Setting Up Checklist Items

This section discusses how to define checklist items for both the PeopleSoft Classic and Fluid User Interfaces. To set up checklist items in either the Classic or Fluid User Interfaces, use the Checklist Item Table component (CS_CHK_ITEM_TBL).

Page Name

Definition Name



Checklist Item Table


SCC_CKLSITM_TBL for the Fluid interface.

  • Set Up SACR > Common Definitions > Checklists > Checklist Item Table

  • Campus Community > Checklists > Set Up Checklists > Checklist Item Table

Define items to make available for checklists.

Configure the checklist items that appear in Fluid Self Service using the Checklist Item table.

Access the Checklist Item Table page (Set Up SACR > Common Definitions > Checklists > Checklist Item Table).

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Checklist Item Table page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Checklist Item Table page (1 of 2)

This example illustrates the variable fields set up for display in the Fluid User Interface.

Checklist Item Table page (2 of 2)

Field or Control


Item Association

If the item is associated with a particular person or organization in any way, you can select either Name or Organization to indicate that.

The item association that you select here is used on checklist management pages when you assign checklists to IDs. Although you assign the checklist to the ID, you might want to know that an item must come from, or is in some other way associated with, another individual or organization. For example, you might assign a checklist item called Transcript to an individual, and that item might be created with an item association of Organization. On the checklist management page where you assign the checklist to the ID, you can identify the organization (for example, PeopleSoft University) from which that transcript is needed for the applicant to be admitted. This is especially helpful if you need to receive multiple transcripts for an applicant.

The Item Update - Automated process, which links checklist items with transcripts with general materials, such as recommendation letters, and with tests scores in PeopleSoft Recruiting and Admissions, also uses this.

Values for this field are delivered with your system as translate values. You should not modify these translate values.


Enter comments to further describe or define this Item Code. This is a rich text field, so you can format text and include external URLs or email links that are displayed on a Fluid User Interface.

Fluid Field Display

Set up these optional fields for the PeopleSoft Fluid User Interface.

Use the check boxes to set up optional fields to be displayed on the Task Details page from Person Checklist Item. By default, the check boxes are not selected for new records. The Checklist Code Descr and Comments are always displayed. If there is more than one active institution, the institution is displayed.

  • Organization—the check box is enabled only if the Item Association value is Organization. Select either an Ext Org ID (ASSOC_ID) or enter a value on the Checklist Management page.

  • Variable Data—the check box is enabled for checklist items associated with admin functions used for person checklists that have variable data fields. Variable data fields are displayed from the relevant record (VAR_DATA_XXXX) based on the admin function associated with the checklist assigned to the student. If a variable data field does not contain a value or is zero, the field is not displayed on the Task Details page. In some instances, a description is displayed rather than the field value.

  • Status—status of the checklist item.

  • Status Date—date associated with the status.

  • Contact Name—if the check box is selected, the name of the person defined as the Responsible ID in the Person Checklist Item is displayed. If defined, the preferred name is displayed, otherwise the primary name is displayed. If a Responsible ID is not defined, the field is not displayed.

  • Contact Email— if the check box is selected, the preferred email of the defined Responsible ID in the Person Checklist Item is displayed. If a Responsible ID is not defined or if the Responsible ID does not have a preferred email defined, the field is not displayed.

  • Due Date

Note: Since Admissions checklist items appear in the context of an application, the Variable Data fields are not displayed in them.

Action Button Label

Set up an optional button in the Hold Details modal page to navigate to another Fluid self-service page. If configured, also define the target Fluid page in the Menu, Component and Page fields.

For the Action Button to be displayed on mobile devices without the need for horizontal scrolling, ensure that the label value has a maximum of 30 characters.

Variable Data Fields by Function





Admissions Application

  • Academic Career (ACAD_CAREER): Description (max 30 chars). Not displayed if field is blank.

  • Career Number (STDNT_CAR_NBR): Field value (max 3 digits). Zero values are displayed.

  • Application Number (ADM_APPL_NBR): Field value (max 8 chars). Not displayed if the field is blank.


Admissions Program

  • Academic Career (ACAD_CAREER): Description (max 30 chars). Not displayed if field is blank.

  • Career Number (STDNT_CAR_NBR): Field value (max 3 digits). Zero values are displayed.

