_THESIS – for identifying thesis candidates for evaluation creation.

  • QA_CS_CC_EMS_UPD_DEL – for identifying IDs based upon evaluation instance ID to update or delete an evaluation and also for the Start Workflow process.

The PeopleSoft system also delivers predefined sample equations to enable you to select person IDs, organization IDs, or both. The predefined equations are:

  • CCEMPSCRTADM - for identifying applicants for evaluation creation.

  • CCEMPSCRTTHS - for identifying thesis candidates for evaluation creation.

  • CCEMPSUPDDEL - for identifying IDs based upon evaluation instance ID to update or delete an evaluation.

If your institution uses a specific delivered selection tool (PS Query, Equation Engine equation, or external file) to identify IDs for a specific transaction, you must use it.

When you click the Run button, the SCC_GE_MAINT App Engine process launches and processes the selected IDs for the action selected on the run control. View the message log for information about the process results and actions taken and any exceptions that may have occurred during the processing.