Understanding Campus Event Planning

You can use your system to help plan and manage campus events. A set of meetings comprises one overall event, and each meeting can have resources and staff assigned to it. For example, you could create an event called Orientation. Your template might include meetings such as a welcome reception, a general session, several workshops, and a tour of the campus. You can identify the required resources for each meeting (tables, chairs, brochures, banners, and so on), and assign and schedule the responsible staff.

Orientation, for example, is a recurring event, and each of the meetings might need the same resources and staff each time. You can create an Orientation event template to make it easier to regularly plan and manage this event. You can also use the template to plan similar events.

Courses are also events. You use event planning to assign classrooms, identify faculty, and schedule equipment for courses.

Note: Be careful not to confuse the events described in this section with 3C engine events. In this section, one attends the events; 3C engine events are data occurrences within the system.

You can use your system to get accurate counts of how many attendees you invited to an event, how many plan to attend, and how many actually attended.

You can identify attendees who are in your database versus those who are not. You can also add guests as attendees and associate them with the host attendee who invited them. Tracking guest information this way is especially useful in social situations. For example, if an attendee invites two coworkers who you know are key figures in the local community, you do not have to remember which attendee works with and invited them, you can check the list of attendees to find out.

Note: Attendees do not have to exist in your database to attend an event. However, if you want to add each attendee to your system, use the Biographical Information pages to create records and add them to your database. Adding attendees to your system enables you to include them in any confirmation, thank you, or other letter that you generate for the event.

Field or Control


Event ID

The ID number for an event. When you create a new event on the Events page, the event ID is all zeros until you save the page. After you save the page, the system assigns the next available event ID.

Event Type

Select the type, from the Event Types page prompt list, that describes the event.

Academic Institution

The academic institution responsible for the event.

Event Manager

The individual at your institution who is managing the event.

Event Meeting

The number of each meeting in the list of meetings for an event. The system automatically enters the next sequential number for each meeting that you add. You can override the number to reorder the list of meetings. When you return to the page, the meetings are listed in the specified order.

Primary Meeting

The primary meeting for the event. You can identify a primary meeting from the list of meetings for an event on the Event Template page. When you save the page, the system displays the event meeting number and corresponding meeting location for the primary meeting on the Event page.

Campus Coordinator

The individual at your institution who is responsible for, or should be contacted about, this meeting.

Department Sponsor

The department at your institution that is responsible for this meeting.


The name of the responsible department's manager. The system displays the manager's name if one is associated with the department sponsor on the Department Profile page.


An individual who is invited or scheduled to attend any event meeting.

Guest Relationship

The relationship between the host attendee and the guest attendee. If a guest is identified, the guest relationship is required.