  • Application Number (ADM_APPL_NBR): Field value (max 8 chars). Not displayed if the field is blank.

  • Program Number (APP_PROG_NBR): Field value (max 3 digits). Not displayed if the field is zero, or if Application Number is blank.



  • Aid Year (AID_YEAR): Description (max 30 chars). Not displayed if field is blank.

  • Academic Career (ACAD_CAREER): Description (max 30 chars). Not displayed if field is blank.

  • Item Type (ITEM_TYPE): Description (max 30 chars) or field value (max 12 chars). Hidden if the field is blank, or if Aid Year is blank.


Budget Maintenance

  • Academic Career (ACAD_CAREER): Description (max 30 chars). Not displayed if field is blank.

  • Aid Year (AID_YEAR): Description (max 30 chars). Not displayed if field is blank.

  • Effective Date (EFFDT_VAR): Date, format as per user preference. Not displayed if the field is blank.

  • Term (STRM): Description (max 30 chars). Not displayed if the field is blank.


CAS Notification

  • Academic Career (ACAD_CAREER): Description (max 30 chars). Not displayed if field is blank.

  • Career Number (STDNT_CAR_NBR): Field value (max 3 digits). Zero values are displayed.

  • CAS Number (SAD_PB_CAS_NUMBER): Field value (max 14 chars). Not displayed if the field is blank.



  • Event ID (CAMPUS_EVENT_NBR): Description (max 30 chars).Not displayed if the field is blank.

  • Meeting(EVENT_MTG_NBR): Description (max 30 chars). Not displayed if field is blank, or if Event ID is blank.


Financial Aid

Aid Year (AID_YEAR): Description (max 30 chars). Not displayed if field is blank.


Financial Aid Term

  • Aid Year (AID_YEAR): Description (max 30 chars). Not displayed if field is blank.

  • Term (STRM): Description (max 30 chars). Not displayed if the field is blank.


International Health Coverage

Coverage Number (SSF_IHC_COVER_NBR): Field value (max 3 digits).


ISIR Corrections

  • Aid Year (AID_YEAR): Description (max 30 chars). Not displayed if field is blank.

  • Effective Date (EFFDT_VAR): Date, format as per user preference.Not displayed if the field is blank.

  • Sequence Number (EFFSEQ_VAR): Field value (max 2 digits). Not displayed if the field is blank.



  • Aid Year (AID_YEAR): Description (max 30 chars). Not displayed if field is blank.

  • Academic Career (ACAD_CAREER): Description (max 30 chars). Not displayed if field is blank.

  • Loan Type (LOAN_TYPE): Description (max 30 chars). Not displayed if the field is blank, or if Aid Year is blank

  • Application Sequence (LN_APPL_SEQ): Field value (max 2 digits). Not displayed if the field is zero.

  • Loan Application ID (LN_APPL_ID): Field value (max 21 chars). Not displayed if the field is blank.


Internships NLD

Internal Contract (SAD_INT_CONTR_NLD): Field value (max 16 chars).


Educational contracts NLD

Contract Number (SAD_CONTRACTNR_NLD): Field value (max 12 digits).


Prospect Program

  • Academic Career (ACAD_CAREER): Description (max 30 chars). Not displayed if field is blank.

  • Academic Program (ACAD_PROG): Description (max 30 chars). Not displayed if field is blank.



Academic Career (ACAD_CAREER): Description (max 30 chars). Not displayed if field is blank.


Prospect Self Service

Academic Career (ACAD_CAREER): Description (max 30 chars). Not displayed if field is blank.



Academic Career (ACAD_CAREER): Description (max 30 chars). Not displayed if field is blank.


Research Requirement

  • Candidate Number (SSR_RS_CANDIT_NBR): Field value (max 12 chars). Not displayed if the field is blank. Field label is Candidate rather than Candidature to be consistent with Research SS.

  • Assignment Type(SSR_RS_RQUIRE_TYPE): Description (max 100 chars). Not displayed if the field is blank.


Research Administration

Candidate Number(SSR_RS_CANDIT_NBR): Field value (max 12 chars).


Restricted Aid

  • Aid Year (AID_YEAR): Description (max 30 chars). Not displayed if field is blank.

  • Restricted Aid ID (RESTRICTED_AID_ID): Field value (max 10 chars). Not displayed if the field is blank.


