Reviewing Events, Meetings, and Attendees

After you enter campus events, you can review the information in several ways. You can review events by facility, review all meetings or all attendees for an event, or review attendees for a meeting. You can even search meetings and events to determine if a specific individual is an attendee.

This section discusses how to:

  • Review events by facility and meeting date.

  • Review event meetings.

  • Review attendees for an event.

  • Review attendees by meeting.

  • Review event meetings for an attendee.

  • Review an attendee's event summary.

  • Review an attendee's event meetings summary.

  • Review an attendee's guests.

Page Name

Definition Name



Campus Meeting Details


Campus Community > Campus Event Planning > View Event Information > Campus Meeting Details

Review events by facility and meeting date.

Event Meeting


Campus Community > Campus Event Planning > View Event Information > Event Summary > Event Meeting

Review all meetings for an event.

Event Attendee


Campus Community > Campus Event Planning > View Event Information > Event Summary > Event Attendee

Review all attendees for an event.

Event Meeting Attendees


Campus Community > Campus Event Planning > View Event Information > Event Summary > Event Meeting Attendees

Review attendees for meetings of an event.

Event Attendee Meeting


Campus Community > Campus Event Planning > View Event Information > Event Summary > Event Attendee Meeting

Review meetings scheduled for specific attendees.

Person Event Summary


Campus Community > Campus Event Planning > View Event Information > Person Event Summary

Review all of the events for which an individual is an attendee. This information is useful for viewing a summary of the individual's meeting schedule.

Attendee Meetings


Click the Meeting button on the Person Event Summary page.

Review the specific meetings that an individual is scheduled to attend at an event.

Attendee Guests


Click the Guest button on the Person Event Summary page.

Review all guests assigned to an individual for an event.

Access the Campus Meeting Details page (Campus Community > Campus Event Planning > View Event Information > Campus Meeting Details).

Field or Control


Meeting Date

The calendar date to review to determine if any meetings are scheduled for this facility.


Click this button to launch the search for meetings scheduled for the specified calendar date. If the system finds meetings scheduled for that date, it displays the data in the Campus Meeting Info scroll area at the bottom of the page.

Access the Event Meeting page (Campus Community > Campus Event Planning > View Event Information > Event Summary > Event Meeting).

This page lists scheduled event meetings and is for viewing purposes only. You cannot enter or modify data here.

Access the Event Attendee page (Campus Community > Campus Event Planning > View Event Information > Event Summary > Event Attendee).

This page lists the attendees for an event and is for viewing purposes only. You cannot enter or modify data here.

Access the Event Meeting Attendees page (Campus Community > Campus Event Planning > View Event Information > Event Summary > Event Meeting Attendees).

Field or Control


Event Meeting

The number of the meeting whose attendees you want to review. An event meeting number is required.

Sort By

Select how you want the system to sort the results.

Field or Control



Click this button to launch the search based on the criteria that you selected.

Access the Event Attendee Meeting page (Campus Community > Campus Event Planning > View Event Information > Event Summary > Event Attendee Meeting).

Field or Control



The attendee number of the attendee whose meetings you want to review. An attendee number is required.

Sort By

Select how you want the system to sort the results.

Field or Control



Click this button to launch the search based on the criteria you selected.

Access the Person Event Summary page (Campus Community > Campus Event Planning > View Event Information > Person Event Summary).

This page is for viewing purposes only. You cannot enter or modify data here.

Field or Control



Click to access the Attendee Meetings page, where you can view the specific meetings that the individual is scheduled to attend at an event.


Click to access the Attendee Guests page, where you can view all guests assigned to this individual for an event.

Access the Attendee Meetings page (click the Meeting button on the Person Event Summary page).

This page lists the meetings scheduled for an attendee in an event. It is for viewing purposes only. You cannot enter or modify data here.

Access the Attendee Guests page (click the Guest button on the Person Event Summary page).

This page lists all the guests assigned to this individual for an event and is for viewing purposes only. You cannot enter or modify data here.