Understanding Checklists

Use checklists to assign lists of requirements to individuals, organizations, events, or groups of individuals and to monitor progress toward completing those requirements. You can use checklists to track applications, organize recruitment mailings, assign tasks to staff members, generate a series of communication items, and so on.

You can assign checklists to an organization. For example, you might want to assign a checklist of recruitment items required from a specific high school, including a roster of the top 10 percent of the current graduating class, a list of athletic award winners, and scholarship applicants.

You can assign checklists to events. For example, if you are presenting a conference, you might want to create a checklist of things to do, including sending out invitations, booking a keynote speaker, setting food menus, and so on.

For each checklist item that you assign, you can specify the individual who is responsible for that item and the due date. If the item is also associated with an organization, you can specify the name of the organization responsible for the item. You can also specify an ultimate due date for the overall checklist.

You can assign checklists to individuals, organizations, and events manually, or you can use the 3C engine to automatically assign checklists to individuals or organizations based on rules and conditions that you define.

See Understanding the 3C Engine.

After a checklist is set up, you can, with appropriate security access, click the Create Checklists button on a page in a functional area about that individual or organization to view or update their checklists.

You can also navigate through the menus, as described in this section, to access the checklist management pages.

You can update the status of checklist items manually on the same checklist management pages where you assign the items, or you can view a summary of all checklist items assigned to an individual, organization, or event and manually update each checklist item status there.

You can update a specific checklist item for the IDs that you indicate. For example, when a recruiter makes phone calls to several prospects, he or she could select the Recruiter Phone Call checklist item to update and enter the ID of each individual who was called. When the page is saved, the system updates the status of the Recruiter Phone Call checklist item for each of the specified individuals.

You can use automated processes to update checklists, too. You can specify criteria to run either the Update - Automated process or the Update Checklists - by Item process to update checklists in the background.

Run the Item Update - Automated is a background process that updates the status of either a specific checklist item or all checklist items in three general areas (transcripts, general materials, and test scores) across the IDs that you specify. The process updates the checklists in the background and, once set up, does not require manual intervention. It automatically checks the status indicator for all items in each area that you select and, upon encountering a status of Complete for an item, updates the status of the relevant checklist.

You can use the 3C engine to automatically update checklist items either in the background or in real time, based on rules and events that you define.

Note: The 3C engine cannot update items that include organization and name IDs. You must update checklists for transcripts, test scores, and general material items either manually or by using the Item Update - Automated process.

You can review checklist information several ways. You can review checklist information for an individual, organization, or event; or you can review checklist information by tracking group for an individual or for an organization. You can review detailed checklist data for an organization, or you can search for a summary of the checklist data that you want to review for an organization. You can also review organization checklists by the tracking groups to which their checklist items are assigned.

Note: PeopleSoft Campus Self Service, which is licensed separately, offers self-service checklist functionality.

See Using Self-Service Checklists Data.