Student Enrollment

  • Academic Career (ACAD_CAREER): Description (max 30 chars). Not displayed if field is blank.

  • Term (STRM): Description (max 30 chars). Not displayed if the field is blank.

  • Class Number (CLASS_NBR): Field value (max 5 digits). Not displayed if the field is zero.


Student Financials Account

  • Business Unit (BUSINESS_UNIT): Description (max 30 chars). Not displayed if the field is blank.

  • Account Number (ACCOUNT_NBR): Field value (max 10 chars).Not displayed if the field is blank.

  • Account Term (STRM): Description (max 30 chars). Not displayed if the field is blank.


Student Financials Billing

  • Business Unit (BUSINESS_UNIT): Description (max 30 chars). Not displayed if the field is blank.

  • Invoice Number (INVOICE_ID): Field value (max 22 chars). Not displayed if the field is blank.


Student Financials Collections

  • Business Unit (BUSINESS_UNIT): Description (max 30 chars). Not displayed if the field is blank.

  • Collection ID (COLLECTION_ID): Field value (max 12 digits). Not displayed if the field is zero.


Student Financials Item Lines

  • Business Unit (BUSINESS_UNIT): Description (max 30 chars). Not displayed if the field is blank.

  • Item Number (ITEM_NBR): Field value (max 15 chars). Not displayed if the field is blank.

  • Line Sequence Number (LINE_SEQ_NBR): Field value (max 3 digits). Not displayed if the field is zero.


Student Financials Payments

  • Business Unit (BUSINESS_UNIT): Description (max 30 chars). Not displayed if the field is blank.

  • Payment ID Number (PAYMENT_ID_NBR): Field value (max 3 digits). Not displayed if the field is zero.


Student Financials Promise



Student Financials Receipt

  • Business Unit (BUSINESS_UNIT): Description (max 30 chars). Not displayed if the field is blank.

  • Cashier's Office (CASHIER_OFFICE): Description (max 30 chars). Not displayed if the field is blank, or if Business Unit is blank.

  • Receipt Number (RECEIPT_NBR) Field value (max 12 digits). Not displayed if the field is zero.


Student Financials Refund

  • Business Unit (BUSINESS_UNIT): Description (max 30 chars). Not displayed if the field is blank.

  • Refund Number (REFUND_NBR): Field value (max 12 digits). Not displayed if the value is zero.


Student Financials Contracts

  • Business Unit (BUSINESS_UNIT): Description (max 30 chars). Not displayed if the field is blank.

  • Contract Number (CONTRACT_NUM): Field value (max 25 chars). Not displayed if the field is blank.


Student Program

  • Academic Career (ACAD_CAREER): Description (max 30 chars). Not displayed if field is blank. (This is only possible if Career Number is not zero).

  • Career Number (STDNT_CAR_NBR): Field value (max 3 digits). Zero values are displayed. Not displayed if Academic Career is blank.


Student Term

  • Academic Career (ACAD_CAREER): Description (max 30 chars). Not displayed if field is blank. (This is only possible if Career Number is not zero).

  • Term (STRM): Description (max 30 chars). Not displayed if the field is blank.


Research Supervisors

  • Candidate Number (SSR_RS_CANDIT_NBR): Field value (max 12 chars). Not displayed if the field is blank

  • Supervisor Sequence (SSR_RS_SUPER_NBR): Field value (max 3 digits). Not displayed if the field is zero.


Thesis Administration

  • Candidate Number (SSR_RS_CANDIT_NBR): Field value (max 12 chars). Not displayed if the field is blank

  • Thesis Submission Number (SSR_RS_SUBMSSN_NBR): Field value (max 3 digits). Not displayed if the field is zero.


Research Topic

  • Candidate Number (SSR_RS_CANDIT_NBR): Field value (max 12 chars). Not displayed if the field is blank

  • Topic (SSR_RS_TOPIC_SEQ): Field value (max 3 digits). Not displayed if the field is zero.

Access the Checklist Item Table page (Set Up SACR > Common Definitions > Checklists > Checklist Item Table).

In the Fluid Field Display region, use the following information to set up the file upload functionality. This defines the Upload File button as a checklist item.

Field or Control


Action Button Label

Upload File

Menu Name


Component Name


Page Name